Notes on the financial Statements

1 Segment reporting

MYTILINEOS Group is active in four main operating business segments: a) Metallurgy, b) Sustainable Engineering Solutions, c) International Renewables and Storage Development and d) Power & Gas. In accordance with the requirements of IFRS 8, management generally follows the Group's service lines, which represent the main products and services provided by the Group, in identifying its operating segments. Each of these operating segments is managed separately as each of these service lines requires different technologies and other resources as well as marketing approaches.

The Group’s service lines that do not fulfil the quantitative and qualitative thresholds of IFRS 8, in order to be considered as separate segments, are presented cumulatively under the category “Others”. The Group has applied IFRS 5 “Non-Current Assets Available for Sale & Discontinued Operations” and present separately the results of the discontinued operations of the subsidiary company SOMETRA S.A.

The totals that are presented in the following tables, reconcile to the related accounts of the consolidated financial statements.

Income and results per operating segment are presented as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €)

Power & Gas Sector Metallurgy Renewables and Storage Development Sustainable Engineering Solutions Other Total
Total Gross Sales 4,912,219 860,789 667,433 506,848 830 6,948,119
Intercompany Sales (478,266) (43,398) (37,282) (81,871) (830) (641,647)
Net Sales 4,433,953 817,391 630,151 424,977 - 6,306,472
Earnings before interest and income tax 325,398 234,119 100,451 88,824 (14,730) 734,062
Financial results (23,134) (14,340) (2,608) (6,104) (48,413) 94,600
Investments results (4,147) - - 121 - (4,026)
Profit before income tax 298,117 219,779 97,843 82,841 (63,144) 635,436
Income Tax Expense (32,241) (2,014) 1,214 (15,832) (83,789) (132,662)
Profit after income tax from continued operations 265,876 217,765 99,057 67,009 (146,933) 502,774
Assets depreciation 47,221 36,126 4,169 1,890 (106) 89,301
Other operating included in EBITDA - - - - (85) (85)
Oper.Earnings before income tax,financial results,depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 372,619 270,245 104,620 90,714 (14,921) 823,278
(Amounts in thousands €)

Power & Gas Sector Metallurgy Renewables and Storage Development Sustainable Engineering Solutions Other Total
Total Gross Sales 1,425,699 691,551 382,841 442,486 - 2,942,577
Intercompany Sales (164,814) (23,959) (17,938) (71,816) - (278,527)
Net Sales 1,260,885 667,592 364,903 370,670 - 2,664,050
Earnings before interest and income tax 106,198 124,703 20,508 30,038 (2,850) 278,597
Financial results (12,918) (7,767) (1,465) (936) (35,432) (58,518)
Investments results 523 - - 532 - 1,055
Profit before income tax 93,803 116,936 19,043 29,634 (38,282) 221,134
Income Tax Expense (19,286) (384) (1,089) (2,689) (17,079) (40,527)
Profit after income tax from continued operations 74,517 116,552 17,954 26,945 (55,361) 180,607
Assets depreciation 40,837 34,620 1,126 3,595 (97) 80,081
Other operating included in EBITDA (170) (170)
Oper.Earnings before income tax,financial results,depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) 147,039 159,325 21,634 33,495 (2,985) 358,508

Assets and liabilities per operating segment are presented as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) Power & Gas Sector Metallurgy Renewables and Storage Development Sustainable Engineering Solutions Others Total
Assets 2,604,476 1,881,053 1,203,343 1,395,949 (182,494) 6,902,327
Consolidated assets 2,604,476 1,881,053 1,203,343 1,395,949 (182,494) 6,902,327
Liabilities 1,385,751 638,405 286,185 662,428 1,708,496 4,681,265
Consolidated liabilities 1,385,751 638,405 286,185 662,428 1,708,496 4,681,265
(Amounts in thousands €) Power & Gas Sector Metallurgy Renewables and Storage Development Sustainable Engineering Solutions Others Total
Assets 1,491,717 1,340,625 531,019 1,479,449 246,364 5,089,174
Consolidated assets 1,491,717 1,340,625 531,019 1,479,449 246,364 5,089,174
Liabilities 622,852 761,036 24,377 854,513 1,205,491 3,468,269
Consolidated liabilities 622,852 761,036 24,377 854,513 1,205,491 3,468,269

Geographical Information

The Group’s Sales and its Non-current assets ('Tangible Assets, Goodwill and Intangible Assets) are divided into the following geographical areas:

(Amounts in thousands €) Sales
Non current assets
Non current assets
Hellas 3,158,002 1,745,775 1,947,694 1,816,211
European Union 2,176,497 418,499 24,589 22,933
Other Countries 971,974 499,775 174,763 35,579
Regional Analysis 6,306,472 2,664,049 2,147,046 1,874,722
(Amounts in thousands €) Metallurgy Sustainable Engineering Solutions Renewables and Storage Development Power & Gas Sector Other Total
Hellas 384,327 176,822 112,981 2,483,872 - 3,158,002
European Union 397,687 22,156 55,315 1,701,339 - 2,176,497
Other Countries 35,377 225,999 461,855 248,743 - 971,974
Total 817,391 424,977 630,151 4,433,953 - 6,306,472
(Amounts in thousands €) Metallurgy Sustainable Engineering Solutions Renewables and Storage Development Power & Gas Sector Other Total
Hellas 324,185 166,656 26,813 1,228,121 - 1,745,775
European Union 313,206 50,983 44,500 9,810 - 418,499
Other Countries 30,201 153,031 293,589 22,954 - 499,775
Total 667,592 370,670 364,902 1,260,885 - 2,664,050

Group’s sales per activity:


(Amounts in thousands €)
31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Alumina 190,195 140,165
Aluminium 582,637 488,753
Conventional Business & Infrastructure 306,200 322,836
Solar Parks 630,151 364,903
Energy Supply 1,626,131 837,875
Energy Production 1,154,532 595,492
Natural Gas Supply 2,346,436 156,887
RES 77,706 53,127
O&M & Other Sales 163,336 86,508
Intersegment Eliminations (770,851) (382,496)
Sales 6,306,472 2,664,050

It should be noted that the backlog of projects already undertaken for the group (Sectors SES & RSD) amounts to € 1,750 mio.

Sustainable Engineering Solutions
(Amounts in thousands €) up to 1 year 1-3 years 3-5 years > 5 years Total
Revenue expected to be recognized 899,028 544,516 216,942 2,460 1,662,946
Total 899,028 544,516 216,942 2,460 1,662,946
Renewables and Storage Development
(Amounts in thousands €) up to 1 year 1-3 years 3-5 years > 5 years Total
Revenue expected to be recognized 87,486 - - - 87,486
Total 87,486 - - - 87,486
2 Leases

Leases are recognized in the statement of financial position as a right to use an asset and a lease obligation, the date on which the leased fixed asset becomes available for use.

The recognized rights to use assets are related to the following categories of assets and are presented in the “Right-of-use-Assets”:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Right-of-use Land plots 18,161 10,946 10 11
Right-of-use Properties 32,847 28,278 30,719 26,976
Right-of-use Vehicles 4,047 3,383 3,295 2,762
Right-of-use Equipment 4,019 4,850 4,016 4,820
Right-of-use Office Equipment 143 191 141 187
Right-of-use Assets 59,217 47,649 38,181 34,757

The group reflects the lease liabilities on the "long term lease liabilities" and "current portion of lease liabilities" in the statement of financial position.

The Group recognized in 31/12/2022 € 59.2 mio Rights of use and €63.2 mio Lease obligations, while the Company € 38.2 mio and €41.2 mio respectively.

Additionally, the Group recognized (for the twelve-month period ended on 31/12/2022) €8.4 mio depreciation and € 2.6 mio financial expenses, while the company recognized € 6.9 mio and € 1.7 mio respectively, in relation to the above leases.

The following tables show the aging of lease liabilities for the following years, as well as the recognized rights of use of assets by asset category:

(Amounts in thousands €) up to 1 year 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
Lease payments 10,973 34,350 38,167 83,489
Finance charges (2,576) (7,379) (10,363) (20,318)
Net present value 8,396 26,971 27,804 63,171
(Amounts in thousands €) Right-of-use Land plots Right-of-use Properties Right-of-use Vehicles Right-of-use Equipment Right-of-use Office Equipment Total
31/12/2021 10,946 28,278 3,383 4,850 191 47,649
Additions 7,859 9,770 2,494 - - 20,123
Depreciation (643) (5,201) (1,766) (746) (45) (8,402)
Derecognition - - (64) (85) (3) (151)
31/12/2022 18,161 32,847 4,047 4,019 143 59,217
MYTILINEOS GROUP Lease Liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €) Right-of-use Land plots Right-of-use Properties Right-of-use Vehicles Right-of-use Equipment Right-of-use Office Equipment Total
31/12/2021 11,787 30,311 3,493 4,916 192 50,699
Additions 7,859 9,770 2,494 - - 20,123
Payments (1,531) (6,653) (2,002) (929) (52) (11,166)
Interest 831 1,430 160 153 5 2,579
Other 429 489 19 - - 937
31/12/2022 19,375 35,346 4,164 4,141 146 63,171
3 Tangible assets

Tangible assets presented in the financial statements are analyzed as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) Land & Buildings Vehicles & mechanical equipment Furniture and
Tangible assets
Gross Book Value 445,344 1,659,516 45,424 148,416 2,298,700
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (123,538) (976,406) (35,555) (1,813) (1,137,312)
Net Book Value as at
321,806 683,110 9,869 146,603 1,161,388
Gross Book Value 453,138 1,783,119 46,756 337,497 2,620,511
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (131,426) (1,021,197) (37,878) (1,463) (1,191,964)
Net Book Value as at
321,712 761,922 8,879 336,034 1,428,547
Gross Book Value 468,989 1,921,184 48,747 491,897 2,930,817
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (139,069) (1,067,006) (39,515) 1,183 (1,244,407)
Net Book Value as at
329,921 854,178 9,232 493,080 1,686,411
(Amounts in thousands €) Land & Buildings Vehicles & mechanical equipment Furniture and
Tangible assets
Net Book Value as at
321.806 683,110 9,869 146,603 1,161,388
Additions From Acquisition/Consolidation Of Subsidiaries - 368 - - 368
Additions 2,848 48,196 1,263 286,149 338,456
Sales - Reductions (1,015) (4,976) (247) (2,122) (8,360)
Depreciation (7,388) (51,359) (2,385) - (61,132)
Reclassifications 4,768 89,404 350 (94,522) -
Net Foreign Exchange Differences 710 (51) 29 - 688
Tangible Assets From Acquisition/(Sale) Of Subsidiary 5 - - 290 295
Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary (21) - - (363) (384)
Impairment - (2,771) - - (2,771)
Net Book Value as at
321,713 761,921 8,879 336,035 1,428,547
Additions From Acquisition/Consolidation Of Subsidiaries - (368) - - (368)
Additions 6,536 41,599 950 284,908 333,993
Sales - Reductions (1,613) (61) (90) - (1,764)
Depreciation (7,714) (55,887) (2,268) - (65,869)
Reclassifications 9,994 106,659 1,762 (120,093) (1,678)
Net Foreign Exchange Differences 1,006 60 (41) - 1,025
Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - 290 40 - 330
Impairment - (32) - (7,770) (7,802)
Net Book Value as at
329,921 854,178 9,232 493,080 1,686,411

During 2022, the Group recognized an impairment loss of €7.8 million (2021: €2.8 million) for Renewable Energy Assets and Thermal Energy Assets due to the fact that Regulatory Authority for Energy rejected the production license.

In every reporting period, the Group tests the carrying amounts of non-financial assets for indications of impairment. If such indications are identified, the recoverable amount of the assets is determined.

For the impairment test purposes, the Group categorizes the assets into separate CGUs. The recoverable amount for the separate CGU is determined based on the value in use, calculated applying the discounted cash flows method. In determining the value in use, the Management uses assumptions it considers appropriate that are based on the consensus of the assessments carried out by international rating agencies and analysts, as well as the best possible information available to it and valid on the financial statements reporting date. As at 31.12.2022, the impairment test disclosed no indications of impairments of property, plant and equipment other than the above-mentioned RES units

Depreciation charged in profit and loss is analyzed in notes 3.20 and 3.21.

(Amounts in thousands €) Land & Buildings Vehicles & mechanical equipment Furniture and
Tangible assets
Gross Book Value 315,793 1,257,718 40,638 113,255 1,727,405
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (76,025) (776,729) (31,848) 667 (883,935)
Net Book Value as at
239,768 480,989 8,790 113,921 843,469
Gross Book Value 321,310 1,322,862 41,489 283,904 1,969,565
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (81,676) (806,734) (34,062) 667 (921,805)
Net Book Value as at
239,634 516,129 7,427 284,570 1,047,761
Gross Book Value 325,196 1,345,816 42,461 377,187 2,090,660
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (87,060) (833,462) (35,177) 1,232 (954,467)
Net Book Value as at
238,136 512,354 7,284 378,419 1,136,193
(Amounts in thousands €) Land & Buildings Vehicles & mechanical equipment Furniture and
Tangible assets
Net Book Value as at
239,768 480,989 8,790 113,921 843,469
Additions 1,691 26,815 507 223,257 252,271
Sales - Reductions (964) (553) (2) (19) (1,538)
Depreciation (5,141) (36,672) (2,214) - (44,027)
Reclassifications 4,768 47,840 345 (52,953) -
Net Foreign Exchange Differences (510) (30) 1 - (539)
Tangible Assets From Acquisition/(Sale) Of Subsidiary 21 - - 363 385
Impairment - (2,261) - - (2,261)
Net Book Value as at
239,634 516,129 7,427 284,570 1,047,761
Additions 1,333 20,154 280 108,762 130,530
Sales - Reductions (129) (6) - - (135)
Depreciation (5,420) (34,656) (2,172) - (42,249)
Reclassifications 2,701 10,387 1,762 (14,914) (64)
Net Foreign Exchange Differences 17 56 (53) - 21
Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - 290 40 - 330
Net Book Value as at
238,136 512,354 7,284 378,419 1,136,193
4 Goodwill

4.1 Changes in goodwill

Goodwill is allocated to the group’s cash-generating units identified according to business segment for 2022 and 2021.

(Amounts in thousands €) Metallurgy Constructions Energy Continuing Operations (Total) Total Segment
Gross Book Value 16,319 144,100 54,258 214,677 214,677
Net Book Value as at 1/1/2021 16,319 144,100 54,258 214,677 214,677
Gross Book Value 16,319 144,100 54,258 214,677 214,677
Net Book Value as at 31/12/2021 16,319 144,100 54,258 214,677 214,677
Gross Book Value 16,319 144,100 60,094 220,513 220,513
Net Book Value as at 31/12/2022 16,319 144,100 60,094 220,513 220,513
(Amounts in thousands €) Metallurgy Constructions Energy Continuing Operations (Total) Total Segment
Net Book Value as at 1/1/2021 16,319 144,100 54,258 214,677 214,677
Net Book Value as at 31/12/2021 16,319 144,100 54,258 214,677 214,677
Additions - - 5,836 5,836 5,836
Net Book Value as at 31/12/2022 16,319 144,100 60,094 220,513 220,513

4.2 Impairment test on goodwill

Goodwill arising from acquisition, has been allocated in the following Cash Generating Units (CGU) per business operating sector:

Goodwill allocated per segment 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €)
Metallurgy 16,319 16,319
Sustainable Engineering Solutions 144,100 144,100
Power & Gas 60,094 54,258
Total 220,513 214,677

For the annual impairment test on goodwill, the recoverable amount of each segment is as follows:

Recoverable amount per Segment 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €)
Metallurgy 1,657,481 3,504,408
Sustainable Engineering Solutions 1,055,581 906,140
Power & Gas 1,572,959 2,841,218
Total 4,286,021 7,251,766

The Group performs annually impairment tests for goodwill.

