Annual Financial Statements

We confirm that the attached Financial Statements are those approved by the Board of Directors of “MYTILINEOS S.A.” at 08.03.2023 and have been published to the website as well as to the website of Athens Stock Exchange.

Income Statement

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Sales 3.1 6,306,472 2,664,050 5,661,900 2,110,652
Cost of sales 3.20 (5,341,116) (2,298,883) (4,972,825) (1,886,042)
Gross profit 965,356 365,167 689,075 224,610
Other operating income 3.22 115,046 26,318 94,711 18,270
Administrative expenses 3.21 (270,222) (83,273) (263,607) (75,665)
Research & Development expenses (171) (275) - -
Other operating expenses 3.22 (75,947) (29,340) (60,901) (23,924)
Earnings before interest and income tax 734,062 278,597 459,278 143,291
Financial income 3.23 4,450 6,512 5,670 751
Financial expenses 3.23 (79,802) (58,771) (51,650) (37,218)
Other financial results 3.24 (19,248) (6,259) (3,229) (8,488)
Share of profit of associates 3.7 (4,026) 1,055 - -
Profit before income tax 635,436 221,134 410,069 98,336
Income tax expense 3.25 (132,662) (40,527) (83,140) (16,931)
Profit for the period 502,774 180,607 326,929 81,405
Result from discontinuing operations 3.28 (2,764) (502) - -
Profit for the period 500,010 180,105 326,929 81,405
Equity holders of the parent 3.26 465,898 162,170 326,929 81,405
Non controlling Interests 34,112 17,935 - -
Basic earnings per share 3.4099 1.1927 2.3928 0.5987
Earnings per share 3.4099 1.1927 2.3928 0.5987
Summury of Results from continuing operations
Oper.Earnings before income tax,financial results,depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 823,278 358,508 516,867 199,773
Earnings before interest and income tax 734,062 278,597 459,277 143,291
Profit before income tax 635,436 221,134 410,069 98,335
Profit for the period 502,774 180,607 326,929 81,404
Definition of line item: OperEarnings before income tax,financ.res,depr&amort. (EBITDA)
Profit before income tax 635,436 221,134 410,069 98,335
Plus: Financial results 94,600 58,518 49,209 44,955
Plus: Capital results 4,026 (1,055) - -
Plus: Depreciation 89,301 80,081 57,590 56,483
Subtotal 823,363 358,678 516,868 199,773
Plus: Other operating results (ΙΙ) (85) (170) - -
Oper.Earnings before income tax,financial results,depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 823,278 358,508 516,868 199,773

The notes Information about MYTILINEOS S.A., Basis for preparation of the financial statements and basic accounting principles and Notes on the financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements

(*) The Group defines the «Group EBITDA» quantity as profits/losses before tax, adjusted for financial and investment results; for total depreciation (of tangible and intangible fixed assets) ; for the effect of specific factors, i.e. shares in the operational results of associates when they are engaged in business in any of the business sectors of the Group; as well as for the effect of write-offs made in transactions with the aforementioned associates.

Statement of Comprehensive Income

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Other Comprehensive Income:
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period 500,010 180,105 326,929 81,404
Items that will not be reclassified to profit or loss:
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) 852 226 838 69
Deferred tax from actuarial gain/(losses) (174) (6) (171) -
Revaluation Of Tangible Assets 38 6 - -
Items that may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Exchange Differences On Translation Of Foreign Operations 5,575 24,974 - -
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve 146,906 (102,174) 146,669 (110,581)
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve (12,234) 20,243 (10,761) 20,243
Other Comprehensive Income: 140,963 (56,730) 136,575 (90,269)
Total Other Comprehensive Income 640,973 123,375 463,504 (8,865)
Equity attributable to parent's shareholders 606,876 105,445 463,504 (8,865)
Non controlling Interests 34,097 17,930 - -

The notes Information about MYTILINEOS S.A., Basis for preparation of the financial statements and basic accounting principles and Notes on the financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements

