Description of the main characteristics of the internal control systems and risk management function of the company in relation to the preparation of the financial statements

The Company has an internal control, quality assurance and risk management system regarding financial information and has designed appropriate safeguards to monitor the implementation of the system’s procedures. The procedures designed and implemented by the Management and staff to ensure the reliability of financial reporting, the effectiveness and efficiency of operations and compliance with applicable laws and regulations are further reviewed by the Company’s statutory auditors and any findings that, in accordance with their professional judgement, are of importance are communicated to the Audit Committee of the Company, which then informs the Board of Directors accordingly.

The Board of Directors reviews on an ongoing and continuous basis the corporate strategy and the main business risks, particularly in a constantly changing economic and business environment. In addition, it regularly receives progress reports on the audits carried out by the Audit Committee based on the annual programme of planned audits by the Company’s Internal Audit Division. The above enables the Board to form a comprehensive view on the effectiveness of the Company’s systems, procedures and regulations.

The Company, by resolution of its Board of Directors, entrusted Grant Thornton Chartered Company of Business Consultants (Independent Auditor) with the assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the Internal Control System (ICS) of the Company and its significant subsidiary, as of 31/12/2022, in accordance with the provisions of para. 3 and para. 4 of article 14 of Law 4706/2020 and Resolution 1/891/30.09.2020 of the Board of Directors of the Hellenic Capital Market Commission, as applicable. The work of the Independent Auditor was performed in accordance with the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3000 Assurance Engagements Other Than an Audit or Review of Historical Financial Information. Grant Thornton’s conclusion, which is included in the final report assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of the ICS dated 14/02/2023 states the following: “Based on our work performed, as described above in the Scope of Work Performed paragraph, and the evidence obtained, on our assessment of the adequacy and effectiveness of the ICS of the Company and its significant subsidiary as at the reporting date of 31 December 2022, nothing has come to our attention that might be considered a material weakness in the ICS of the Company and its significant subsidiary in accordance with the Regulatory Framework.”.

The reliability of the Company’s Financial Statements is ensured by the application of Internal Control and Risk Management Processes. The Company has put in place separate procedures for the monthly, interim and annual Financial Reports. More specifically, every month the Management Information Systems Department of the Company receives from the Finance Business Partners financial data and information, which it proceeds to check and then use to prepare reports for submission to the Management of the Group. This information is produced in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. Every month, the Management of the Group is updated on the changes to the consolidated key financial indicators by means of relevant management reports. This monthly monitoring approach, coupled with the checking of the consolidated financial statements and the analyses performed on the latter are the key tools used in the quality and consistency control of the financial results.

With regard to the Interim and Annual consolidated Financial Statements, the Company employs an advanced software tool to consolidate the financial results and statements, as well as to generate reports for the Management as well as for investors and other interested parties. This software tool is automatically updated with data from the Group’s accounting monitoring program and includes controls to ensure accurate transfer and accounting recognition of the input data. The Management Information Systems Department ensures the smooth operation of the software tool and checks the integrity and correctness of the consolidated Financial Statements and other reports, providing the Chief Finance Officer, the External Auditors and the Management of the Company with all necessary information

The External Auditors examine the consolidated Interim and Annual Financial Reports and report to the Audit Committee on the progress and results of their audits for each reporting period. The Audit Committee is informed of the procedure and schedule for the preparation of the Financial Statements by the Group Chief Finance Officer and holds meetings with the Management / the responsible executives during the preparation of the financial reports. It obtains from the Chief Finance Officer the necessary information on the Group’s performance and consolidated Financial Statements and reports to the Board of Directors accordingly. During these meetings, the Audit Committee is also informed about the management of financial risks and assesses the effectiveness of the risk management system. The Financial Statements (Individual and Consolidated) are approved by the Board of Directors, following a relevant report from the Audit Committee.