The recoverable amount of the recognized goodwill, related with the separate CGU’s, was assessed using value in use and calculated using the DCF method. The “value in use” was determined based on management’s assumptions, which management deems reasonable and are based on estimates from international rating agencies on Financial Statement’s issue date. No need for impairment arose from impairment tests.

4.3 Assumptions used in calculation of Value in Use

The recoverable amount of each CGU is determined according to the calculation of the value in use. The calculations for the CGU’s recoverable amount were based on the present value of the expected future cash flows. The basic estimates the Group uses to determine the value in use divide in:

Market prices estimations:

i. Metal/Mineral prices at LME for the metallurgy sector

ii. Exchange rate between $/€ for the metallurgy/constructions/energy sectors

iii. CO2 prices for the metallurgy and energy sector

iv. Gas and BRENT prices for the metallurgy/energy sectors

Operating estimations:

v. Raw material prices and equipment for the metallurgy/constructions sectors

vi. Technical KPI’s for the production plants of metallurgy and energy sectors

vii. Project milestones and completion percentage of construction sector

viii. Cost and time of major inspections for the metallurgy/energy sectors

ix. Capacity rate and total demand of energy system for the energy sector

Business plan per CGU:

x. Business plans are drawn up over a maximum of 5 years. Cash flows over 5 years are deduced using the estimates of growth rates of 1% (31.12.2021 1%) listed below.

xi. Business plans are based on recently prepared budgets and estimates.

xii. Business plans use operating profit margins and EBITDA, as well as future estimates using reasonable assumptions.

xiii. Concerning projects in the electricity and natural gas sector, these projects extend over a period equal to the duration of the relevant licences.

xiv. Concerning projects in the field of integrated projects and infrastructures, these projects extend over a period of 9-10 years. The reasons are related to the characteristics of EPC thermal constructions, which (together with metal constructions) are the core business of the business sector. In particular, future projects are mainly located in African countries, regional countries of the former Soviet Union and Middle East countries. Management estimates that the market for EPC projects in these countries is changing, boosting interest in projects where the manufacturer takes a Partner role by participating in financing the construction and recovering the liquidity provided through the project's future operational cash flows. The total completion and repayment cycle of the projects has been set at 9-10 years.

xv. Finally, for projects executed in the form of BOT (build operate transfer) the provisions are based on the portfolio of projects under consideration that have already passed or are expected to pass by the Group's investment evaluation committee (Capital Allocation Committee).

Calculations to determine the recoverable amount of operating segments were based on business plans approved by the Management, which included the necessary revisions to capture the current economic situation and reflect past experience, sectoral projections and other available information from external sources.

The Group analyzed the sensitivity of the recoverable amounts per CGU through change in a percentage point of 0.5% in the growth rate. From the relevant analysis there is no amount of impairment.

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC):

The WACC method reflects the discount rate of future cash flows for each CGU, according to which the cost of equity and the cost of long-term debt and any grants are weighted, in order to calculate the cost of capital of the company. Since all cash flows of the business plans are denominated in euro, the yield of ten-year German government bond was used as the risk-free rate. Assumptions of independent sources were taken into account for the calculation of the risk premium. Betas are evaluated annually based on published market data. The Company’s WACC was estimated at 8.77%.

The Group analyzed the sensitivity of the recoverable amounts per CGU through change in a percentage point of 0.5% in the discount rate. From the relevant analysis there is no amount of impairment

Apart from the above considerations concerning the determination of the value in use of CGUs, no other changes that may affect the rest of the assumptions have come to the Management’s attention.

5 Intangible Assets

Intangible assets presented in the financial statements are analyzed as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) Software Land Restoration Licenses Other Intangible Assets Total
Gross Book Value 12,287 76,658 231,164 74,345 394,454
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (10,835) (56,905) (51,012) (43,966) (162,719)
Net Book Value as at
1,451 19,753 180,151 30,379 231,735
Gross Book Value 12,736 80,158 229,805 85,804 408,504
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (11,273) (59,213) (57,817) (48,703) (177,006)
Net Book Value as at
1,464 20,945 171,988 37,101 231,498
Gross Book Value 13,033 83,723 222,376 115,211 434,343
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (11,738) (62,914) (64,068) (55,500) (194,220)
Net Book Value as at
1,295 20,810 158,308 59,710 240,123
(Amounts in thousands €) Software Land Restoration Licenses Other Intangible Assets Total
Net Book Value as at
1,451 19,753 180,151 30,379 231,735
Additions 506 3,500 764 19,321 24,091
Additions From Acquisition/Consolidation Of Subsidiaries - - - 1 1
Sales - Reductions (57) - (6,557) (7,865) (14,478)
Depreciation (436) (2,308) (2,881) (4,736) (10,360)
Reclassifications - - 510 - 510
Net Foreign Exchange Differences (1) - - - (1)
Net Book Value as at
1,464 20,945 171,988 37,101 231,498
Additions 233 3,566 953 39,295 44,046
Sales - Reductions (20) - (6,109) (10,855) (16,984)
Sale Of Subsidiary - - - 6 6
Depreciation (446) (3,701) (6,865) (6,859) (17,871)
Reclassifications 64 - 589 1,024 1,677
Impairment - - (2,248) - (2,248)
Net Book Value as at
1,295 20,810 158,308 59,710 240,123

During 2022, the Group recognized an impairment loss of € 2,2 million (2021: € 0 million) for Renewable Energy Assets and Thermal Energy Assets due to the fact that Regulatory Authority for Energy rejected the production license.

In every reporting period, the Group tests the carrying amounts of non-financial assets for indications of impairment. If such indications are identified, the recoverable amount of the assets is determined.

For the impairment test purposes, the Group categorizes the assets into separate CGUs. The recoverable amount for the separate CGU is determined based on the value in use, calculated applying the discounted cash flows method. In determining the value in use, the Management uses assumptions it considers appropriate that are based on the consensus of the assessments carried out by international rating agencies and analysts, as well as the best possible information available to it and valid on the financial statements reporting date. As at 31.12.2022, the impairment test disclosed no indications of impairments of intangible assets other than the above-mentioned RES units.

(Amounts in thousands €) Software Land Restoration Licenses Other Intangible Assets Total
Gross Book Value 11,436 - 101,789 36,870 150,095
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (10,244) - (32,529) (17,791) (60,564)
Net Book Value as at
1,192 - 69,260 19,079 89,531
Gross Book Value 11,809 - 99,725 43,169 154,703
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (10,586) - (35,224) (22,175) (67,985)
Net Book Value as at
1,223 - 64,501 20,994 86,718
Gross Book Value 12,082 - 99,725 73,442 185,249
Accumulated depreciation and/or impairment (10,966) - (37,920) (28,682) (77,569)
Net Book Value as at
1,116 - 61,805 44,760 107,681
(Amounts in thousands €) Software Land Restoration Licenses Other Intangible Assets Total
Net Book Value as at
1,192 - 69,260 19,079 89,531
Additions 374 - 47 12,960 13,380
Sales - Reductions - - (2,111) (6,661) (8,772)
Depreciation (343) - (2,695) (4,383) (7,421)
Net Book Value as at
1,223 - 64,501 20,994 86,718
Additions 209 - - 34,820 35,029
Sales - Reductions - - - (4,547) (4,547)
Depreciation (380) - (2,696) (6,508) (9,583)
Reclassifications 64 - - - 64
Net Book Value as at
1,116 - 61,805 44,760 107,681

Amortization charged in profit and loss is analyzed in notes 3.20 and 3.21.

6 Investments on subsidiaries
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Total Opening 346,707 350,762
Acquisition - (4,755)
Additions 26,493 700
Other Changes In Equity (46,713) -
Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary (700) -
Total 325,787 346,707

Other changes in Equity concern the reduction and return of the share capital of the subsidiary company Protergia Thermoelectric SA. in accordance with the decision of the extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of 9 November 2022.

Below the investments of MYTILINEOS S.A. per subsidiary as at 31/12/2022 and 31/12/2021:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
MNG TRADING S.A. 2,320 2,320
SOMETRA S.A. 4,747 4,747
Total 325,787 346,707

6.1 Important non-controlling interests

On the table below, the analysis of the non-controlling interests in Group’s Subsidiaries:

SUBSIDIARY % of NCI Total comprehensive income allocated to NCI Accumulated NCI
31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
KORINTHOS POWER S.A. 35.00% 35.00% 32,255 14,870 73,830 60,793
AIOLIKI SIDIROKASTROU S.A. 19.80% 19.80% 429 429 3,345 2,916
AIOLIKI ANDROU TSIROVLIDI S.A. 19.80% 19.80% 368 424 3,262 2,894
MYTILINEOS HELLENIC WIND POWER S.A 20.00% 20.00% (6) 693 2,811 2,817
AIOLIKI EVOIAS PIRGOS S.A. 19.80% 19.80% 434 609 2,806 2,372

The summarized financial statements of the Group’s subsidiary companies before intragroup eliminations:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Non-current assets 210,060 224,935 15,192 16,517 20,334 21,404 24,694 24,539 25,281 25,704
Current assets 139,257 103,815 7,717 7,940 4,373 3,912 23,679 23,887 6,867 12,459
Total assets 349,317 328,751 22,909 24,456 24,707 25,316 48,373 48,426 32,148 38,163
Non-current liabilities 53,655 100,499 478 5,094 478 7,593 478 3 478 14,136
Current liabilities 84,720 54,558 3,248 4,635 3,248 3,105 3,248 34,336 3,248 12,047
Total liabilities 138,373 155,057 3,726 9,729 3,726 10,698 3,726 34,339 3,726 26,183
Equity attributable to owners of the parent 137,113 112,901 12,469 9,573 13,637 9,501 29,020 9,157 18,475 7,787
Non-controlling interests 73,830 60,793 6,714 5,155 7,343 5,116 15,626 4,931 9,948 4,193
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Sales 685,455 269,846 5,307 5,862 4,277 4,602 - - 5,688 5,462
Profit of the year attributable to owners of the parent 59,903 27,616 1,739 1,820 1,491 1,718 (26) 2,771 1,759 2,465
Profit for the year attributable to NCI 32,255 14,870 429 449 368 424 (6) 693 434 609
Profit for the year 92,158 42,486 2,169 2,269 1,860 2,142 (32) 3,463 2,193 3,074
Other comprehensive income for the year - 93 - - - - - - - -
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to owners of the parent 59,903 27,676 1,739 1,820 1,491 1,718 (26) 2,771 1,759 2,465
Total comprehensive income for the year attributable to NCI 32,255 14,903 429 449 368 424 (6) 693 434 609
Total comprehensive income for the year 92,158 42,579 2,169 2,269 1,860 2,142 (32) 3,463 2,193 3,074
Net Cash from Operating activities 120,026 69,312 3,723 2,717 2,665 3,721 (59) (42) 1,843 9,203
Net Cash from Used in Investing activities (12,101) (10,327) - (23) - 549 3,502 1,984 (6) (23)
Net Cash from Financing activities (108,895) (39,715) (3,561) (2,031) (1.711) (3,636) (6) (12) (5,231) (6,507)
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents (969) 19,270 163 665 955 635 3,437 1,931 (3,393) 2,674
7 Investments in associate companies
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Total Opening 20,844 25,181 12,113 17,212
Share Of Profit/Loss (After Taxation & Minority Interest) (4,026) 1,055 - -
Additions 7,013 - 7,013 -
Reversal Of Received Dividends (2,113) (5,392) (2,113) (5,099)
Investments In Associates 21,717 20,844 17,013 12,113

The Group participates in associate companies, which due to significant influence are classified as associates and consolidated by equity method in the consolidated financial statements (the activity and percentage of participation are presented in note 3.7.1). These associate companies are not listed in any Stock Exchange market and therefore there are no market values.

Current year additions refer to the investment in associate company named KEDRINOS LOFOS S.A. which is consolidated under equity method since 14/12/2022 with 50% percent.

7.1 Interests in Associates

Group’s Financial Statements include, with the equity method, the following companies incorporated: FTHIOTIKI ENERGY S.A. 35% (31.12.2021: 35%), ELEMKA SAUDI 34% (31.12.2021: 34%), ,  IPS S.A. 10% (31.12.2021: 10%), J/V MITILINEOS-XANTHAKIS 50% (2021: 50%), J/V AVAX-INTRAKAT-MYTILINEOS-TERNA 25% (2021: 25%) and J/V MITILINEOS-ELEMKA 50% (2020: 50%). The Group based on the immaterial contribution of the above mentioned associate companies at earnings before taxes notifies below a summarized Income Statement:

(Amounts in thousands €)
ASSOCIATE % Participation Sales Profit / (Loss) Of The Period Share Of Profit / (Loss) For The Period
J/V MYTILINEOS ELEMKA 50% 722 510 255
FTHIOTIKI ENERGY S.A. 35% 763 547 192
ELEMKA SAUDI 34% - (78) (27)
INTERNATIONAL POWER SUPPLY AD 10% 2,358 (2.081) (208)
J/V MYTILINEOS-XANTHAKIS 50% 492 (214) (107)
9,303 (486) 312

During 2022 Group proceeded with the sale of the total shares of THERMOREMA S.A. held on 31/12/2021 of percentage 40%. THERMOREMA S.A was incorporated with equity method. From the above transaction a loss of € 4,338 thousands was recognized.

