APPENDIX I — Separated financial statements of energy segment Mytilineos s.a. — group of companies

(Amounts in thousands €) Energy Production Energy Supply Natural Gas Supply RES Other Other Operations Mytilineos Group
Sales To Third Parties
Sales of electricity in Energy Exchange Group & DAPEEP (ex LAGHE) 1,553,439 51,383 - 51,959 - - 1,656,782
Sales in ADMHE 147 - - 71 - - 219
Sales in DEDDHE - - - - - - -
Sales of electricity to retail consumers - 1,455,547 - - - - 1,455,547
Exports of electricity - 110,992 - - - - 110,992
Other income 3,705 2,680 - 26,608 3,670 - 36,663
Sales of Natural Gas - - 2,342,997 - - - 2,342,997
Other Income of Natural Gas - - 2,624 - - - 2,624
Intercompany Sales
Supply of Electricity - 313 - - - - 313
Other Services 16 - - 453 1,879 - 2,348
Intercompany Sales of Natural Gas - - 466,448 - - - 466,448
Income Of Other Group Operations
Income from other group operations - - - - - 346,589 346,589
Total Income 1,557,308 1,620,915 2,812,069 79,091 5,548 346,589 6,421,518
Expenses & Purchases
Imports of electricity - (29,702) - - - - (29,702)
Purchase of electricity from Energy Exchange Group & DAPEEP (ex LAGHE) (993) (1,241,186) - (56) - - (1,242,236)
Purchase of electricity by 3rd parties - (32,065) - (107) - - (32,172)
Services from ADMHE (1) (20,306) - - - - (20,307)
Services from DEDDIE (16) (199,485) - - - - (199,500)
Supply costs of Natural Gas - - (2,450,218) - - - (2,450,218)
Other Costs of Natural Gas - - (1,655) - - - (1,655)
Transmission costs of Natural Gas - - (39,628) - - - (39,628)
Distribution costs of Natural Gas - - - - - - -
Payroll (10,435) (20,563) (27,360) (1,136) (1,280) - (60,774)
Third party fees (20,576) (58,567) (90,502) (3,105) (2,645) - (175,395)
CO2 Rights (142,847) - - - - - (142,847)
Natural Gas consumption (606,740) - - - - - (606,740)
Third Party Maintenance & Benefits (6,421) (779) (1,377) (5,473) - - (14,051)
Other third party benefits (7,482) (2,433) (1,303) (1,524) (26) - (12,768)
Taxes - Duties (3,755) (1,205) (2,095) (1,766) (2,052) - (10,873)
Other Expenses (18,711) (2,478) (2,648) (477) (62) - (24,370)
Depreciation (34,066) (8,126) (3,671) (9,077) (59) - (54,998)
Provisions - (15,313) (65,497) (2) - - (80,812)
Financial Results (4,730) 17,106 (3,805) (10,990) 4,187 - 1,768
Financial Results - - - - - - -
Impairment - - - - - - -
Losses / (Gains) on exchange differences (2,764) (2) - (38) (6) - (2,809)
Extraordinary (Income) / Expenses 1,555 (10,691) (903) (2,071) (44) - (12,155)
Intercompany Expenses & Purchases
Supply of Electricity - (124) - - - - (124)
Other Services (665) (223) - (1,650) (3) - (2,541)
Natural Gas consumption (466,448) - - - - - (466,448)
Financial Results - - - - - - -
Expenses Of Other Group Operations - - - - - (104,725) (104,725)
Total Expenses (1,325,095) (1,626,142) (2,690,662) (37,472) (1,990) (104,725) (5,786,080)
Profits/ (Loss) Before Taxes 232,214 (5,227) 121,406 41,619 3,559 241,864 635,438
Result From Discontinuing Operations - - - - - 2,764 2,764
Profits / (Loss) Before Taxes From Continuing Operations 232,211 (5,226) 121,409 41,619 3,559 239,100 632,673
(Amounts in thousands €) Energy Production Energy Supply Natural Gas Supply RES Other Other Operations Mytilineos Group
Sales To Third Parties
Sales of electricity in Energy Exchange Group & DAPEEP (ex LAGHE) 744,352 12,093 - 52,246 - - 808,691
Sales in ADMHE (95) 26 - 81 - - 12
Sales in DEDDHE - - - - - - -
Sales of electricity to retail consumers - 711,809 - - - - 711,809
Exports of electricity - 27,841 - - - - 27,841
Other income 130 2,348 52 968 - - 3,498
Sales of Natural Gas - - 242,584 - - - 242,584
Other Income of Natural Gas - - 216 - - - 216
Intercompany Sales
Supply of Electricity - 229 - - - - 229
Other Services 167 - 4,284 246 1,815 - 6,512
Intercompany Sales of Natural Gas - - 154,699 - - - 154,699
Income Of Other Group Operations
Income from other group operations - - - - - 734,278 734,278
Total Income 744,554 754,346 401,835 53,541 1,815 734,278 2,690,369
Expenses & Purchases