Statement of Financial Position

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Non current assets
Tangible Assets 3.3 1,686,411 1,428,547 1,136,193 1,047,761
Goodwill 3.4 220,513 214,677 - -
Intangible Assets 3.5 240,123 231,498 107,681 86,718
Investments in Subsidiary Companies 3.6 - - 325,787 346,707
Investments in Associates 3.7 21,717 20,844 17,013 12,113
Other Investments 21 14 - -
Deferred Tax Receivables 3.8 149,154 172,308 104,158 119,751
Other Financial Assets 3.11.1 153 146 37 37
Derivatives 3.11.3 5,151 2,159 5,151 2,159
Other Long-term Receivables 3.11.4 97,924 70,095 99,133 65,863
Right-of-use Assets 3.2 59,217 47,648 38,181 34,757
2,480,384 2,187,936 1,833,334 1,715,866
Current assets
Total Stock 3.9 840,364 468,766 310,509 247,728
Trade and other receivables 3.12 1,451,241 1,353,444 946,274 741,525
Other receivables 3.10 975,812 464,733 1,275,383 450,951
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 3.11.2 210 73 210 73
Derivatives 3.11.3 94,441 11,510 86,574 8,341
Cash and cash equivalents 3.13 1,059,875 602,712 648,316 349,853
4,421,943 2,901,238 3,267,266 1,798,471
Assets 6,902,327 5,089,174 5,100,600 3,514,337
Liabilities & Equity
Share capital 3.16.1 138,839 138,839 138,604 138,604
Share premium 195,223 190,323 124,701 124,701
Reserves 3.16.2 127,057 (56,281) (140,537) (318,228)
Retained earnings 1,668,894 1,266,996 1,266,499 999,585
Equity attributable to parent's shareholders 2,130,013 1,539,877 1,389,267 944,662
Non controlling Interests 91,049 81,028 - -
Equity 2,221,062 1,620,905 1,389,267 944,662
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term debt 3.11.5 1,547,070 1,280,403 820,262 655,505
Lease liabilities 3.2 54,775 43,406 34,196 31,039
Derivatives 3.11.3 6,019 26,973 6,019 26,973
Deferred Tax Liability 3.8 246,094 209,570 182,001 149,694
Liabilities for pension plans 3.17 8,023 9,474 5,927 7,673
Other long-term liabilities 3.11.7 69,312 100,785 38,119 68,245
Provisions 3.18 23,485 11,675 21,205 11,051
Non-Current Liabilities 1,954,778 1,682,286 1,107,729 950,180
Current Liabilities
Trade and other payables 3.14 1,330,652 1,085,835 1,141,162 841,546
Tax payable 3.19 226,501 92,019 183,534 77,704
Short-term debt 3.11.5 145,945 40,236 100,079 -
Current portion of non-current debt 3.11.5 19,740 34,689 - -
Current portion of lease liabilities 3.2 8,396 7,293 6,945 5,865
Derivatives 3.11.3 63,932 117,250 59,096 117.250
Other payables 3.15 931,317 408,401 1,112,788 577,129
Current portion of non-current provisions 3.18 4 260 - -
Current Liabilities 2,726,487 1,785,983 2,603,604 1,619,494
Liabilities 4,681,265 3,468,269 3,711,333 2,569,674
Liabilities & Equity 6,902,327 5,089,174 5,100,600 3,514,337

The notes Information about MYTILINEOS S.A., Basis for preparation of the financial statements and basic accounting principles and Notes on the financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements

Group Statement of Changes in Equity

(Amounts in thousands €) Share capital Share premium Reserves Retained earnings Total Non controlling Interests Total
Adjusted Opening Balance 1st January 2021, according to IFRS - as published- 138,839 195,223 17,954 1,166,499 1,518,515 63,097 1,581,612
Change In Equity
Dividends Paid - - - (53,541) (53,541) - (53,541)
Transfer To Reserves - - 1,013 (3,268) (2,255) - (2,255)
Equity-settled share-based payment - - 4,000 - 4,000 - 4,000
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - (22,546) - (22,546) - (22,546)
Increase / (Decrease) Of Share Capital - (4,900) - - (4,900) - (4,900)
Impact From Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - - - (4,842) (4,842) - (4,842)
Transactions With Owners - (4,900) (17,533) (61,651) (84,084) - (84,084)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - - - 162,170 162,170 17,935 180,105
Other Comprehensive Income:
Exchange Differences On Translation Of Foreign Operations - - 24,980 - 24,979 (5) 24,974
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - (102,174) - (102,174) - (102,174)
Income Tax Relating To Components Of Other Comprehensive Income - - 58 (58) - - -
Deferred Tax From Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - (6) - (6) - (6)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - 223 2 226 - 226
Revaluation Of Tangible Assets - - (28) 34 6 - 6
Dererred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - 20,243 - 20,243 - 20,243
Total Comprehensive Income For The Period - - (56,703) 162,148 105,444 17,930 123,375
Adjusted Closing Balance 31/12/2021 138,839 190,323 (56,281) 1,266,996 1,539,877 81,028 1,620,905
Opening Balance 1st January 2022, according to IFRS - as published- 138,839 190,323 (56,281) 1,266,996 1,539,877 81,028 1,620,905
Change In Equity
Dividends Paid - - (1,048) (60,014) (61,062) (12,176) (73,238)
Transfer To Reserves - - 1,439 (1,999) (560) - (560)
Equity-settled share-based payment - - 25,380 - 25,380 - 25,380
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - 16,065 - 16,065 - 16,065
Impact From Acquisition/absorption Of Share In Subsidiaries - - (330) (1,133) (1,463) - (1,463)
Increase / (Decrease) Of Share Capital - 4,900 - - 4,900 (11,900) (7,000)
Transactions With Owners - 4,900 41,506 (63,146) (16,740) (24,076) (40,816)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - - - 465,898 465,898 34,112 500,010
Other Comprehensive Income:
Exchange Differences On Translation Of Foreign Operations - - 5,869 (280) 5,589 (14) 5,575
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - 146,906 - 146,906 - 146,906
Income Tax Relating To Components Of Other Comprehensive Income - - 612 (612) - - -
Deferred Tax From Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - (174) - (174) - (174)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - 852 - 852 - 852
Revaluation Of Tangible Assets - - - 38 38 - 38
Dererred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - (12,234) - (12,234) - (12,234)
Total Comprehensive Income For The Period - - 141,832 465,044 606,876 34,097 640,973
Closing Balance 31/12/2022 138,839 195,223 127,057 1,668,894 2,130,013 91,049 2,221,062