8 Deferred tax

Deferred tax assets / liabilities arising from the relevant temporary tax differences are as follows:

1/1/2022 31/12/2022
(Amounts in thousands €) At 1st January Recognised In Profit Or Loss Recognised In Other Comprehensive Income Exchange Differences Deferred Tax Impact From Disposal Of Subsidiary As At 31 December Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Liability
Non — Current Assets
Intangible Assets (27,163) (4,605) - - - (31,768) - (31,768)
Tangible Assets (70,638) (5,068) 414 - - (75,291) - (75,291)
Right-of-use Assets (9,717) (679) 1 - - (10,396) - (10,396)
Other Financial Assets (3) - (1,032) - - (1,035) - (1,035)
Long-Term Receivables (5,771) - - - - (5,771) - (5,771)
Investment to subsidiaries (11,951) - - - - (11,951) - (11,951)
Current Assets (125,243) (10,352) (617) - - (136,212) - (136,212)
Inventories (29) 136 - - - 107 107 -
Construction Contracts 36,723 (33,366) - - - 3,357 3,357 -
Receivables (3,136) 2,082 - - - (1,054) - (1,054)
Financial Assets at fair value 45 (20) (75) - - (51) - (51)
Reserves 33,604 (31,170) (75) - - 2,359 3,464 (1,105)
Reserves' defer tax liability (27,971) - - - - (27,971) - (27,971)
Actuarial Gain/Losses 16 4 - - - 20 20 -
Long-term Liabilities (27,954) 4 - - - (27,951) 20 (27,971)
Employee Benefits 944 628 (162) - - 1,411 1,411 -
Subsidies 69 - - - - 69 69 -
Long-Τerm Loans (2,772) 802 - - - (1,970) - (1,970)
Other Long-Term Liabilities 517 21,733 (8,914) - - 13,336 13,336 -
Short-Term Liabilities (1,241) 23,163 (9,075) - - 12,847 14,816 (1,970)
Provisions (3,099) 10,085 (6) - - 6,980 6,980 -
Contingent Liabilities 16,789 4,842 - - - 21,631 21,631 -
Employee Benefits (36) (19) (10) - - (66) - (66)
Liabilities From Derivatives 29,396 - (29,396) - - - - -
Liabilities From Financing Leases 2,167 65 - - - 2,233 2,233 -
Other Short-Term Liabilities 7,560 (8,168) - - - (607) - (607)
Other Contingent Defer Taxes 11,877 - - - - 11,877 11,877 -
Total 64,654 6,806 (29,412) - - 42,047 42,720 (673)
Offsetting —  —  —  —  —  —  78,163 (78,163)
Deferred Tax From Tax Losses 18,918 (8,410) (880) 343 —  9,971 9,971 — 
Deferred Tax (Liability)/Receivables (37,262) (19,960) (40,061) 343 - (96,940) 149,154 (246,094)
1/1/2021 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) At 1st January Recognised In Profit Or Loss Recognised In Other Comprehensive Income Exchange Differences Deferred Tax Impact From Disposal Of Subsidiary As At 31 December Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Liability
Non — Current Assets
Intangible Assets (28,877) 1,715 - - - (27,163) - (27,163)
Tangible Assets (64,861) (5,777) - - - (70,638) - (70,638)
Right-of-use Assets (10,382) 664 - - - (9,717) - (9,717)
Other Financial Assets (3) —  —  —  —  (3) —  (3)
Long-Term Receivables (5,771) —  —  —  —  (5,771) —  (5,771)
Investment to subsidiaries (11,951) —  —  —  —  (11,951) —  (11,951)
Current Assets (121,845) (3,398) - - - (125,243) - (125,243)
Inventories (29) —  —  —  —  (29) —  (29)
Construction Contracts 33,469 2,660 - 594 - 36,723 36,723 -
Receivables 1,372 (4,548) 39 - - (3,136) - (3,136)
Financial Assets Available for Sale —  —  —  —  —  —  —  — 
Financial Assets at fair value 50 (5) - - - 45 45 -
Reserves 34,863 (1,892) 39 594 - 33,604 36,768 (3,164)
Reserves' defer tax liability (27,490) (481) - - - (27,971) - (27,971)
Actuarial Gain/Losses 33 (16) - - - 16 16 -
Long-term Liabilities (27,457) (497) - - - (27,954) 16 (27,971)
Employee Benefits 2,586 (724) (917) - - 944 944 -
Subsidies 69 - - - - 69 69 -
Long-Τerm Loans (3,543) 771 - - - (2,772) - (2,772)
Other Long-Term Liabilities 7,426 (6,909) - - - 517 517 -
Short-Term Liabilities 6,538 (6,862) (917) - - (1,241) 1,531 (2,772)
Provisions (4,073) 1,011 (36) - - (3,099) - (3,099)
Contingent Liabilities 12,798 3,991 - - - 16,789 16,789 -
Employee Benefits 327 (274) (90) - - (36) - (36)
Liabilities From Derivatives 4,452 (34) 24,978 - - 29,396 29,396 -
Liabilities From Financing Leases 2,008 159 - - - 2,167 2,167 -
Other Short-Term Liabilities (13,054) 20,614 - - - 7,560 7,560 -
Other Contingent Defer Taxes 11,877 - - - - 11,877 11,877 -
Total 14,336 25,467 24,851 - - 64,654 67,789 (3,135)
Offsetting —  - —  —  —  —  47,285 (47,285)
Deferred Tax From Tax Losses 17,863 1,061 (1) (6) —  18,918 18,918 — 
Deferred Tax (Liability)/Receivables (75,702) 13,879 23,973 588 - (37,262) 172,308 (209,570)

Deferred tax assets from tax losses amounting to € 10.1 m., are computed on tax losses of the current as well as on those of previous year’s carried forward. The major contribution on the calculated deferred tax asset derives from the following subsidiaries and branch: METKA-EGN CHILE SPA (€ 3.1 m.), METKA EGN GREECE S.A. (€ 2.8 m.), Mytilineos S.A. Algeria Branch (€ 0.83 m.), METKA EGN ITALY S.R.L. (€ 0.7 m.), METKA EGN KZ LLP (€ 0.57 m.), MYTILINEOS FINANCIAL PARTNERS S.A. (€ 0.3 m.), MAKRYNOROS S.A. (€ 0.26 m.), PROTERGIA THERMOHLEKTRIKI S.A. (€ 0.25 m.).

In the companies where a deferred claim for tax losses has been calculated, based on the future planning and development prospects of the Group, there is a significant possibility that taxable profits will arise which will be realized until the period in which the possibility of offsetting the tax losses exists.

As of 31.12.2022, there are unused tax losses for which no deferred tax asset has been recognized. The amount of the deferred tax asset which could be recognized amounts to € 2.06 m. and is mostly related to subsidiaries in Australia.

1/1/2022 31/12/2022
(Amounts in thousands €) At 1st January Recognised In Profit Or Loss Recognised In Other Comprehensive Income Exchange Differences Deferred Tax Impact From Disposal Of Subsidiary As At 31 December Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Liability
Non — Current Assets
Intangible Assets (24,532) (4,807) - - - (29,339) 90 (29,429)
Tangible Assets (53,076) (1,292) - - - (54,368) 487 (54,855)
Right-of-use Assets (7,257) (827) - - - (8,084) - (8,084)
Current Assets (84,865) (6,926) - - - (91,791) 577 (92,368)
Construction Contracts 32,545 (31,176) - - - 1,369 1,369 -
Receivables (1,866) 1,737 - - - (130) 1,880 (2,009)
Financial Assets at fair value 48 (20) - - - 28 28 -
Reserves 30,727 (29,459) - - - 1,267 3,277 (2,009)
Reserves' defer tax liability (31,368) - - - - (31,368) - (31,368)
Long-term Liabilities (31,368) - - - - (31,368) - (31,368)
Employee Benefits 1,613 592 (165) - - 2,040 2,040 -
Long-Τerm Loans (2,204) 622 - - - (1,582) 142 (1,724)
Other Long-Term Liabilities 6,533 21,864 (8,914) - - 19,483 28,397 (8,914)
Short-Term Liabilities 5,942 23,078 (9,079) - - 19,941 30,579 (10,638)
Provisions 721 11,019 - - - 11,740 11,837 (97)
Contingent Liabilities 9,569 4,842 - - - 14,411 14,411 -
Employee Benefits 359 (21) (6) - - 332 369 (37)
Liabilities From Derivatives 29,419 - (29,419) - - - - -
Liabilities From Financing Leases 1,377 49 - - - 1,426 1,426 -
Other Short-Term Liabilities 7,343 (11,978) - - - (4,635) 40,850 (45,484)
Total 48,787 3,911 (29,424) - - 23,274 68,892 (45,618)
Deferred Tax From Tax Losses 833 —  —  —  —  833 833 — 
Deferred Tax (Liability)/Receivables (29,943) (9,396) (38,504) - - (77,843) 104,158 (182,001)
1/1/2021 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) At 1st January Recognised In Profit Or Loss Recognised In Other Comprehensive Income Exchange Differences Deferred Tax Impact From Disposal Of Subsidiary As At 31 December Deferred Tax Asset Deferred Tax Liability
Non — Current Assets
Intangible Assets (27,453) 2,921 - - - (24,532) 147 (24,679)
Tangible Assets (54,319) 1,243 - - - (53,076) 356 (53,433)
Right-of-use Assets (7,487) 231 - - - (7,257) - (7,257)
Current Assets (89,259) 4,395 - - - (84,865) 504 (85,368)
Construction Contracts 29,700 2,845 - - - 32,545 32,545 -
Receivables (1,651) (216) - - - (1,866) 1,880 (3,746)
Financial Assets at fair value 54 (5) - - - 48 48 -
Reserves 28,103 2,624 - - - 30,727 34,473 (3,746)
Reserves' defer tax liability (30,887) (481) - - - (31,368) - (31,368)
Actuarial Gain/Losses 16 (16) - - - - - -
Long-term Liabilities (30,871) (497) - - - (31,368) - (31,368)
Employee Benefits 3,014 (600) (801) - - 1,613 1,613 -
Long-Τerm Loans (2,904) 700 - - - (2,204) 142 (2,346)
Other Long-Term Liabilities 6,879 (346) - - - 6,533 6,533 -
Short-Term Liabilities 6,988 (246) (801) - - 5,942 8,288 (2,346)
Provisions 941 (189) (31) - - 721 818 (97)
Contingent Liabilities 5,578 3,991 - - - 9,569 9,569 -
Employee Benefits 637 (268) (10) - - 359 393 (34)
Liabilities From Derivatives 4,410 - 25,009 - - 29,419 29,419 -
Liabilities From Financing Leases 1,183 194 - - - 1,377 1,377 -
Other Short-Term Liabilities (12,187) 19,530 - - - 7,343 34,078 (26,735)
Total 561 23,259 24,968 - - 48,787 75,653 (26,866)
Deferred Tax From Tax Losses —  833 —  —  —  833 833 — 
Deferred Tax (Liability)/Receivables (83,645) 29,534 24,167 - - (29,943) 119,751 (149,694)
9 Inventories

Inventories that are presented in the financial statements are analyzed as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Raw materials 125,395 114,262 112,632 93,035
Semi-finished products 2,372 3,444 2,169 3,329
Finished products 31,668 36,325 31,652 36,325
Work in Progress 572,104 236,075 70,310 50,128
Merchandise 55,841 26,583 55,239 26,049
Others 57,352 54,278 42,747 40,935
Total 844,733 470,968 314,749 249,801
(Less)Provisions for scrap, slow moving and/or destroyed inventories (4,369) (2,202) (4,239) (2,073)
Total Stock 840,364 468,766 310,509 247,728

The increase in inventories is due to METKA’s EGN (note 2.5) portfolio acquisition (METKA EGN is a 100% subsidiary company of the Group) as well as and the gas inventory in Revithousa station.

10 Other receivables
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Other Debtors 324,532 117,980 218,910 58,071
Escrow deposits 32,861 47,892 29,513 33,728
Receivables from the State 63,750 55,240 42,652 26,934
Receivables from Subsidiaries - - 397,810 69,202
Accrued income - Prepaid expenses 551,847 243,260 587,754 262,820
Prepaid expenses for construction contracts 4,710 1,785 633 1,584
Less: Provision for Bad Debts (1,888) (1,424) (1,888) (1,388)
Total 975,812 464,733 1,275,383 450,951

The increase in Other Debtors is mainly due to the amount of €177.4 million that concerns the reclass of the receivables regarding the construction project of a power plant in Ghana with a total capacity of 200 MW on behalf of Early Power Limited (EPL) from Power Projects Limited. According to the commercial agreement of Mytilineos Group, EPL and GE Industrial West Africa, the Company took over the contractual obligation of financing the above amount referring to the receivables of Power Projects Limited of the project.

The "Escrow Deposits" category mainly includes amounts related to guarantees for the issuance of letters of guarantee as well as in the Group's bank accounts which are used in the context of the transactions carried out by the Group in the electricity market (Spot Market), based on the market model (Target Model ), which came into effect in November 2020. The increase in receivables is due to sales of electricity and natural gas which will be billed within January 2023.

The movement of the provision of doubtful other receivables is shown in the following table:

(Amounts in Thousands €) Other Receivables Other Receivables
Opening Balance 1st January 2022, according to IFRS 9 1,424 1,388
Revaluation of loss 464 500
Closing Balance 31/12/2022 1,888 1,888
11 Financial assets & liabilities

The Group’s financial instruments consist mainly of deposits with banks, bank overdrafts, FX spot and forwards, trade accounts receivable and payable, loans to and from subsidiaries, associates, joint ventures, investments in bonds, dividends payable and lease obligations.

The financial instruments presented in the financial statements are categorized in the tables below:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Non current assets
Financial Assets Available for Sale 153 146 37 37
Derivatives 5,151 2,159 5,151 2,159
Other Long-term Receivables 97,924 70,095 99,133 65,863
Total 103,227 72,401 104,321 68,059
Current assets
Derivatives 94,441 11,510 86,574 8,341
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 210 73 210 73
Trade and other receivables 2,427,054 1,818,176 2,221,658 1,192,477
Cash and cash equivalents 1,059,875 602,712 648,316 349,853
Total 3,581,579 2,432,471 2,956,758 1,550,744
Non-Current Liabilities
Long-term debt 1,547,070 1,280,403 820,262 655,505
Lease liabilities 54,775 43,406 34,196 31,039
Derivatives 6,019 26,973 6,019 26,973
Other long-term liabilities 69,312 100,785 38,119 68,245
Total 1,677,176 1,451,567 898,597 781,762
Current Liabilities
Short-term debt 145,945 40,236 100,079 -
Current portion of non-current liabilities 19,740 34,689 - -
Current portion of lease liabilities 8,396 7,293 6,945 5,865
Derivatives 63,932 117,250 59,096 117,250
Trade and other payables 2,261,969 1,494,236 2,253,950 1,418,675
Total 2,499,981 1,693,705 2,420,070 1,541,790

A description of the Group’s financial instruments risks, is given in Note 3.31.

11.1 Other Financial Assets

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Total Opening 146 153 37 37
Exchange Rate Differences 6 (7) - -
Closing Balance 153 146 37 37

Regarding highly liquid assets, namely shares, bank bonds and mutual funds with long-term investment horizon that are traded in an active market.

11.2 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Total Opening 73 69 73 69
Additions 143 - 143 -
Fair Value Adjustments (6) 4 (6) 4
Closing Balance 210 73 210 73

11.3 Derivatives financial instruments

The actual values of financial derivative products are based on observable market data. For all exchange contracts, actual values are confirmed by the credit institutions with which the Group has entered into agreements.

The Group hedge its exposure to exchange rate risk by using forward contracts and options, "locking in" exchange rates that ensure liquidity and profit margins.

Subsequently, the Group hedge its exposure to commodity risk by using future contracts to hedge fluctuations in the price of metal and electricity, and future contracts for metal prices, which hedge changes in fair value of commodities, as well as commodity swap contracts to hedge changes in the price of metal, natural gas, and oil, which hedge the risk of changes in cash flows.

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Assets - -
Non current assets - -
Futures 674 - 674 -
Swaps 271 1,324 271 1,324
Foreign Exchange Contracts 4,205 835 4,205 835
Total Non current assets 5,151 2,159 5,151 2,159
Current assets - - - -
Futures 16,697 81 16,363 -
Swaps 34,944 8,341 34,944 8,341
Foreign Exchange Contracts 32,672 3,070 25,148 -
Options 10,128 19 10,119 -
Total Current assets 94,441 11,510 86,574 8,341
Total Assets 99,592 13,669 91,725 10,500
Non-Current Liabilities - -
Futures 1,232 12,826 1,232 12,826
Foreign Exchange Contracts - 8,087 - 8,087
Options 4,787 6,060 4,787 6,060
Total Non current Liabilities 6,019 26,973 6,019 26,973
Current Liabilities - - - -
Futures - 13,256 - 13,256
Swaps 38,992 44,923 38,992 44,923
Foreign Exchange Contracts 5,071 20,541 235 20,541
Options 19,869 38,530 19,869 38,530
Total Current Liabilities 63,932 117,250 59,096 117,250
Total Liabilities 69,951 144,223 65,115 144,223

The maximum exposure to credit risk on 31/12/2022 and 31/12/2021 for the Group and the Parent is the fair value of the derivatives items, as illustrated in the table above.

All hedges are classified as cash flow hedges which are estimated to be effective with the overall change in fair value recognized in the statement of comprehensive income.