Imports of electricity - (8,023) - - - - (8,023)
Purchase of electricity from Energy Exchange Group & DAPEEP (ex LAGHE) (633) (598,339) - (44) - - (599,016)
Purchase of electricity by 3rd parties (10) (2,829) - 563 - - (2,276)
Services from ADMHE - (15,153) - - - - (15,153)
Services from DEDDIE (13) (151,867) - - - - (151,880)
Supply costs of Natural Gas - - (360,069) - - - (360,069)
Other Costs of Natural Gas - - (2,422) - - - (2,422)
Transmission costs of Natural Gas - - (19,527) - - - (19,527)
Distribution costs of Natural Gas - - - - - - -
Payroll (6,640) (12,888) (4,583) (663) (1,088) - (25,862)
Third party fees (2,856) (14,058) (4,949) (1,548) (17) - (23,428)
CO2 Rights (87,045) - - - - - (87,045)
Natural Gas consumption (280,716) - - - - - (280,716)
Third Party Maintenance & Benefits (4,785) (191) (96) (5,557) - - (10,629)
Other third party benefits (4,200) (2,256) (400) (1,032) (9) - (7,897)
Taxes - Duties (3,621) (36) (19) (1,833) (324) - (5,833)
Other Expenses (2,992) (6,179) (2,545) (946) (93) - (12,755)
Depreciation (32,930) (5,701) (937) (8,717) (63) - (48,348)
Provisions - (5,531) (227) (4) - - (5,762)
Financial Results (5,959) 4,047 (845) (2,563) (1,106) - (6,426)
Financial Results - (2,189) - - - - (2,189)
Impairment - - - (2,275) - - (2,275)
Losses / (Gains) on exchange differences (2,613) - - - - - (2,613)
Extraordinary (Income) / Expenses (266) (1,738) (93) (213) (335) - (2,645)
Intercompany Expenses & Purchases
Supply of Electricity - - - - - - -
Other Services (635) (115) (150) (1,557) - - (2,457)
Natural Gas consumption (158,982) - - - - - (158,982)
Financial Results - - - - - - -
Expenses Of Other Group Operations - - - - - (624,502) (624,502)
Total Expenses (594,896) (823,046) (396,862) (26,389) (3,035) (624,502) (2,468,730)
Profits/ (Loss) Before Taxes 149,658 (68,700) 4,973 27,152 (1,220) 109,776 221,639
Result From Discontinuing Operations - - - - - 504 504
Profits / (Loss) Before Taxes From Continuing Operations 149,658 (68,700) 4,973 27,152 (1,220) 109,272 221,135
(Amounts in thousands €) Energy Production Energy Supply Natural Gas Supply RES Other Other Operations Mytilineos Group
Non current assets
Tangible Assets 854,549 1,509 1 278,254 934 551,163 1,686,411
Goodwill - - - 14,212 - 206,301 220,513
Intangible Assets 101,480 9,744 709 14,926 26 113,238 240,123
Investments in Subsidiary Companies - 73,767 - 30,288 203,260 (307,315) -
Investments in Associate Companies - - - - - 21,738 21,738
Deferred Tax Receivables 8,702 248 44 5,904 101 134,155 149,154
Other Financial Assets - - - - - 153 153
Derivatives - - - - - 5,151 5,151
Other Long-term Receivables 158 10,475 73,195 (88) 92 14,091 97,924
Right-of-use-assets 3,286 377 146 15,353 51 40,004 59,217
Total Non Current Assets 968,174 96,121 74,095 358,849 204,465 778,679 2,480,383
Current assets
Total Stock 33,780 - 55,238 242 - 751,105 840,364
Trade and other receivables 50,180 129,277 113,196 24,875 6,903 1,126,812 1,451,242
Other receivables 52,323 22,966 278,478 55,419 165,560 401,065 975,812
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - - - - 72 138 210
Derivatives - - - - - 94,441 94,441
Cash and cash equivalents 317,582 67,551 553,826 63,451 6,945 50,520 1,059,875
Intersegment - - - - - - -
Total Current Assets 453,864 219,793 1,000,739 143,987 179,480 2,424,081 4,421,943
Total Assets 1,422,037 315,914 1.,074,835 502,836 383,944 3,202,760 6,902,327
Equity & Liabilities
Components of Equity 795,335 (42,268) 146,209 184,478 264,963 781,297 2,130,013
Retained earnings - - - - - - -
Equity attribute to parent’s shareholders 795,335 (42,268) 146,209 184,478 264,963 781,297 2,130,013
Non controlling Interests - - - - - 91,049 91,049
Total Equity 795,335 (42,268) 146,209 184,478 264,963 872,344 2,221,060
Capital allocation between Business Units 304,344 159,435 (491) 8,623 82,044 (553,955) -
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term debt 13,652 - - 22,680 - 1,510,738 1,547,070
Lease liabilities 3,569 264 113 15,569 23 35,237 54,775
Derivatives - - - - - 6,019 6,019