The notes Information about MYTILINEOS S.A., Basis for preparation of the financial statements and basic accounting principles and Notes on the financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements

Entity’s Statement of Changes in Equity

(Amounts in thousands €) Share capital Share premium Reserves Retained earnings Total
Opening Balance 1st January 2021, according to IFRS -as published- 138,604 124,701 209,396 971,489 1,025,398
Dividends Paid - - - (51,441) (51,441)
Transfer To Reserves - - (17) (1,867) (1,884)
Equity-settled share-based payment - - 4,000 - 4,000
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - (22,546) - (22,546)
Transactions With Owners - - (18,563) (53,308) (71,871)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - - - 81,404 81,404
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - (110,581) - (110,581)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - 69 - 69
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - 20,243 - 20,243
Total Comprehensive Income For The Period - - (90,269) 81,404 (8,865)
Closing Balance 31/12/2021 138,604 124,701 (318,228) 999,585 944,662
Opening Balance 1st January 2022, according to IFRS -as published- 138,604 124,701 (318,228) 999,585 944,662
Dividends Paid - - - (60,015) (60,014)
Equity-settled share-based payment - - 25,380 - 25,380
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - 16,065 - 16,065
Impact From Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - - (330) - (330)
Transactions With Owners - - - (60,015) (18,899)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - - - 326,929 326,929
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - 146,668 - 146,668
Deferred Tax From Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - (171) - (171)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - 838 - 838
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve - - (10,759) - (10,760)
Total Comprehensive Income For The Period - - - 326,929 463,505
Closing Balance 31/12/2022 138,604 124,701 (140,537) 1,266,499 1,389,267

The notes Information about MYTILINEOS S.A., Basis for preparation of the financial statements and basic accounting principles and Notes on the financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements

Cash Flow Statement

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Cash flows from operating activities -
Cash flows from operating activities 3.27 965,989 276,782 291,310 103,156
Interest paid (31,738) (23,473) (14,865) (14,442)
Taxes paid (42,884) (32,909) (33,173) (23,694)
Net Cash flows continuing operating activities 891,367 220,400 243,272 65,019
Net Cash flows discontinuing operating activities (2,713) (435) - -
Net Cash flows from continuing and discontinuing operating activities 888,654 219,965 243,272 65,019
Net Cash flow from continuing and discontinuing investing activities
Purchases of tangible assets (686,818) (365,147) (129,142) (187,666)
Purchases of intangible assets (28,889) (14,908) (19,586) (11,788)
Sale of tangible assets 325 756 135 8
Dividends received 200 200 5,296 1,807
Derivatives settlement 179 (19,483) 232 (19,483)
Acquisition /Sale of subsidiaries (less cash) (9,459) 7,719 (11,702) 7,735
Sale of financial assets held-for-sale - 4 - -
Interest received 895 513 948 422
Grants received/(returns) 13,941 4,595 522 1,738
Other cash flows from investing activities (541) - - -
Net Cash flow from continuing investing activities (710,167) (385,751) (153,296) (207,226)
Net Cash flow from continuing and discontinuing investing activities (710,167) (385,751) (153,296) (207,226)
Net Cash flow continuing and discontinuing financing activities
Tax payments (100) - - -
Dividends paid to shareholders (70,066) (51,849) (57,890) (49,749)
Proceeds from borrowings 3.11.6 2,016,075 975,479 1,815,997 903,321
Repayments of borrowings 3.11.6 (1,658,648) (610,682) (1,552,120) (528,306)
Payment of finance lease liabilities 3.2 (8,588) (8,772) (6,684) (4,853)
Other cash flows from financing activities - (10) - -
Return of share capital to shareholders (7,000) (4,900) - -
Sale of treasury shares 9,184 (26,843) 9,184 (26,843)
Net Cash flow continuing financing activities 280,857 272,423 208,487 293,569
Net Cash flow continuing and discontinuing financing activities 280,857 272,423 208,487 293,569
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents 459,344 106,637 298,463 151,362
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 3.13 602,712 492,646 349,853 198,492
Exchange differences in cash and cash equivalents (2,181) 3,429 - -
Net cash at the end of the period 1,059,875 602,712 648,316 349,853
Cash and cash equivalent 1,059,875 602,712 648,316 349,853
Net cash at the end of the period 1,059,875 602,712 648,316 349,853

The notes Information about MYTILINEOS S.A., Basis for preparation of the financial statements and basic accounting principles and Notes on the financial Statements are an integral part of these financial statements