Profit/ (Losses) from the valuation of derivatives shown in the statement of total income are presented below:

(Amounts in thousands €) Assets
(Carrying Amount)
(Carrying Amount)
Changes in the value of hedging instrument recognised in OCI Amount reclassified from hedging reserve to proft and loss Assets
(Carrying Amount)
(Carrying Amount)
Changes in the value of hedging instrument recognised in OCI Amount reclassified from hedging reserve to proft and loss
Exchange rate risk
Foreign Exchange Contracts 36,878 (5,071) 73,964 (17,453) 3,923 (28,628) (25,122) 2,686
Options 10 (4,787) 8,434 (5,508) - (7,703) (14,237) 2,394
Swaps 531 - 491 40 - - - -
Price risk
Futures 17,371 - 43,721 (13,175) 81 (13,256) 2,936 (8,056)
Options 10,119 (19,869) 60,159 (33,022) - (36,888) (27,390) (996)
Swaps 34,685 (40,224) 79,165 (36,621) 9,665 (57,748) (30,164) (8,959)
Total 99,592 (69,951) 265,934 (105,740) 13,669 (144,223) (93,978) (12,930)
(Amounts in thousands €) Assets
(Carrying Amount)
(Carrying Amount)
Changes in the value of hedging instrument recognised in OCI Amount reclassified from hedging reserve to proft and loss Assets
(Carrying Amount)
(Carrying Amount)
Changes in the value of hedging instrument recognised in OCI Amount reclassified from hedging reserve to proft and loss
Exchange rate risk
Foreign Exchange Contracts 29,353 (235) 77,452 (20,541) 835 (28,628) (33,533) 2,777
Options - (4,787) 8,424 (5,508) - (7,703) (14,237) 2,394
Swaps 531 - 491 40 - - - -
Price risk
Futures 17,038 - 43,549 (13,256) - (13,256) 2,779 (8,017)
Options 10,119 (19,869) 60,159 (33,022) - (36,888) (27,390) (996)
Swaps 34,685 (40,224) 79,165 (36,621) 9,665 (57,748) (30,164) (8,959)
Total 91,725 (65,115) 269,241 (108,909) 10,500 (144,223) (102,546) (12,800)

The maturity of the open positions of derivatives on 31/12/2022 and 31/12/2021 is presented in the table below

Derivatives Liquidity Risk Analysis (Amounts in thousands €) up to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
2022 33,327 30,605 6,019 - 69,951
2021 56,951 60,299 26,973 - 144,223
Derivatives Liquidity Risk Analysis (Amounts in thousands €) up to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
2022 32,920 26,176 6,019 - 65,115
2021 56,951 60,299 26,973 - 144,223

The results of the settled derivative transactions recorded in the income statement for the year 2022 for the Group and the Company from the hedging of the exchange rate risk amount to a loss of € 135,116 thousand and € 151,748 thousand respectively and from the hedging of commodity prices to a profit € 255,818 thousand and € 233,736 thousand respectively. The corresponding amounts for the year 2021 had risen for the group and the company from the hedging of the exchange rate risk in a loss of € 1,048 thousand and € 1,080 thousand respectively and from the hedging of commodity prices in loss € 54,921 thousand and € 55,629 thousand respectively.

11.4 Other long-term receivables

Other long-term receivables of the Group and the Company are analyzed in the table below:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Customers - Withholding guarantees falling due after one year 6,842 49,187 6,842 49,187
Given guarantees 89,929 12,464 85,700 9,687
Other long term receivables 1,153 8,445 6,592 6,989
Other long term receivables 97,924 70,095 99,133 65,863

The increase in the Given Guarantees fund is due to the coverage of positions regarding the capacity commitment and balancing in the Natural Gas market in accordance with the provisions of the respective code.

11.5 Loan liabilities

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Long-term debt
Bank loans 109,438 79,281 - -
Bonds 1,437,632 1,201,122 820,262 655,505
Total 1,547,070 1,280,403 820,262 655,505
Short-term debt
Overdraft 52 - 13,037 (13,037)
Bank loans 141,504 40,236 87,042 13,037
Long term Bank Loan falling due within one year 4,390 - - -
Total 145,945 40,236 100,079 — 
Current portion of non-current liabilities 19,740 34,689 - — 
Total 1,712,755 1,355,328 920,341 655,505
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Long-term debt
Lease liabilities 54,775 43,406 34,196 31,039
Total 54,775 43,406 34,196 31,039
Short-term debt
Current portion of lease liabilities 8,396 7,293 6,945 5,865
Total 8,396 7,293 6,945 5,865
Total 1,775,926 1,406,027 961,482 692,409

The effective weighted average borrowing rate for the group, as at the balance sheet date is 3.14%.

The financial covenants for the compliance with certain ratios applicable to the Group's loan obligations are referred to note 3.33.

11.6 Loan liabilities movement

31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) Short term
Loan Liabilities
Long term
Loan Liabilities
Total Short term
Loan Liabilities
Long term
Loan Liabilities
Total Opening 74,926 1,280,403 1,355,328 68,910 911,533 980,443
Repayments (53,887) (1,604,762) (1,658,648) (121,525) (489,157) (610,682)
Proceeds 119,573 1,896,501 2,016,075 110,176 865,303 975,479
Other 6,089 (6,089) - (117) 10,205 10,088
Reclassification 18,983 (18,983) - 17,481 (17,481) -
Total 165,684 1,547,070 1,712,755 74,926 1,280,403 1,355,328
31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) Short term
Loan Liabilities
Long term
Loan Liabilities
Total Short term
Loan Liabilities
Long term
Loan Liabilities
Total Opening —  655,505 655,506 - 284,152 284,152
Repayments - (1,552,120) (1,552,120) (70,575) (457,732) (528,306)
Proceeds 100,079 1,715,918 1,815,997 70,580 832,742 903,321
Other - 959 959 (5) (3,656) (3,661)
Total 100,079 820,262 920,341 - 655,505 655,506

11.7 Other long-term liabilities

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Received guarantees — Grants-Leasing
Total Opening 57,020 57,959 24,674 25,707
Additions 522 2,754 522 1,621
Transfer At Profits/Loss (2,844) (2,779) (1,099) (1,099)
Transfer From / (To) Short — Term (1,222) (914) (1,620) (1,555)
Closing Balance 53,476 57,020 22,478 24,674
Advances of customers
Total Opening 8,656 6,972 8,656 6,972
Additions - 1,684 - 1,684
Transfer From / (To) Short — Term (8,656) - (8,656) -
Closing Balance - 8,656 - 8,656
Total Opening 15,492 14,102 15,297 13,995
Additions (15,297) 1,531 (15,297) 1,303
Transfer From / (To) Short — Term 15,642 (5) - -
Discont. Operations / Sales Of Subsidiary - (137) - -
Closing Balance 15,836 15,492 15,641 15,297
Suppliers holdings for good performance
Total Opening 19,618 19,618 19,618 19,618
Transfer From / (To) Short - Term (19,618) - (19,618) -
Closing Balance - 19,618 - 19,618
Total 69,312 100,785 38,119 68,245
12 Customers and other trade receivables
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Customers 1,045,377 937,068 638,592 467,013
Notes receivable - - - -
Checks receivable 5,374 5,750 2,226 2,158
Receivables from contracts 239,843 278,070 153,681 132,555
Less: Impairment Provisions (44,883) (29,094) (39,886) (24,781)
Net trade Receivables 1,245,711 1,191,794 754,613 576,945
Advances for inventory purchases 7,566 (332) - -
Advances to trade creditors 197,965 161,982 191,661 164,582
Total 1,451,241 1,353,444 946,274 741,525

There is analysis of Net trade Receivables below.

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Non past due 1,155,994 1,032,103 753,234 653,316
Past due 340,131 350,436 232,926 112,992
Less: Impairment Provisions (44,883) (29,094) (39,886) (24,781)
Total Receivables from Customers 1,451,241 1,353,444 946,274 741,525

The below table shows the Group exposure in credit risk.

(Amounts in thousands €)
Gross Trade Receivables Expected credit loss Expected credit loss Average percentage of expected credit loss
Non past due 1,155,994 1,313 1,154,681 0.11%
Past due less than 3 months 151,697 1,193 150,504 0.79%
Past due 3-6 months 65,173 1,099 64,074 1.69%
Past due 6-12 months 69,279 12,183 57,096 17.59%
Past due > 1 year 53,982 29,095 24,887 53.90%
Total 1,496,125 44,883 1,451,241 3.00%
(Amounts in thousands €)
Gross Trade Receivables Expected credit loss Net trade receivables Average percentage of expected credit loss
Non past due 1,032,103 829 1,031,274 0.08%
Past due less than 3 months 282,377 2,121 280,256 0.75%
Past due 3-6 months 23,984 1,716 22,268 7.15%
Past due 6-12 months 2,092 729 1,363 34.84%
Past due > 1 year 41,983 23,701 18,282 56.45%
Total 1,382,539 29,095 1,353,444 2.10%

The increase in advances to suppliers is mainly due to advances in the Sustainable Engineering Solutions’ Business Unit.

Group receivables and liabilities from construction contracts are analyzed below:

Construction Contracts 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Realised Contractual Cost & Profits (minus realised losses) 4,299,695 4,437,343
Less: Progress Billings (4,275,404) (4,353,996)
24,291 83,347
Receivables for construction contracts according to the percentage of completion 239,843 278,070
Liabilities related to construction contracts according to percent. of completion 215,551 (194,724)
Advances received 46,418 46,250
Clients holdings for good performance 101,939 79,523

The movement in the provision for doubtful receivables related to Customers and Other Trade Receivables is analyzed below:

(Amounts in thousands €) Trade and other receivables Trade and other receivables
Total on 1 January 2021 according to IFRS 9 22,873 18,524
Revaluation of loss 6,221 6,257
Total on 31 December 2021 29,094 24,781
Revaluation of loss 15,789 15,105
Total on 31 December 2022 44,883 39,886
13 Cash and cash equivalents
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Cash 1,022 1,870 832 1,208
Bank deposits 828,102 471,342 483,733 295,645
Time deposits & Repos 230,751 129,500 163,751 53,000
Total 1,059,875 602,712 648,316 349,853
The weighted average interest rate is as: 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Deposits in Euro 0.21% 0.00%
Deposits in USD 0.00% 0.00%

Cash and cash equivalent do not include escrow deposits which are included in paragraph 3.10.

Time deposits & REPOS on 31.12.2022 refer to time deposits of the Group with a maturity less than 3 months.

14 Suppliers and other liabilities

Suppliers and other liabilities Group and the Company are analyzed in the table below

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Suppliers 607,244 608,581 436,956 375,353
Customers’ Advances 507,856 282,530 488,655 272,424
Liabilities to customers 215,552 194,724 215,551 193,769
Total 1,330,652 1,085,835 1,141,162 841,546

The increase in Customers’ Advances is mainly due to advances for Gas sales of Power & Gas Business Unit will be realized in January 2023.

15 Other short-term liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Liabilities to Related Parties - - 198,601 184,249
Accrued expense 557,838 199,648 549,605 197,399
Social security insurance 4,057 5,094 3,214 3,119
Dividends payable 2,115 3,105 1,183 950
Deferred income-Grants 345 345 —  — 
Others Liabilities 366,962 200,210 360,185 191,412
Total 931,317 408,401 1,112,788 577,129

The increase in accrued expenses is due to purchases of electricity and gas which will be invoiced in January 2023.

16 Total Equity

16.1 Share capital

Mytilineos S.A., following the 27.03.2020 decision of the Extraordinary General Meeting of its shareholders and the relevant decision of the Board of Directors dated 01.06.2020, announced its intention to start implementing the Own Share Buyback Program. The purchases of the own shares will be made through the members of the Athens Stock Exchange, EUROBANK EQUITIES INVESTMENT FIRM S.A., PIRAEUS SECURITIES S.A. and EUROXX SECURITIES S.A.

It is reminded that the purpose of the program is to reduce the share capital and / or the disposal of the same shares, which will be acquired, to the staff and / or members of the management of the Company and / or affiliated company, while the maximum number of shares to be acquired is expected to be 14,289,116 (up to 10% of the share capital), with a minimum purchase price of €0.97 per share and a maximum purchase price of €25 per share, The program had initial duration till 26.03.2022 and following the Extraordinary General Meeting of 23.03.2022 the program extended for extra 24 months. The final amount that will be allocated for the program and the number of shares that will eventually be purchased, will depend on the current conditions of the company and the market.

In the current financial year, a total of 4,124,150 shares with a nominal value of €0.97 each, which represent 2.8862% of the Company's share capital, were acquired under the Own Share Acquisition Program. Furthermore, in 2022 MYTILINEOS proceeded with the sale of € 4.5 mio. own shares, which correspond to 3.1493% of its share capital.

The final amount that will be allocated for the program and the number of shares that will eventually be purchased, will depend on the current conditions of the company and the market. The share capital of Mytilineos S.A at 31.12.2022 amounts to one hundred thirty-eight millions six hundred four thousand four hundred twenty-six euros and seventeen cents (€ 138,604,426.17), divided into one hundred forty-two millions eight hundred ninety-one thousand one hundred sixty-one (142,891,161) registered shares with a nominal value of (€0.97) each.

The Shares of Mytilineos S.A. are freely traded on the Securities Market of the Athens Exchange. Until 31.12.2022 7,057,644 Company’s shares have been bought back at an average price of €13.5669 and total cost of €64,371,249.

16.2 Reserves

Reserves in the financial statements are analysed as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) Fair value reserves Equity-settled share-based payment Treasury Stock Reserve Translation reserves Regular Reserve Special & Extraordinary Reserves Tax-free and Specially taxed Reserves Revaluation reserves Financial instruments valuation reserve Stock Option Plan Reserve Stock Option Plan Reserve Merged Reserves Total
Opening Balance 1st January 2021, according to IFRS -as published- (13,301) - (56,795) (38,337) 21,653 11,454 90,571 1,609 (4,220) 1,225 465 3,630 17,954
Transfer To Reserves - - - - 525 (256) 744 - - - - - 1,013
Equity-settled share-based payment - 4,000 - - - - - - - - - - 4,000
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - (23,641) - - 1,095 - - - - - - (22,546)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - 4,000 (23,641) - 525 839 744 - - - - - (17,533)
Exchange Differences On Translation Of Foreign Operations - - - 24,980 - - - - - - - - 24,980
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve (110,475) - - - - - - - 8,301 - - - (102,174)
Income Tax Relating To Components Of Other Comprehensive Income - - - - - - 58 - - - - - 58
Deferred Tax From Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - (6) - (6)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - 223 - 223
Revaluation Of Tangible Assets - - - - - - - (28) - - - - (28)
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve 20,243 - - - - - - - - - - - 20,243
Closing Balance 31/12/2021 (103,532) 4,000 (80,436) (13,356) 22,178 12,484 91,374 1,582 4,081 1,225 490 3,630 (56,281)
Opening Balance 1st January 2022, according to IFRS -as published- (103,532) 4,000 (80,436) (13,356) 22,178 12,484 91,374 1,582 4,081 1,225 490 3,630 (56,281)
Dividends Paid - - - (1,048) - - - - - - - - (1,048)
Transfer To Reserves - - - - 1,820 (503) - - - - 122 - 1,439
Equity-settled share-based payment - 25,380 - - - - - - - - - - 25,380
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - 16,065 - - - - - - - - - 16,065
Impact From Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - - - - - 1 - (1) - - - (330) (330)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - 25,380 16,065 (1,048) 1,820 (503) - (1) - - 122 (330) 41,506
Exchange Differences On Translation Of Foreign Operations - - - 18,616 2 (12,749) - - - - - - 5,868
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve 152,984 - - - - - - - (6,078) - - - 146,906
Income Tax Relating To Components Of Other Comprehensive Income - - - - - - 612 - - - - - 612
Deferred Tax From Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - (174) - (174)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - 851 - 851
Revaluation Of Tangible Assets - - - - - - - 1 - - - - 1
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve (12,234) - - - - - - - - - - - (12,234)
Closing Balance 31/12/2022 37,218 29,380 (64,371) 4,212 23,999 (768) 91,986 1,582 (1,997) 1,225 1,290 3,300 127,057
(Amounts in thousands €) Fair value reserves Equity-settled share-based payment Treasury Stock Reserve Translation reserves Regular Reserve Special & Extraordinary Reserves Tax-free and Specially taxed Reserves Revaluation reserves Financial instruments valuation reserve Stock Option Plan Reserve Stock Option Plan Reserve Merged Reserves Total
Opening Balance 1st January 2021, according to IFRS -as published- (13,966) - (56,795) 2,149 63,197 79,487 47,419 174 (2) 1,615 (3,549) (329,126) (209,396)
Transfer To Reserves - - - - - (17) - - - - - - (17)
Equity-settled share-based payment - 4,000 - - - - - - - - - - 4,000
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - (23,641) - - 1,095 - - - - - - (22,546)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - 4,000 (23,641) - - 1,078 - - - - - - (18,563)
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve (110,581) - - - - - - - - - - - (110,581)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - 69 - 69
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve 20,243 - - - - - - - - - - - 20,243
Closing Balance 31/12/2021 (104,304) 4,000 (80,436) 2,149 63,197 80,566 47,419 174 (2) 1,615 (3,480) (329,126) (318,228)
Opening Balance 1st January 2022, according to IFRS -as published- (104,304) 4,000 (80,436) 2,149 63,197 80,566 47,419 174 (2) 1,615 (3,480) (329,126) (318,228)
Equity-settled share-based payment - 25,380 - - - - - - - - - - 25,380
Treasury Stock Sales/Purchases - - 16,065 - - - - - - - - - 16,065
Impact From Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - - - - - - - - - - - (330) (330)
Net Profit/(Loss) For The Period - 25,380 16,065 - - - - - - - - (330) 41,115
Cash Flow Hedging Reserve 146,668 - - - - - - - - - - - 146,668
Deferred Tax From Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - (171) - (171)
Actuarial Gain / (Losses) - - - - - - - - - - 838 - 838
Deferred Tax From Cash Flow Hedging Reserve (10,761) - - - - - - - - - - - (10,761)
Closing Balance 31/12/2022 31,603 29,380 (64,371) 2,149 63,197 80,566 47,419 174 (2) 1,615 (2,813) (329,456) (140,537)

