Availability of Financial Statements

The Annual Financial Statements of the Group and the Company as well as the financial statements of the companies that are consolidated, the auditor’s report and the report of the Board of Directors for the year ending December 31st 2021 have been posted on the web site of the company. Shareholders and investors that are interested for further information, can address the Group’s Investor Relations Department. Finally, the present Annual Financial Report, the prior years’ Annual Reports and other significant information can be found on the website of the company.

Maroussi, 8 March 2023

Evangelos Mytilineos
I.D. No ΑΝ 094179/2017

The President of the Board & Chief Executive Officer

Ioannis Kalafatas
I.D. No ΑΖ 556040/2008

The Chief Finance Officer

Spyridon Kasdas
I.D. No ΑB 050826/2006

The Vice-President A’ of the Board

Eleftheria Kontogianni
I.D. No ΑΟ 507674/2020

Finance & MIS Director

Stylianos Palikaras
I.D. No ΑK 621204/2012

Accounting Manager