Deferred Tax Liability 72,590 - 20 14,374 9,015 150,096 246,094
Liabilities for pension plans 243 - - 12 (32) 7,801 8,023
Other long-term liabilities 20,664 14,190 1,451 32,003 - 1,004 69,312
Provisions - - - - - 23,485 23,485
Non-Current Liabilities 110,717 14,454 1,584 84,638 9,006 1,734,380 1,954,779
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 15,936 43,656 500,055 8,034 1,726 761,245 1,330,652
Tax payable 96,407 (2,448) 59,231 6,086 2,665 64,560 226,501
Short-term debt - - - 37,427 - 108,518 145,945
Current portion of non-current liabilities 9,719 - - 8,179 - 1,842 19,740
Current portion of lease liabilities 268 121 33 456 24 7,493 8,396
Derivatives - - - - - 63,932 63,932
Other payables 89,311 142,964 368,213 164,915 23,516 142,398 931,317
Provisions - - - - - 4 4
Current Liabilities 211,642 184,293 927,533 225,096 27,932 1,149,992 2,726,487
Liabilities 322,359 198,747 929,117 309,734 36,938 2,884,372 4,681,266
Equity & Liabilities 1,422,037 315,914 1,074,835 502,836 383,944 3,202,760 6,902,327
(Amounts in thousands €) Energy Production Energy Supply Natural Gas Supply RES Other Other Operations Mytilineos Group
Non current assets
Tangible Assets 795,476 1,653 1 224,223 935 406,260 1,428,547
Goodwill - - - 14,212 - 200,465 214,677
Intangible Assets 82,278 9,686 670 19,015 21 119,826 231,495
Investments in Subsidiary Companies - 84,262 - 30,004 225,987 (340,253) -
Investments in Associate Companies - - - - 2,113 18,745 20,858
Deferred Tax Receivables 13,533 2 30 4,612 74 154,057 172,308
Other Financial Assets - - - - - 146 146
Derivatives - - - - - 2,159 2,159
Other Long-term Receivables 151 698 7,403 (88) 92 61,838 70,095
Right-of-use-assets 3,423 292 121 7,905 67 35,840 47,648
Total Non Current Assets 894,861 96,593 8,226 299,884 229,289 659,085 2,187,936
Current assets
Total Stock 31,874 - 26,049 234 - 410,609 468,766
Trade and other receivables 15,671 80,676 133,070 45,032 2,784 1,076,210 1,353,444
Other receivables 103,622 (15,177) 112,060 87,455 63,582 113,190 464,733
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss - - - - - 73 73
Derivatives - - - - - 11,510 11,510
Cash and cash equivalents 196,605 25,738 61,274 53,242 - 265,852 602,712
Intersegment - - - - - - -
Total Current Assets 347,772 91,237 332,453 185,965 66,366 1,877,445 2,901,238
Total Assets 1,242,633 187,830 340,679 485,849 295,655 2,536,528 5,089,174
Equity & Liabilities
Components of Equity 642,780 14,193 24,830 152,168 249,072 456,833 1,539,876
Retained earnings - - - - - - -
Equity attribute to parent’s shareholders 642,780 14,193 24,830 152,168 249,072 456,833 1,539,876
Non controlling Interests - - - - - 81,028 81,028
Total Equity 642,781 14,194 24,829 152,167 249,072 537,861 1,620,904
Capital allocation between Business Units 215,531 37,408 37,115 19,057 31,705 (340,815) -
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term debt 61,880 - - 40,257 - 1,178,266 1,280,403
Lease liabilities 3,634 194 97 7,897 20 31,563 43,406
Derivatives - - - - - 26,973 26,973
Deferred Tax Liability 71,161 2 6 11,257 9,016 118,128 209,570
Liabilities for pension plans 194 - - 11 (32) 9,301 9,474
Other long-term liabilities 21,702 13,815 1,482 33,402 - 30,384 100,785
Provisions - - - - - 11,675 11,675
Non-Current Liabilities 158,571 14,011 1,585 92,824 9,004 1,406,291 1,682,286
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 13,403 29,168 173,473 17,711 229 851,851 1,085,835
Tax payable 33,018 1,981 18,367 6,443 1,783 30,426 92,019
Short-term debt - 4 - 28,626 - 11,607 40,236
Current portion of non-current liabilities 8,920 - - 24,709 - 1,060 34,689
Current portion of lease liabilities 227 104 31 416 45 6,470 7,293
Derivatives - - - - - 117,250 117,250
Other payables 170,182 90,960 85,278 143,895 3,817 (85,732) 408,401
Provisions - - - - - 260 260
Current Liabilities 225,750 122,217 277,149 221,800 5,875 933,191 1,785,983
Liabilities 384,321 136,228 278,734 314,624 14,879 2,339,482 3,468,269
Equity & Liabilities 1,242,633 187,830 340,679 485,849 295,655 2,536,528 5,089,174