The majority of the above reserves relates to Parent Company and Greek subsidiaries. Under Greek corporate law, corporations are required to transfer a minimum of 5% of their annual net profit as reflected in their statutory books to a legal reserve, until such reserve equals one-third of the outstanding share capital. The above reserve cannot be distributed throughout the life of the company.

Tax free reserves represent non distributed profits that are exempt from income tax based on special provisions of development laws (under the condition that adequate profits exist for their allowance). These reserves mainly relate to investments and are not distributed.

Specially taxed reserves represent interest income and income from disposal of listed in the Stock Exchange and non listed companies and are tax free or tax has been withheld at source. Except for any tax prepayments, these reserves are exempted from taxes, provided they are not distributed to shareholders.

This reserve is used to record the exchange differences arising from the translation of foreign subsidiaries’ financial statements. The balance of this reserve for the Group at 31.12.2022 was €4.2 million (31.12.2021: €-13.4 million). The Group had a total net gain € 18.6 million which was reported in the statement of comprehensive income.

The above total net gain for 2022 is mainly due to the positive movement of the USD against the EUR, which was partially offset by the negative movement of the AUD and GBP against the EUR.

The main exchange rates for converting the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries were:

Statement of Financial Position:
31/12/2022 31/12/2021 Δ
ΕUR / USD 1.07 1.13 -5.83%
EUR / AUD 1.57 1.56 0.50%
EUR / GBP 0.89 0.84 5.55%
Income Statement:
Average 01/01-31/12/2022 Average 01/01-31/12/2021 Δ
ΕUR / USD 1.05 1.58 -10.97%
EUR / AUD 1.52 1.58 -3.70%
EUR / GBP 0.85 0.86 -0.80%

Reserves for allocation of free shares to directors

As of December 31, 2021, the Group has in place two share-based payment plans, approved by the GMS on 15.06.2021.

A) The first plan is of three-year maturity and involves free distribution of up to 700,000 treasury shares and will be settled in equity. The terms of the plan, defined by the Board of Directors on 22.12.2021 relate to meeting corporate and personal goals of the executive members of the Board of Directors (excluding the Chairman and CEO) of the Company and/or members of the Executive Committee – the Company’s senior executives. The beneficiaries should retain the aforementioned capacity as at 01.01.2021 while a change of status and/or retirement of a beneficiary does not affect the distribution.

B) The second plan is of five-year maturity and involves distribution of up to 2,750,000 treasury shares and will be settled in equity. The terms of the plan, defined by the Board of Directors on 21.12.2021, as well appointed the beneficiaries and determined the terms of exercise and maturity, and the shares to be distributed to the beneficiaries of the plan.

The plan is rolling and consists of 5 phases:

i. The first phase has a vesting period from 2021 to 2023 and a period of exercise from 2024 to 2026.

ii. The second phase has a vesting period from 2022 to 2024 and a period of exercise from 2025 to 2027.

iii. The third phase has a vesting period from 2023 to 2025 and a period of exercise from 2026 to 2028.

iv. The fourth phase has a vesting period from 2024 to 2026 and a period of exercise from 2027 to 2029.

v. The fifth phase has a vesting period from 2025 to 2027 and a period of exercise from 2028 to 2030.

The vesting conditions defined by the 21.12.2021 decision of the Board of Directors concern Market conditions and Non-market conditions. In particular:

Upon establishing that the objectives have been achieved, the procedure for providing or not providing the shares per Beneficiary is activated. This is determined according to the individual performance criteria over time, during the 3 years of the vesting period, the achievement of which should be equal to or greater than 85%. The individual performance criteria are determined through the performance management process and take into account the overall achievement over a three-year period.

For each phase, the performance is defined during the 3rd year. Based on this, the shares are allocated to the executives in parts during the exercise period of each phase (3rd year of the program 30%, 4th year of the program 30%, 5th year of the program 40%), provided that on December 31, when the vesting period of each phase ends, the Beneficiary is still working or providing services to the Company, or to any of its subsidiaries, or is still acting as an Executive Member of the Board of Directors of Mytilineos S.A..

The fair values of the rights granted for the long-term free share distribution program were determined using the Monte Carlo simulation, taking into account the vesting conditions set in accordance with the 21.12.2021 decision of the Board of Directors. Specifically, the plan includes vesting conditions related to market conditions and non-market conditions. In light of this, the future movement of the share price on a monthly basis until the end of the program was simulated, taking into account the current value per share, the standard deviation, the dividend yield and the risk-free rate. The market condition associated with the plan is incorporated into the measurement through stochastic modeling of the movement of the values of the underlying securities. More specifically, the following input data are used in the model:

i. The price of the share which on the date of acceptance of the free shares plan amounted to 20.30 euros.

ii. The exercise price (0.00 euro/ free disposal).

iii. The discount rate or risk-free yield (2.19%).

iv. The average dividend yield of the stock (3.68%).

v. The average monthly performance of the share price which amounted to 0.98% and The average monthly performance of the share price which amounted to 0.98% and the monthly volatility of the share price which amounted to 11.70%.

vi. The price of the FTSE/ATHEX Large Capitalization Index, excluding banks, which on the date of acceptance of the free shares plan amounted to 333.25 euros (Source: Bloomberg).

vii. The average monthly return and monthly volatility of the FTSE/ATHEX Large Capitalization Index, excluding banks, was 0.65% and 9.60% respectively (Source: Bloomberg).

viii. The Correlation between the share price and the price of the Athens Stock Exchange Large Capitalization Index (excluding banks) which was calculated at 0.74.

Based on the above, the fair value of the rights was determined in a price range from € 16.71 to € 31.09, with a weighted average price of € 23.30.

Long-term stock option plan
Vesting period 2021 - 2027
Exercise from/to 2024 - 2030
Number of shares under stock plan 2,750 thousand
Volatility (per month) 11.70%
Risk-free investment rate 2.19%
Dividend yield 3.68%
Exercise price at date of grant 24.31 - 49.52
Fair value of stock option 16.71 - 31.09

The plan’s stock options and the weighted average exercise prices are for the reporting periods are presented below as follows:

Short-term stock option plan
700 thousand shares
Long-term stock option plan
2.750 thousand shares
Number of shares Weighted average exercise price per share Number of shares Weighted average exercise price per share
Outstanding at 31 December 2020 - - - -
Granted 478,000 15.90 - -
Forfeited - - - -
Exercised (239,000) 15.05 - -
Outstanding at 31 December 2021 239,000 16.74 - -
Granted 239,000 16.74 935,000 27.14
Forfeited - - - -
Exercised (239,000) 19.86 - -
Outstanding at 31 December 2022 239,000 16.74 935,000 27.14
Exercisable at 31 December 2021 239,000 16.74 - -
Exercisable at 31 December 2022 239,000 16.74 - -
17 Employee benefit liabilities
31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total
Current employment cost 1,398 - 1,399 1,314 - 1,314
Financial cost 55 4 59 60 33 93
Anticipated return on assets - (5) (5) - (28) (28)
Losses from abridgement - 23 23 - - -
Settlement Cost 594 43 637 628 85 713
Amount to Income Statement 2,047 66 2,113 2,002 90 2,092
Actuarial (Gain)/Losses immediate recognise in profit and loss statement (790) (62) (852) (104) (122) (226)
Amount through Other Comprehensive Income (790) (62) (852) (104) (122) (226)
Expected return of plan assets - - - - 28 28
Actuarial gains on plan assets - - - - (81) (81)
Return of plan assets - - - - (53) (53)
31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total
Current employment cost 1,005 - 1,005 873 - 873
Financial cost 46 4 50 51 33 84
Anticipated return on assets - (5) (5) - (28) (28)
Settlement Cost 528 43 572 502 85 587
Amount to Income Statement 1,578 43 1,621 1,426 90 1,516
Actuarial (Gain)/Losses immediate recognise in profit and loss statement (776) (62) (838) (2) (67) (69)
Amount through Other Comprehensive Income (776) (62) (838) (2) (67) (69)
Expected return of plan assets - - - - 29 29
Actuarial gains on plan assets - - - - (81) (81)
Return of plan assets - - - - (52) (52)
31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total
Total Opening 9,416 58 9,474 10,142 65 10,207
Current Employment Cost 1,398 1 1,399 1,314 4 1,318
Financial Cost 55 4 59 60 33 93
Actuarialy (Profits)/ Losses (790) (62) (852) (104) (122) (226)
Losses From Abridgement - 23 23 - 574 574
Settlement Cost 594 43 637 628 (469) 159
Anticipated Return On Assets - (5) (5) - (28) (28)
Contributions Paid (2,711) - (2,711) (2,567) - (2,567)
Merge Through Acquisition Of Subsidiary - - - (57) - (57)
Closing Balance 7,962 63 8,023 9,416 58 9,474

The Group’s present value of the liability at year end 2021 is € 8,023 thousands and accordingly for 2021 is € 9,474 thousands

31/12/2022 31/12/2021
(Amounts in thousands €) Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total Defined Contributions Plans Defined Benefits Plans Total
Total Opening 7,659 14 7,673 8,586 11 8,597
Current Employment Cost 1,005 - 1,005 873 - 873
Financial Cost 46 4 50 51 34 85
Actuarialy (Profits)/ Losses (776) (62) (838) (2) (67) (69)
Losses From Abridgement - 85 85 - - -
Settlement Cost 528 (23) 505 502 65 567
Anticipated Return On Assets - (5) (5) - (29) (29)
Contributions Paid (2,548) - (2,548) (2,352) - (2,352)
Closing Balance 5,915 13 5,927 7,659 14 7,673

The Entity’s present value of the liability at year end 2022 is € 5,927 thousands and accordingly for 2021 is € 7,673 thousands.

The assumptions used, are presented in the following table:

31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Discount Rate 2.8% 0.6%
Future Salary Increases 2.5% 2.0%
Inflation 2.8% 1.8%
18 Provisions

Provisions referring to Group and Company are recognized if the following are met: (a) legal or implied liabilities exist as a consequence of past events, (b) there is a possibility of settlement that will require the outflow if economic benefits and (c) the amount of the liability can be measured reliably. All provisions are reviewed at each balance-sheet date and are adjusted accordingly so that they reflect the present value of expenses that will be required for the restoration of the environment. Contingent receivables are not recognized in the financial statements but are disclosed if there is a possibility of an inflow of economic benefits.

Tax Liabilities. This provision relates to future obligations that may result from tax audits.

Other provisions. Comprise other provisions relating to other risks none of which are individually material to the Group and to contingent liabilities arising from current commitments.

(Amounts in thousands €) Tax liabilities Other Total
1/1/2021 895 10,500 11,395
Additional Provisions For The Period - 1,785 1,785
Exchange Rate Differences 1 695 696
Realised Provisions For The Period - (1,940) (1,940)
31/12/2021 896 11,040 11,936
Long -Term 896 10,780 11,675
Short - Term - 260 260
Additional Provisions For The Period - 15,243 15,243
Unrealised Reversed Provisions - (250) (250)
Exchange Rate Differences - (1,439) (1,439)
Realised Provisions For The Period - (2,000) (1,999)
31/12/2022 895 22,594 23,489
Long -Term 896 22,591 23,485
Short - Term - 4 4
(Amounts in thousands €) Tax liabilities Other Total
1/1/2021 615 9,972 10,587
Additional Provisions For The Period - 1,531 1,531
Exchange Rate Differences - 695 695
Realised Provisions For The Period - (1,761) (1,761)
31/12/2021 615 10,436 11,051
Long -Term 615 10,436 11,051
Short - Term - - -
Additional Provisions For The Period - 13,361 13,361
Exchange Rate Differences - (1,390) (1,390)
Realised Provisions For The Period - (1,819) (1,819)
31/12/2022 615 20,589 21,205
Long -Term 615 20,589 21,205
Short - Term - - -
19 Current tax liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Tax expense for the period 102,969 48,537 76,348 41,488
Tax audit differences (7) (7) - -
Tax liabilities 123,538 43,489 107,186 36,216
Total 226,501 92,019 183,534 77,704
20 Cost of goods sold
(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Retirement benefits 727 70 - -
Medical benefits after retirement 1 - - -
Other employee benefits 127,913 89,947 74,175 64,097
Cost of materials & inventories 4,427,567 1,357,326 4,335,643 1,046,603
Third party expenses 560,082 388,969 399,072 233,647
Third party benefits 62,090 283,392 51,068 444,064
Assets repair and maintenance cost 19,824 19,674 13,949 13,448
Operating leases rent 1,863 1,697 819 1,368
Taxes & Duties 30,894 9,476 20,553 6,564
Advertisement 454 1,480 454 1,480
Other expenses 29,372 70,295 26,285 19,607
Depreciation - Tangible Assets 64,379 59,989 40,822 43,277
Depreciation - Intangible Assets 13,744 10,057 9,438 7,039
Grants amortization incorporated to cost (1,047) (396) (1,047) (850)
Depreciation - Right-of-use Assets 3,252 6,906 1,593 5,697
Total 5,341,116 2,298,883 4,972,825 1,886,042
21 Administrative Expenses
(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Administrative expenses
Other emploee benefits 196,144 24,097 196,126 22,005
Inventory cost - 48 - -
Third party expenses 31,769 26,636 29,935 24,063
Third party benefits 1,624 2,421 1,622 2,059
Assets repair and maintenance cost 2,761 768 2,761 768
Operating leases rent 1,085 121 941 205
Taxes & Duties 4,399 159 4,375 148
Advertisement 10,302 13,113 10,302 13,113
Other expenses 11,372 10,643 10,712 11,933
Depreciation - Tangible Assets 1,489 1,342 1,426 1,263
Depreciation - Intangible Assets 4,126 4,032 145 108
Depreciation - Right-of-use Assets 5,150 (105) 5,263 -
Total 270,222 83,273 263,607 75,665

Other employees benefits of 31/12/2022 have been significantly differentiated in relation to the previous year as, within the year 2022. An amount of € 140,906 thousand was accounted for, concerning the completion of the implementation of the purpose of the contract between the Company and the CEO, according to the service contract approved by the General Assembly from 7 June 2018. It is noted that the payment of € 98,665 thousand was made in February 2023 and the corresponding tax of € 42,241 thousand was also paid.

