Full year 2022 review - Performance and Financial Position

i. The table below shows an analysis of the Group operational result per sector as well as other items.

(Amounts in mil €) 1/1 — 31/12/2022 1/1 — 31/12/2021 % Δ
Turnover 6,306.5 2,664.1 137%
Metallurgy 817.4 667.6 22%
Power & Gas 4,434.0 1,260.9 252%
SES 425.0 370.7 15%
RSD 630.2 364.9 73%
Other 0.0 0.0 0%
EBITDA 823.3 358.5 130%
Metallurgy 270.2 159.3 70%
Power & Gas 372.6 147.0 153%
SES 90.7 33.5 171%
RSD 104.6 21.6 384%
Other (14.9) (3.0) 400%
(-) Depreciation / Amortization (89.3) (80.0) 12%
(+ - ) Net Financials (94.6) (58.5) 62%
(+) Share of profit of associates (4.0) 1.1 (458%)
(-) Tax (132.7) (40.5) 227%
(-) Result from discontinuing operations (2.8) (0.5) 451%
(-) Minoritiy Interest (34.1) (17.9) 90%
Net Income attributable to parent Shareholders 465.89 162.17 187%
Margin (%) 1/1 — 31/12/2022 1/1 — 31/12/2021
EBITDA 13.1% 13.5%
Net Profit 7.4% 6.1%

ii. The table below shows an analysis in cash flow and changes in net debt

(Amounts in mil €) 1/1 — 31/12/2022
(-) 2021 Lead Items (100)
(-) Working Capital 240
Funds from operations 963
(-) Tax (43)
(-) Interest (32)
Operating Cash Flow 889
(-) Maintenance Capex (61)
(-) Growth & Productivity Capex (654)
Free Cash Flow 173
(-) Other Financial / Investment Cash Flows (86)
Net Debt Change 87