1. General Principles

The Company Mytilineos S.A., as an integrated company operating as producer and supplier of electricity and supplier of natural gas, taking into account provisions of Law 4001/2011 (Government Gazette A '179) and Directive 2009/72/EC, Article 31, on specific rules on unbundling of accounts of integrated electricity and natural gas companies, maintains separate accounts, Balance Sheet and Income Statement, for Electricity Production and Supply as referred to in article 141 of Law 4001/2011, the No. 43/2014 authorization decision of the Regulatory Authority for Energy and the No. 162/2019 authorization decision of the Regulatory Authority for Energy, as well as for Natural Gas Supply, as referred to in article 89 of Law 4001/2011 and the No. 162/2019 authorization decision of the Regulatory Authority for Energy.

The Company also operates in non-electrical industries, for example through “Metallurgy and Mining” and “EPC and Infrastructure” sectors.

At the end of the financial year, the Company publishes according to the IFRS its separate profit and loss statements and balance sheet per electrical energy business area (Balance Sheet and Income Statement before tax), in accordance with the relevant provisions of Law 2190/1920, as amended by the law 4548/2018, as well as by the laws 3229/2004 and 3301/2004 (as amended and in force based on the IFRS). Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities relating to non-electricity sectors are allocated to the Separate Consolidated Balance Sheet and Income Statement in the "Other Operations" category.

The aforementioned statements are included in the Notes to the Company's annual financial statements, which are approved and contain a certificate issued by Chartered Accountants. The certificate makes reference in the regulations approved by the RAE, in accordance with Article 141, paragraph 4 and Article 89, paragraph 5 of Law 4001/2011.

It is mentioned, that the Company did not reform the comparative separate financial statements of the previous year.

2. Allocation Methods and Rules

Methods and Accounting Rules

The methods and accounting rules followed by the Company are dictated by the general accounting principles and the articles of the International Accounting Standards (IFRS), which must be mandatorily kept.

The Accounting Department of the Company is fully computerized with a valid and properly configured accounting plan and software (SAP), which ensure that separate accounts are maintained and that separate profit and loss statements and balance sheet are prepared for each activity.