Also, in the other benefits to employees, an amount of € 25,308 thousand has been accounted for regarding payment agreements based on equity securities for employees and executives of the Company as detailed in point 16.2 Reserves

For 2022, the figure for Administrative expenses includes amount of € 153 thousands, regarding auditor fees for the provision of services other than statutory audits.

22 Other operating income / expenses
(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Other operating income
Grants amortization 1,797 1,755 52 52
Income from Subsidies 600 281 503 273
Compensations 104 83 13 61
Profit from foreign exchange differences 26,494 15,342 14,699 11,483
Rent income 1,281 1,343 1,331 1,392
Operating income from services 2,311 3,499 2,569 1,994
Income from reversal of unrealized provisions 40 - - -
Profit from sale of fixed assets 356 355 43 263
Other 82,063 3,660 75,501 2,754
Total 115,046 26,318 94,711 18,270
Other operating expenses
Losses from foreign exchange differences 23,075 16,029 10,410 12,789
Provision for bad debts 15,621 6,295 15,621 6,257
Loss from sale of fixed assets 382 3 - 3
Operating expenses from services 15,995 4,920 13,573 3,492
Other taxes 554 1,252 254 622
Compensations 118 12 54 5
Other provisions 20,202 829 20,989 755
Total 75,947 29,340 60,901 23,924

Regarding the changes in the exchange rates in the years 2022 and 2021 and their effects on the results, detailed explanations are provided in the Report of the Board of Directors.In October 2010, the association of companies Ansaldo Energia S.P.A. and Mytilineos SA, entered into a contract with the Public Establishments of Electricity of Generation for the construction of a power plant (C.C.P.S.) in the Deir Azzur region of Syria. For this specific project, works had stopped due to the state of emergency in the country and political uncertainty. In 2022, a settlement was signed, with the owner of the project and its new contractor, according to which the association of companies is released from the continued execution of the project and from the already existing or any future obligations that may arise from the continued execution of the project.In May 2020 the association of companies (Consortium) consisting of the companies "General Electric International Inc." and "Mytilineos SA", appealed to international arbitration against the company "Société Algérienne de Production de l’Electricité" (SΑPE) for the project "HASSI R’MEL I" in Algeria. In October 2022 settlements were signed between Mytilineos SA, SAPE and GE, according to which the former is released from the Contract with SAPE for the "HASSI R’MEL I" project and transfers all claims/ obligations of Mytilineos SA to GE, while for the "HASSI R’MEL II" project, Mytilineos SA is released from most of the work to be performed in the framework of the "HASSI R’MEL II" project. The Company, following the above arrangements for the year 2022, recognized in its income statement and specifically in the other income fund € 67.3 million which related to recognized performance obligations, which no longer exist.

23 Financial income / expenses
(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Financial income
Bank deposits 1,254 121 829 79
Customers 1,583 6,419 1,583 633
Loans to related parties - - 3,150 34
Other 1,613 (28) 109 4
Total 4,450 6,512 5,670 751
Financial expenses
Discounts of Employees' benefits liability due to service termination 59 32 50 31
Bank Loans 50,396 36,017 26,521 14,197
Interest charges due to customer downpayments - 1 - -
Loans to related parties - - 2,404 6,743
Letter of Credit commissions 10,904 7,560 8,330 4,795
Factoring 3,292 2,241 3,285 2,111
Financial Leases 2 2 - -
Other Banking Expenses 11,474 10,479 7,488 7,320
Transactions with related parties - - 798 261
Interest from operating/trading activities 1,098 250 1,097 249
Interest on lease liabilities 2,577 2,190 1,677 1,511
Total 79,802 58,771 51,650 37,218
24 Other financial results
(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Other financial results
Non-hedging derivatives - (3,544) - (5,816)
Profit / (loss) from fair value of other financial instrument through profit/loss (13,914) 4 (13,914) 4
Gain from disposal - 1,983 1,651 2,276
Fair value profit 443 - - -
Profit / (loss) from the sale of financial instruments 4,459 - 4,459 -
Income from dividends - 200 5,261 1,823
Other Income 493 44 - -
Profit / (loss) from the sale of subsidiary (685) (2,175) (685) (4,513)
Impairment loss from assets (10,043) (2,770) - (2,262)
Total (19,248) (6,259) (3,229) (8,488)

During the financial year 2022, the Group proceeded with an impairment of the assets of the Power Gas Business Unit a total amount of €10 million (2021: €2.8 million) for RES units, which is analyzed in Note 3. Tangible assets and 5. Intangible Assets. In addition, Mytilineos Financial Partners S.A., a subsidiary of Mytilineos S.A. based in Luxembourg, has issued with the guarantee of Mytilineos S.A. first-class bond with a nominal value of €500 million, with an interest rate of 2.50% and maturity in 2024. The Bond have been listed and traded on the multilateral trading facility (Euro MTF) of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Mytileneos S.A. owns bonds with a nominal value of €7,000,000 and recognized in the income statement the difference between the accounting value of the debt that has been written off and the price it paid, as fair value profit, amounting to €443 thousand.

25 Income tax

Income tax for the Group and Company differs from the theoretical amount that would result using the nominal tax rate prevailing at year end over the accounting profits. The reconciliation of this difference is analysed as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Income Tax 105,673 50,475 76,008 41,491
Income Tax provision (542) 2,348 (3,815) 3,536
Tax Audit differences 6,427 322 579 322
Deferred taxation 19,960 (13,879) 9,396 (29,534)
Extraordinary Income Tax 49 59 - -
Other Taxes 1,095 1,203 972 1,117
Total 132,662 40,527 83,140 16,931
Earnings before tax 635,436 221,134 410,069 98,335
Nominal Tax rate 0.22 0.22 0.22 0.22
Tax calculated at the statutory tax rate 139,796 48,649 90,215 21,634
Nominal Tax Rate Adjustments - Change in Greek Tax Rate - (4,341) - (4,831)
Non taxable income (6,303) (3,530) (1,328) (892)
Tax on Non taxable reserves (11,536) (3,813) (11,536) (2,115)
Non tax deductible expenses 16,259 3,628 14,982 3,237
Income tax from land - plot & buildings 12 - - -
Income tax coming from previous years 5,306 2,348 (3,815) 3,536
Extraordinary Income Tax 49 59 - -
Non recognition of deferred tax assets on tax loss carryforwards (2,063) 59 - -
Other (8,858) (2,532) (5,379) (3,638)
Effective Tax Charge 132,662 40,527 83,140 16,931

Based on paragraph 120 of Law 4799/2021, the profits from business activity obtained by legal persons and legal entities that keep double-entry books, excluding credit institutions, are taxed at a rate of 22% for the incomes of the tax year 2021 and thereafter.

See comments on income tax in Note 37.1 Unaudited tax years

26 Earnings per share and dividends

Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share are calculated by the weighted average number of ordinary shares.

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Equity holders of the parent 465,898 162,170 326,929 81,404
Weighted average number of shares 136,631 135,973 136,631 135,973
Basic earnings per share 3.4099 1.1927 2.3928 0.5987
Continuing Operations (Total)
Equity holders of the parent 468,663 162,672 326,929 81,404
Weighted average number of shares 136,631 135,973 136,631 135,973
Basic earnings per share 3.4301 1.1964 2.3928 0.5987
Discontinuing Operations (Total)
Equity holders of the parent (2,764) (502) - -
Weighted average number of shares 136,631 135,973 136,631 135,973
Basic earnings per share (0.0202) (0.0037) 0.0000 0.0000


During 2022, the Group paid dividends of € 58 million to its equity shareholders.

Also during 2022, the directors proposed the payment of a dividend of € 1.2000 per share. As the distribution of dividends requires approval at the shareholders’ meeting, no liability in this respect is recognised in the 2022 consolidated financial statements. No income tax consequences are expected to arise as a result of this transaction at the level of Illustrative Corporation.

27 Cash flows from operating activities
(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Cash flows from operating activities
Profit for the period 502,774 180,607 326,929 81,404
Adjustments for:
Tax 132,662 40,527 83,140 16,931
Depreciation of property,plant and equipment 65,869 61,052 42,249 44,026
Depreciation of intangible assets 17,871 14,288 9,583 7,421
Depreciation Right-of-use Assets 8,402 7,199 6,856 5,622
Impairments 10,043 2,653 - -
Provisions 30,810 5,855 29,873 5,784
Income from reversal of prior year's provisions 527 (22) - (22)
(Profit)/Loss from sale of tangible assets 637 (112) (43) (20)
(Profit)/Loss from sale of subsidiary - (2,263) - (2,276)
Profit/Loss from fair value valuation of derivatives 9,449 - 9,449 -
Interest income (3,925) (6,510) (5,670) (751)
Interest expenses 79,802 51,665 51,650 33,580
Dividends - (200) (5,261) (1,823)
Grants amortization (2,841) (2,709) (1,099) (1,099)
Exchange differences 734 5,396 - 3,085
Other differences 3,233 1,853 - -
353,273 178,672 220,727 110,458
Changes in Working Capital
(Increase)/Decrease in stocks (94,804) (222,892) (62,781) (96,458)
(Increase)/Decrease in trade receivables (502,119) (303,941) (1,048,880) (462,184)
(Increase)/Decrease in other receivables (7,831) 4,097 (312) (2,229)
Increase / (Decrease) in liabilities 715,652 447,199 856,892 478,784
Pension plans (966) (6,925) (1,265) (6,620)
Other 10 (35) - -
109,942 (82,497) (256,346) (88,707)
Cash flows from operating activities 965,989 276,782 291,310 103,156
28 Discontinued Operations

The Group, since 2009, applies IFRS 5 "Non-current assets held for sale & discontinued operations", and presents separately the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary company SOMETRA S.A., following the suspension of the production activity of the Zinc-Lead production plant in Romania, and presents also the amounts recognized in the income statement separately from continuing operations. Given the global economic recession, there were no feasible scenarios for the alternative utilization of the aforementioned financial assets.

From 2011 and on, by applying par. 13 of IFRS 5 "Non-current assets Held for Sale", the Zinc-Lead production ceases to be an asset held for sale and is considered as an asset to be abandoned. The assets of the disposal group to be abandoned are presented within the continuing operations while the results as discontinued operations.

In December 2015, SOMETRA S.A., contributed the Zinc-Lead activity, through a spin — off process, to its newly established subsidiary Reycom Recycling S.A. (REYCOM). The said spin — off is part of the "Mytilineos Group" restructuring process, regarding the Zinc-Lead discontinued operation, targeting on the production of Zn & Pb oxides through the development of a recycling operation of metallurgical residues.

Following the analysis of the profit and loss of the discontinued operations:

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Sales - -
Cost of sales - 150
Gross profit - 150
Other operating income - 286
Administrative expenses (1,099) (909)
Other operating expenses - (31)
Earnings before interest and income tax (1,099) (504)
Financial expenses (237) 2
Other Financial (1,428) -
Profit before income tax (2,764) (502)
Income tax expense - -
Profit for the period (2,764) (502)
29 Encumbrances

Group’s assets pledges and other encumbrances amount to € 215.95 mio. for 31.12.2022.

30 Commitments

Group’s commitments due to construction contracts are as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021 1/1-31/12/2022 1/1-31/12/2021
Commitments from construction contracts
Value of pending construction contracts 1,783,361 1,508,503 1,576,001 1,029,725
Granted guarantees 1,064,520 721,722 1,050,983 701,875
Total 2,847,881 2,230,225 2,626,984 1,731,600

The above table includes an amount of € 33 million. which are relates to metal construction projects in the Metallurgy sector.

31 Financial Risk Factors

Risk Management purpose and policies

MYTILINEOS international activities are affected by multiple risks, which the Company monitors and manages through its Risk Management Framework. The purpose of the Risk Management Framework is to reduce any uncertainty to achieving the Company's strategy, to limit the impact of threats to objectives and to maximize benefits from the opportunities that may arise.

The Company has designed and implements a Risk Management Framework, which is based on international best practices and is tailored to the needs of MYTILINEOS. It also promotes a unified culture that integrates risk management into processes, activities, and decision-making at all levels of the organization.

The Enterprise Risk Management Department provides independent oversight in the implementation and effectiveness of the Risk Management Framework and applies an integrated approach to the analysis of current and emerging risks in order to draw conclusions and information that will contribute to the effective management of risks.

The Company’s Management is responsible for the implementation of the Risk Management Framework in the day to day operations of the organization. Specifically, the Management is responsible for the systematic identification and evaluation of the risks that affect the business operations and in addition, supervises the development and timely implementation of the risk management plans. It regularly evaluates the effectiveness of the management plans and the need to adjust them in order to achieve optimal risk management.


Credit Risk entails the potential failure to effectively manage credit incidents.

MYTILINEOS is exposed to Credit Risk through the possibility of a counterparty default, a credit rating downgrade and/or an adverse credit environment in general. Such an event could lead to increased spreads, unfavorable prepayment obligations and borrowing terms for MYTILINEOS.

Furthermore, Credit Risk could be realized through an inability to efficiently collect receivables that would cause significant bad debt expense and/or excessive days receivables outstanding.

If any factors of Credit Risk were to materialize, MYTILINEOS’ financial condition, revenues and cashflows could be negatively impacted.

Root Causes/Factors

i. The organization may not comply with agreed funding agreement terms, like financial covenants, representations, undertakings, cross-default clauses, limitations in disposals, M&As, distributions, etc.

ii. Lack or improper aging process.

iii. Lack of effective credit management and collections policies and procedures.

iv. Lack of certain limits and criteria (e.g., credit rating) regarding the exposure of the organization on each counterparty.

v. Inadequate monitoring of client balances (accounts receivables).

vi. High volume/amount and/or long due of outstanding clients' balances.


We are subject to events such as default of customer, credit rating downgrade and adverse credit market conditions. We are willing to accept medium levels of Credit Risk, engaging with customers and counterparties established in various countries, in pursuit of our strategic objectives, in light of our policies and procedures.


MYTILINEOS secures its access to sufficient debt funding sources and builds strong relationships with lending institutions to meet future obligations and manages effectively assets, liabilities and capital requirements.

Furthermore, MYTILINEOS has Credit Risk policies and processes in place that guarantee transactions only with clients that are characterized by appropriate creditworthiness. These policies are accompanied by strict client selection criteria and by constant monitoring of the credit granted to them.

Moreover, Credit Risk is also managed/mitigated through credit insurance policies with global insurance companies, receivables in advance to a considerable degree, safeguarding claims by collateral loans on customer reserves, receiving letters of guarantee and quantitative and qualitative limits on cash reserves and cash equivalents, derivatives, as well as other short term financial products.

The tables below summarize the maturity profile of the Group’s financial assets as at 31.12.2022 and 31.12.2021 respectively:

(Amounts in thousands €) Past due Non past due Total
0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months > 1 year
Liquidity Risk Analysis - Trade Receivables
2022 150,504 64,074 57,096 24,887 1,154,681 1,451,240
2021 280,256 22,268 1,363 18,282 1,031,274 1,353,444
(Amounts in thousands €) Past due Non past due Total
0-3 months 3-6 months 6-12 months > 1 year
Liquidity Risk Analysis - Trade Receivables
2022 131,676 62,290 20,261 18,699 713,349 946,274
2021 74,582 22,698 896 14,816 628,535 741,525

The below table shows the Group exposure in credit risk.

2022 (Amounts in thousands €) Gross Trade Receivables Expected credit loss Expected credit loss Average percentage of expected credit loss
Non past due 1,155,994 1,313 1,154,681 0.11%
Past due less than 3 months 151,697 1,193 150,504 0.79%
Past due 3-6 months 65,173 1,099 64,074 1.69%
Past due 6-12 months 69,279 12,183 57,096 17.59%
Past due > 1 year 53,982 29,095 24,887 53.90%
Total 1,496,125 44,883 1,451,241 3.00%
2021 (Amounts in thousands €) Gross Trade Receivables Expected credit loss Net trade receivables Average percentage of expected credit loss
Non past due 1,032,103 829 1,031,274 0.08%
Past due less than 3 months 282,377 2,121 280,256 0.75%
Past due 3-6 months 23,984 1,716 22,268 7.15%
Past due 6-12 months 2,092 729 1,363 34.84%
Past due > 1 year 41,983 23,701 18,282 56.45%
Total 1,382,539 29,095 1,353,444 2.10%

The below analysis of the balance of the Group’s trade receivables on 31/12/2022 (per nature of trade receivable item) as well as the simple average collection days (DSO, based on the annual Turnover) is shown in the following table:

amounts in k.€ Group
2022 2021
T.R. Trade Receivables 1,451,241 1,353,444
Out of which:
(a) Related to advances given to Trade Creditors 205,532 161,650
Advances received from Customers in liabilities -507,857 -46,431
(b) Related to Revenue recognition (not yet invoiced) 239,843 278,070
Liabilities for invoiced but not yet recognised as revenue receivables -215,551 -194,724
(c) Related to payables (no offseting performed) - 174,054
(d) Related to EPC financing (secured) 11,322 185,834
Net Trade receivables (recurring basis), T.R. - a-b-c-d 994,544 553,835
TURNOVER 6,306,472 2,664,050
Simple calculated DSO (w/o VAT adjustments) 57.6 75.9

Foreign Exchange

Through its business activities that expand in various countries, MYTILINEOS is exposed to Foreign Exchange Risk.

Failure to manage foreign exchange exposures, such as contracts in which the cash inflow and the cash outflow are in different currencies or unfavorable fluctuations in the currency of another market, could lead to financial loss.

More specifically, MYTILINEOS’ foreign exchange exposure arises mainly from the US dollar and originates from commercial transactions in foreign currency and from net investments in foreign financial entities, therefore changes in foreign exchange rates could adversely impact cash flows, costs, project profitability and eventually shareholder returns

Root Causes/Factors

i. Potential collapse of the currency in countries where business is conducted will expose the organization to loss.

ii. Lack of technical knowledge and expertise to manage Foreign Exchange Risk.

iii. Lack of monitoring activities to capture and manage unfavorable market, regulation, and country changes/events that may affect the volatility of foreign exchange rates.

iv. Inability to identify foreign exchange exposures derived from contracts where Cash inflow and Cash outflow are in different currencies.


We are exposed to fluctuations in exchange rates (mainly USD) during business operations, including sales/purchases of aluminum and alumina, EPC contracts, natural gas. Our appetite for Foreign Exchange Risk is medium and where possible foreign exchange exposure is hedged.


MYTILINEOS aims to manage the effects foreign exchange exposures could have on its revenues and costs through hedging activities, using various financial instruments. More specifically, the Treasury Division performs foreign exchange hedging for specific assets, liabilities or future commercial transactions based on annual forecasts and management’s directions and targets. MYTILINEOS ensures that hedging activities are conducted properly through Financial Risk Management processes that outline appropriate approval flows, communication lines, open position monitoring activities, reconciliation activities and transaction counterparty management. The Treasury Division presents monthly any new developments, that impact the organization’s foreign exchange exposure, new hedging strategies and a summary of current positions to MYTILINEOS’ Financial Committee.

Liquidity Risk

Liquidity risk is related with the Group’s need for the sufficient financing of its operations and development. The relevant liquidity requirements are the subject of management through the meticulous monitoring of debts of long term financial liabilities and also of payments made on a daily basis.


The Group ensures that there is sufficient available credit facilities to be able to cover its short-term business needs, after the calculation of cash flows arising from the operation as well as cash and cash equivalents which are held. The funds for long-term liquidity needs ensured by a sufficient amount of loanable funds and the ability to sell long-term financial assets.

The tables below summarize the maturity profile of the Group’s liabilities as at 31.12.2022 and 31.12.2021 respectively:

Liquidity Risk Analysis - Liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €)
up to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
Long Term Loans - - 1,545,868 1,203 1,547,070
Short Term Loans 139,896 669 5,380 - 145,945
Leasing liabilities - - - - -
Trade and other payables 1,025,977 86,932 2,190 - 1,115,100
Other payables 786,204 201,512 2,557 10,356 1,000,629
Derivatives 33,327 30,605 6,019 - 69,951
Current portion of non - current liabilities 9,024 10,716 - - 19,740
Total 1,994,429 330,434 1,562,014 11,558 3,898,435
Liquidity Risk Analysis - Liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €)
up to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
Long Term Loans - - 1,265,129 15,274 1,280,403
Short Term Loans 38,828 659 749 - 40,236
Trade and other payables 690,188 199,668 2,210 - 892,066
Other payables 223,315 87,348 15,091 183,432 509,185
Derivatives 56,951 60,299 26,973 - 144,223
Current portion of non - current liabilities 26,798 7,891 - - 34,689
Total 1,036,080 355,866 1,310,152 198,706 2,900,804
Liquidity Risk Analysis - Liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €)
up to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
Long Term Loans - - 820,262 - 820,262
Short Term Loans 100,079 - - - 100,079
Trade and other payables 836,489 86,932 2,190 - 925,611
Other payables 1,089,868 59,203 1,837 - 1,150,908
Derivatives 32,920 26,176 6,019 - 65,115
Total 2,059,356 172,311 830,308 - 3,061,975
Liquidity Risk Analysis - Liabilities
(Amounts in thousands €)
up to 6 months 6 to 12 months 1 to 5 years after 5 years Total
Long Term Loans - - 655,505 - 655,505
Short Term Loans - - - - -
Trade and other payables 554,512 91,057 2,208 - 647,777
Other payables 447,787 26,891 1,837 168,859 645,374
Derivatives 56,951 60,299 26,973 - 144,223
Total 1,059,250 178,247 686,524 168,859 2,092,880
*see analysis 2 Leases

It must be noted that the above table does not include liabilities to clients from the performance of construction projects, as the maturity of such values cannot be assessed. Moreover, cash-advances from customers, construction contacts liabilities as well as the provisions and accrued expenses are not included.

Price Risk

Goods prices that are mainly determined by international markets and global offer and demand result in the Group’s exposure to the relevant prices fluctuation risk.

Goods’ prices are connected both to variables that determine revenues (e.g. metal prices at LME) and to the cost (e.g. natural gas prices) of the Group’s companies. Due to its activity, the Group is exposed to price fluctuation of aluminium (AL) as well as to price fluctuation of natural gas and electricity, as production cost.


As regards price fluctuations, the Group’s policy is to minimize risk by using financial derivative instruments.

Interest rate risk

The Group’s assets that are exposed to interest rate fluctuation primarily concern cash and cash equivalents.


The Group’s policy as regards financial assets is to invest its cash in floated interest rates so as to maintain the necessary liquidity while achieving satisfactory return for its shareholders

In addition, for the totality of its bank borrowing, the Group uses floating interest rate instruments. Depending on the level of liabilities in floating interest rate, the Group proceeds to the assessment of interest rate risk and when necessary examines the necessity to use interest bearing financial derivative instruments. The Group’s policy consists in minimizing its exposure to interest bearing cash flow risk as regards long term funding.

Effect from risk factors and sensitivities analysis

The effect from the above mentioned factors to Group’s operating results, equity and net results as at 31.12.2022 and 31.12.2021 presented in the following table:

2022 2021
LME AL (Aluminium) $/t + 50 - 50 LME AL (Aluminium) $/t + 50 - 50
EBITDA m. € 8,9 (8,9) EBITDA m. € 7,8 (7,8)
Net Profit m. € 8,9 (8,9) Net Profit m. € 7,8 (7,8)
Equity m. € 8,9 (8,9) Equity m. € 7,8 (7,8)
API (Alumina) $/t + 10 - 10 API (Alumina) $/t + 10 - 10
EBITDA m. € 0,3 (0,3) EBITDA m. € 2,7 (2,7)
Net Profit m. € 0,3 (0,3) Net Profit m. € 2,7 (2,7)
Equity m. € 0,3 (0,3) Equity m. € 2,7 (2,7)
Exchange Rate €/$ €/$ -5% +5% Exchange Rate €/$ €/$ -5% +5%
EBITDA m. € 43,1 (40,4) EBITDA m. € 32,3 (30,3)
Net Profit m. € 37,7 (35,0) Net Profit m. € 30,8 (28,8)
Equity m. € 37,7 (35,0) Equity m. € 30,8 (28,8)
NG Price €/MWh - 5 + 5 NG Price €/MWh - 5 + 5
EBITDA m. € 16,0 (16,0) EBITDA m. € 34,7 (34,7)
Net Profit m. € 16,0 (16,0) Net Profit m. € 34,7 (34,7)
Equity m. € 16,0 (16,0) Equity m. € 34,7 (34,7)
CO2 (€/t) €/t - 1 + 1 CO2 (€/t) €/t - 1 + 1
EBITDA m. € 1,7 (1,7) EBITDA m. € 2,1 (2,1)
Net Profit m. € 1,7 (1,7) Net Profit m. € 2,1 (2,1)
Equity m. € 1,7 (1,7) Equity m. € 2,1 (2,1)
32 Fair Value Measurements

The following table presents financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value in the statement of financial position in accordance with the fair value hierarchy. This hierarchy groups financial assets and liabilities into three levels based on the significance of inputs used in measuring the fair value of the financial assets and liabilities. The fair value hierarchy has the following levels:

— Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities;

— Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices); and

— Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

The level within which the financial asset or liability is classified is determined based on the lowest level of significant input to the fair value measurement.

The Group’s financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value in the statement of financial position are grouped into the fair value hierarchy for 31/12/2022 and 31/12/2021 as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Financial Assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Stock Shares - - - -
Bank Bonds 67 67 - -
Financial assets of the investment portfolio - - - -
Equity Securities Non - Listed Companies - - - -
Other Financial Assets 296 107 8 180
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) - - - -
Commodity Futures 17,371 - 17,371 -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) 36,878 - 36,878 -
Future option 10,128 - 10,128 -
Swaps 35,216 - 35,216 -
Financial Assets 99,954 174 99,601 180
Financial Liabilities
Foreign Exchange Swap Contracts (Swaps) - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) 5,071 - 5,071 -
Options - - - -
Commodity Futures - - - -
Commodity Options - - - -
Future option 24,656 - 24,656 -
Swaps 40,224 - 40,224 -
Financial Liabilities 69,951 - 69,951 -
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2021 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Financial Assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Stock Shares - - - -
Bank Bonds 73 73 - -
Financial assets of the investment portfolio
Equity Securities Non - Listed Companies - - - -
Other Financial Assets 146 101 8 37
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) 3,905 - 3,905 -
Commodity Futures 9,746 - 9,746 -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) 19 - 19 -
Future option - - - -
Swaps - - - -
Financial Assets 13,889 174 13,678 37
Financial Liabilities
Foreign Exchange Swap Contracts (Swaps) - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) 28,628 - 28,628 -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) - - - -
Options 7,703 - 7,703 -
Commodity Futures 57,748 - 57,748 -
Commodity Options 36,888 - 36,888 -
Future option 13,256 - 13,256 -
Swaps - - - -
Financial Liabilities 144,223 - 144,223 -
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Financial Assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Stock Shares - - - -
Bank Bonds 67 67 - -
Financial assets of the investment portfolio
Equity Securities Non - Listed Companies - - - -
Other Financial Assets 180 - - 180
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) - - - -
Commodity Futures 17,038 - 17,038 -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) 29,353 - 29,353 -
Future option 10,119 - 10,119 -
Swaps 35,216 - 35,216 -
Financial Assets 91,971 67 91,725 180
Financial Liabilities
Foreign Exchange Swap Contracts (Swaps) - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) 235 - 235 -
Options - - - -
Commodity Futures - - - -
Commodity Options - - - -
Future option 24,656 - 24,656 -
Swaps 40,224 - 40,224 -
Financial Liabilities 65,115 - 65,115 -
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2021 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3
Financial Assets
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
Stock Shares - - - -
Bank Bonds 73 73 - -
Financial assets of the investment portfolio
Equity Securities Non - Listed Companies - - - -
Other Financial Assets 37 - - 37
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) - - - -
Commodity Futures - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) - - - -
Commodity Futures 9,665 - 9,665 -
Swaps 835 - 835 -
Financial Assets 10,610 73 10,500 37
Financial Liabilities
Foreign Exchange Swap Contracts (Swaps) - - - -
Foreign Exchange Contracts For Cash Flow Hedging (Forward) 28,628 - 28,628 -
Foreign Exchange Contracts (Forward) - - - -
Options 7,703 - 7,703 -
Commodity Futures 13,256 - 13,256 -
Commodity Options 36,888 - 36,888 -
Future option - - - -
Swaps - - - -
Financial Liabilities 144,223 - 144,223 -

Bonds and Other financial assets of Level 1 include bonds and stock shares valued at quoted price in active market at the end of the period. Derivatives of Level 2 include commodity futures that hedge the risk from the change at fair value of LME, commodity swaps that hedge fluctuations in cash flows from the volatility in LME prices and electricity, in exchange rates, in gas prices and in petroleum prices, currency forwards and options in LME prices and in exchange rates. The Group uses various methods and makes assumptions that are based on market conditions existing at the end of each reporting period. The aforementioned contracts are measured at fair value using: a) forward exchange rates of active market, b) mark-to-market values of contracts LME, gas and petroleum prices. Other financial assets of Level 3 include mainly not significant investments. Fair value measurement of them is based on their financial statements where the fair value of their assets is determined.

In the financial year 2022 no transfer existed between levels 1 and 2.

33 Capital Management

The primary objective of the Group’s capital management is to ensure the continuous smooth operation of its business activities and the achievement of its growth plans combined with an acceptable credit rating. For the purpose of capital management, the Group monitors the ratios “Net Debt to EBITDA”, “Net Debt to Equity” and “Net Interest Expenses”. As net debt, the Group defines interest bearing borrowings minus cash and cash equivalents and as Net Interest expenses define the sum of interest and related charges less the sum of credit interest and related income. The ratios are managed in such a way in order to ensure the Group a credit rating compatible with its strategic growth.

The table below presents ratio results for the years December 31, 2022 and 2021 respectively:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Long-term debt 1,547,070 1,280,403
Lease liabilities 54,775 43,406
Short-term debt 145,945 40,236
Current portion of non-current debt 19,740 34,689
Current portion of lease liabilities 8,396 7,293
Cash and cash equivalents (1,059,875) (602,712)
Group Net debt 716,051 803,316
Oper.Earnings before income tax, financial results, depreciation and amortization 823,278 358,508
Equity 2,221,061 1,620,904
Group Net debt / Oper.Earnings before income tax, financial results, depreciation and amortization 0.87 2.24
Group Net debt / Equity 0.32 0.50

Ratios’ calculation excluding lease liabilities would be as follows:

Net Debt / EBITDA


Net Debt / Equity


The Company manage its funds on a Group level and not on a Company level.