In particular, the mandatory registration of all accounting records per business area (in SAP) is currently applied, as designated by the Company in accordance with the above General Principles, as follows:

(a) Business Areas / Activities

  • Production of electricity
  • Supply of electricity
  • Supply of Natural Gas
  • Renewable Energy Sources
  • Other

(b) Business Areas apart from electricity and natural gas

  • Other Activities

Allocation Rules of Expenses and Revenue (Results)

During every document or transaction entry, as well as any other record pertaining to electricity and natural gas industries, the amounts are classified per business area. Subsequently, the corresponding accounts referring to expenses, revenues, assets and liabilities are automatically updated. The software has a security key on the basis of which, no registration is allowed without the above classification.

This way, documents and transaction entries that concern only one of the Company's business areas or indicate a discrete amount per business area, update the separate accounts of every Business Area (a) directly. The rest of the documents and transactions are allocated to each business area, with the use of a defined allocation key.

Thereafter, the Company prepares the annual profit and loss statements of each financial year per business area.

Allocation Rules of Assets and Liabilities

The entries updating the Assets and Liabilities Accounts, such as fixed assets, reserves, customers, other receivables, suppliers, liabilities and loans are allocated based on the business area to which they relate.

At the end of each financial year, the total Equity is allocated based on the difference between Assets and Liabilities of each business area, which is designated as “capital allocation to business units”.

3. Content of Activities’ Annual Income and Expenses

The annual separate Profit and Loss Accounts for each activity include the Company’s transactions with third parties.

Specifically, each business area includes the following:

a) Production of electricity

This business area includes Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities, which are derived solely from the business area of power plants.


  • Income from the operation of the plant in Agios Nikolaos, Boeotia, of Mytilineos S.A company., with a nominal power of 444.48 MW, with combustible natural gas.
  • Income from the operation of the plant in Agioi Theodoroi Korinthias of Korinthos Power S.A., with a nominal power of 436.6 MW, with combustible natural gas.
  • Income from the operation of the CHP plant in Agios Nikolaos, Boeotia, Mytilineos S.A. company with a nominal power of 334 MW, with combustible natural gas.
  • Expenses relating to the above income, the main ones being the following: Supply of natural gas, pollutant markets, third party fees and expenses, maintenance and operational costs, consumption of spare parts, other production expenses and depreciations, as well as finance costs.

b) Supply of electricity (Trading & Retail)

This activity includes Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities, which are derived from the trading and retail of electricity.


  • Income from Trading mainly originates from billings to Operator of Electricity Market (Energy Exchange Group) and to domestic and foreign companies, while retail sales from Domestic and Professional electricity consumers.
  • Purchases concern the supply of Electricity from Operator of Electricity Market (Energy Exchange Group and DAPEEP) and domestic and foreign companies, the rights of electricity import and export, and the other services from Independent Power Transmission Operator (ADMHE), the network usage (DEDDHE), the cost of purchase of electricity future products (NOME).
  • Expenses mainly relate to personnel remunerations and costs, third party fees, finance, depreciation and miscellaneous expenses.

c) Supply of Natural Gas (Trading & Retail)

This activity includes Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities, which are derived from the trading and retail of Natural Gas.


  • Income from Trading mainly originates from billings to eligible customers and provision of other services.
  • Purchases concern the supply, transmission and distribution cost of natural gas, as well as other related costs.
  • Expenses mainly relate to personnel remunerations and costs, third party fees, finance, depreciation and miscellaneous expenses

d) Renewable Energy Sources

This activity includes Income, Expenses, Assets and Liabilities arising from Renewable Energy Sources in operation.

e) Other

This activity includes Administrative Income and Expenses of the Company’s Energy and Natural Gas sector.

f) Other activities apart from Electricity and Natural Gas Sector

Other activities include Income and Expenses from Other Sectors, where Mytilineos S.A. operates, such as “Metallurgy and Mining Sector” and “EPC and Infrastructure Sector”.

Maroussi, 8 March 2023

Evangelos Mytilineos
I.D. No ΑΝ 094179/2017

The President of the Board & Chief Executive Officer

Ioannis Kalafatas
I.D. No ΑΖ 556040/2008

The Chief Finance Officer

Spyridon Kasdas
I.D. No ΑB 050826/2006

The Vice-President A’ of the Board

Eleftheria Kontogianni
I.D. No ΑΟ 507674/2020

Finance & MIS Director

Stylianos Palikaras
I.D. No ΑK 621204/2012

Accounting Manager