Due to bank financing, the Group holds an obligation and restriction to maintain the ratio of “Net Debt to Equity” below one.

34 Dividend Proposed and Payable

The BOD will propose to the General Assembly of the Shareholders (GA) the distribution of dividend of gross amount €1.2000/share. In 2021 the BOD had proposed the distribution of dividend of gross amount €0.4200/share. The aforementioned proposed amount should be approved by the General Assembly of the Shareholders (GA).

35 Number of employees

The number of employees at 31/12/2022 amounts to 3,216 for the Group and to 2,084 for the Entity. Accordingly, at 31/12/2020, the number of employees amounted to 2,895 and 1,965.

36 Related Party transactions

The above mentioned related party transactions are on a pure commercial basis. The Group or any of its related parties has not entered in any transactions that were not in an arm’s length basis, and do not intent to participate in such transactions in the future. No transaction from the above mentioned had any special terms and there were no guarantees given or received.

Out of the above mentioned parent company guarantees:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Stock Sales
Subsidiaries - - 489,763 175,646
Other Related parties - - - -
Total - - 489,763 175,646
Stock Purchases
Subsidiaries - - 97,149 72,025
Total - - 97,149 72,025
Services Sales & Other Transactions
Subsidiaries - - 16,990 7,397
Other Related parties 137 - - -
Total 137 - 16,990 7,397
Services Purchases
Subsidiaries - - 4,268 9,830
Management remuneration and fringes 155,938 13,511 152,742 11,595
Other Related parties 343 - 233 -
Total 156,282 13,511 157,243 21,425
(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Loans given to Related Parties
Subsidiaries - - - -
Other Related parties - - - -
Total - - - -
Loans received from Related Parties
Subsidiaries - - - -
Total - - - -
Receivables from Related Parties
Subsidiaries - - 534,726 178,049
Management remuneration and fringes - - - -
Other Related parties 127 - - -
Total 127 - 534,726 178,049
Guarantees granted for Related Parties
Subsidiaries 2,911,752 2,347,791 2,911,752 2,347,791
Total 2,911,752 2,347,791 2,911,752 2,347,791
Payables to Related Parties
Subsidiaries - - 253,482 218,678
Management remuneration and fringes 98,665 - 98,665 -
Other Related parties 41 - 41 -
Total 98,706 - 352,188 218,678

— € 642.0 mio are parent company guarantees for bank loans of the Group and

— € 2,269.7 mio are parent company guarantees on behalf of customers and suppliers of the Group.

It is noted that the above amount of guarantees issued by the parent on behalf of customers and suppliers of its subsidiaries, refers to the maximum amount of the guarantee and the respective risk undertaken by the parent regardless of the probability of realization of said risk.

The above mentioned related party transactions are on a pure commercial basis. The Group or any of its related parties has not entered in any transactions that were not in an arm’s length basis, and do not intent to participate in such transactions in the future. No transaction from the above mentioned was under any special terms.

The employee and pension benefits are analyzed as follows:

(Amounts in thousands €) 31/12/2022 31/12/2021 31/12/2022 31/12/2021
Short term employee benefits
- Wages of Key Management and BOD Fees 107,346 8,577 104,325 6,816
- Tax and Insurance service cost 43,746 352 43,571 197
- Bonus 100 100 100 100
- Other remunerations 4,747 4,482 4,747 4,482
Total 155,938 13,511 152,742 11,595

Other employees benefits of 31/12/2022 have been significantly differentiated in relation to the previous year as, within the year 2022. An amount of € 140,906 thousand was accounted for, concerning the completion of the implementation of the purpose of the contract between the Company and the CEO, according to the service contract approved by the General Assembly from 7 June 2018. It is noted that the payment of € 98,665 thousand was made in February 2023 and the corresponding tax of € 42,241 thousand was also paid.

The Company has implemented share-based payments for its employees and executives. In particular, under the effective agreements, the Company’s employees and executives are granted the option to receive equity securities (shares) of the parent company, given that certain conditions of vesting have been met.

None of the existing equity-based payment agreement plans are settled in cash.

Services received in return for equity-based payments are measured at fair value. The fair value of the services of executives and employees, at the date when the stock option is granted, is recognized in accordance with IFRS 2 as an expense in the income statement, with a corresponding increase in equity, during the period in which the services, for which the options are granted, are received.

Total expenses of the options during the vesting period are calculated based on the fair value of the options provided at the granting date. The expenses are allocated over the vesting period, based on the best available estimate of the number of stock options expected to be vested. The fair value of the options is measured by adopting an appropriate valuation model to reflect the number of options for which the performance conditions of the plan are expected to be met.

Estimates of the number of option’s expected to be exercised are revised if there is an indication that the number of stock options, expected to be vested, differs from previous estimates. Any adjustment to the cumulative share-based compensation arising from the revision is recognized within the current period.

The number of vested options, finally exercised by the company’s employees and executives does not affect the expenses recorded within the period.

No loans have been given to members of the Board of Directors or other management members of the Group (and their families).

37 Contingent Assets & Contingent Liabilities

37.1 Unaudited tax years

During 2021 audit orders received for the subsidiaries AIOLIKI EVOIAS PIRGOS S.A. for fiscal years 2018 and 2019, AIOLIKI ANDROU TSIROVLIDI S.A. for fiscal years 2016 and 2017 and AIOLIKI EVOIAS POUNTA S.A. for fiscal years 2019 and 2020. The above audit orders are still ongoing.

The audit for METKA INDUSTRIAL-CONSTRUCTION S.A. for the year 2016 was concluded within 2022 with the charging of taxes and penalties amounting to € 574 k., while the audit for the period 01/01-06/07/2017 was completed without charging taxes. The audit of ALUMINIUM of GREECE COMMERCIAL SOCIETE ANONYME for the period 01/01-06/07/2017 as well as the audit of PROTERGIA THERMOELEKTRIKI AGIOS NIKOLAOS SOCIETE ANONYME for years 2016 and 01/01-06/07/2017 were completed without tax charges.

For the fiscal years 2011 to 2021, the companies of Group operating in Greece fulfilling relevant criteria be subject to tax audit by the statutory auditors, have received Tax Compliance Report, according to article 65A par. 1 of law 4174/2013 and to article 82 par.5 of Law 2238/1994, having no significant differentiations. According to the circular CL. 1006/2016, companies that have been subject to foresaid tax audit, are not exempt from the regular tax audit held by the competent tax authorities.

For the fiscal year 2022, the tax Compliance audit is already being performed by the Statutory auditors and is not expected to bring any significant differentiation on the tax liabilities incorporated in the Financial Statements. Taking into consideration the above regarding the Tax Compliance Report (where applicable), the following table presents the fiscal years for which the tax obligations of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries have not become final:

Taking into consideration the above regarding the Tax Compliance Report (where applicable), the following table shows the Company’s and resident (Greek) subsidiaries’ financial years whose tax liabilities are not definitive:

4 BRIDGE ACCESSORIES & CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS S.A. 2017-2021In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
6 DESFINA SHIPPING COMPANY 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
7 ST. NIKOLAOS SINGLE MEMBER P.C. 2017-2021In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
9 GENIKI VIOMICHANIKI S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
10 HYDROHOOS S.A. 2017-2018, 2020In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
11 NORTH AEGEAN RENEWABLES 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
12 MYTILINEOS HELLENIC WIND POWER S.A. 2019In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
14 MYTILINEOS AIOLIKI NEAPOLEOS S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
15 AIOLIKI EVOIAS PIRGOS S.A. 2017-2018In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
16 AIOLIKI EVOIAS POUNTA S.A. 2017-2019In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
17 AIOLIKI EVOIAS HELONA S.A. 2017-2018In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
19 METKA AIOLIKA PLATANOU S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
20 AIOLIKI SAMOTHRAKIS S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
21 AIOLIKI EVOIAS DIAKOFTIS S.A. 2017-2018In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
24 SPIDER S.A. 2017In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
25 PROTERGIA THERMOELEKTRIKI S.A. 2017-2018In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
26 MYTILINEOS CONSTRUCTION SINGLE MEMBER SOCIÉTÉ ANONYME 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
27 ANEMODRASI RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
28 ANEMORAHI RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
29 MINING OF FLORINA LIGNITE SINGLE MEMBER S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
30 HORTEROU S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
31 KISSAVOS DROSERI RAHI S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
32 KISSAVOS PLAKA TRANI S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
33 KISSAVOS FOTINI S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
34 AETOVOUNI S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
35 LOGGARIA S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
36 IKAROS ANEMOS S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
37 KERASOUDA S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
38 AIOLIKI ARGOSTYLIAS S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
39 J/V ΜΕΤΚΑ - TERNA 2017-2022
41 KILKIS PALEON TRIETHNES S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
42 ANEMOROE S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
43 PROTERGIA ENERGY S.A. 2017-2020In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
44 SOLIEN ENERGY S.A. 2017-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
46 FTHIOTIKI ENERGY S.A. 2017-2022
50 ZEOLOGIC Α.Β.Ε.Ε 2017-2018In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
51 EP.AL.ME. S.A. 2017-2018In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
55 METKA EGN GREECE S.M.S.A. 2017-2020

These companies received a Tax Compliance Report for the fiscal years 2011-2013 for those years that were active, while from the fiscal year 2014 onwards and based on the amendment of the provisions of Law 4174/2013 article 65A par.1, those who met the relevant audit criteria to an optional extent, chose to receive a tax certificate.

The companies that for the first time will receive a tax certificate for 2022 are ST. NIKOLAOS SINGLE MEMBER P.C, AENAOS SYSSOREUTES ENERGEIAKI MONOPROSOPI S.A., EGNATIA WIND S..A., METKA EGN Single Member S.A. which has not received a tax compliance report for 2021.

Unaudited tax years — Group’s foreign subsidiaries

The table below shows the years for which the tax liabilities of the Group's foreign subsidiaries have not become final.

1 METKA EGN AUSTRALIA PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
2 METKA EGN AUSTRALIA PTY HOLDINGS LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
3 TERRANOVA ASSETCO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
4 WAGGA-WAGGA OPERATIONS CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
5 WAGGA-WAGGA PROPERTY CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
6 JUNEE OPERATIONS CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
7 JUNEE PROPERTY CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
8 COROWA OPERATIONS CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
9 COROWA PROPERTY CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
10 MOAMA OPERATIONS CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
11 MOAMA PROPERTY CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
12 KINGAROY OPERATIONS CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
13 KINGAROY PROPERTY CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
14 GLENELLA OPERATIONS CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2018-2022
15 GLENELLA PROPERTY CO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2017-2022
16 METKA EGN AUSTRALIA HOLDINGS TWO PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2019-2022
17 WYALONG SOLAR FARM PTE. LTD, Australia Australia 2020-2022
18 MOURA SOLAR FARM HOLDINGS PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2020-2022
19 WYALONG SOLAR FARM HOLDINGS PTY LTD, Australia Australia 2020-2022
21 MAVIS SOLAR FARM PTY LTD Australia 2020-2022
22 PENRITH BESS HOLDING PTE LTD Australia 2020-2022
23 TERRANOVA HOLDCO PTY LTD Australia 2020-2022
24 EPC HOLDCO PTY LTD Australia 2020-2022
25 MOURA SOLAR FARM SPV PTY LTD Australia 2020-2022
27 METKA EGN AUSTRALIA (QLD) PTY LTD Australia 2021-2022
31 MTRH Developmnet GmbH Austria 2016-2022
33 ΜΥΤ Bulgaria EOOD Bulgaria 2022
34 METKA EGN Burkina Faso Sarl, Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 2020-2022
35 METKA -EGN SpA, Chile Chile 2015-2022
37 CAMPANILLAS SOLAR SPA Chile 2014-2022
38 TAMARICO SOLAR DOS SPA Chile 2014-2022
39 DONA ANTONIA SOLAR SPA Chile 2015-2022
41 MYT HRVATSKA D.Ο.Ο. Croatia 2022
42 DROSCO HOLDINGS LIMITED, Cyprus Cyprus 2003-2022
44 STANMED TRADING LTD, Cyprus Cyprus 2011-2022
45 METKA-EGN LTD, Cyprus Cyprus 2015-2022
46 METKA POWER INVESTMENTS, Cyprus Cyprus 2016-2022
47 METKA EGN Holdings 1 Limited, Cyprus Cyprus 2019-2022
48 SANTIAM INVESTMENT I LTD Cyprus 2018-2022
52 SANTIAM INVESTMENT V LTD Cyprus 2020-2022
55 METKA SOL LTD Cyprus 2019-2022
56 METKA-EGN Holdings 2 LTD Cyprus 2022
57 METKA-EGN Holdings 3 LTD Cyprus 2022
58 METKA EGN FRANCE SRL, France France 2018-2022
60 GORESBRIDGE SPV LIMITED Ireland 2016-2022
61 GOREY SPV LIMITED Ireland 2018-2022
62 MYT EPC Ireland Limited Ireland 2022
63 METKA EGN ITALY S.R.L. Italy 2020-2022
64 METKA EGN SARDINIA SRL, Ιtaly Italy 2018-2022
65 METKA EGN APULIA SRL, Ιtaly Italy 2018-2022
66 MY SUN, Ιtaly Italy 2018-2022
67 FAMILY ENERGY SRL Italy 2019-2022
71 CATCH THE SUN 2 S.R.L. Italy 2021-2022
72 CATCH THE SUN 3 S.R.L. Italy 2021-2022
73 CATCH THE SUN 4 S.R.L. Italy 2021-2022
74 CATCH THE SUN 5 S.R.L. Italy 2021-2022
75 CATCH THE SUN 6 S.R.L. Italy 2021-2022
76 MYT SARDINIA 1 S.R.L. Italy 2022
77 MYT SARDINIA 2 S.R.L. Italy 2022
78 MYT SARDINIA 3 S.R.L. Italy 2022
79 MYT SARDINIA 4 S.R.L. Italy 2022
80 MYT SARDINIA 5 S.R.L. Italy 2022
81 MYT SARDINIA 6 S.R.L. Italy 2022
82 UBH SOLAR ITALIA S.R.L. Italy 2022
83 SOLAR CHALLENGE 3 S.R.L. Italy 2022
84 NLSolare S.R.L. Italy 2022
85 Luxenia S.R.L. Italy 2022
86 MYT APULIA STORAGE 1 S.r.l Italy 2022
87 MYT APULIA STORAGE 2 S.r.l Italy 2022
88 MYT APULIA STORAGE 3 S.r.l Italy 2022
89 MYT APULIA H2 S.R.L Italy 2022
91 VIFRA ENERGY S.R.L. Italy 2022
92 GREEN GENIUS 8 S.R.L Italy 2022
93 GREEN GENIUS 16 S.R.L Italy 2022
94 GREEN GENIUS 7 S.R.L Italy 2022
95 CATCH THE SUN SRL Italy 2020-2022
96 METKA-EGN KZ, Kazakhstan Kazakhstan 2017-2022
97 MK SOLAR Co., Ltd. Korea 2020-2022
98 HANMAEUM ENERGY Co., Ltd. Korea 2020-2022
99 METKA GENERAL CONTRACTOR CO. LTD, Κorea Korea 2018-2022
100 METKA EGN KOREA LTD, Κοrea Korea 2018-2022
101 JVIGA KOREA TAEAHN Inc., Κοrea Korea 2018-2022
102 NAMWOON A CO LTD Korea 2022
103 NAMWOON B CO LTD Korea 2022
104 MYTILINEOS FINANCE S.A., Luxembourg Luxembourg 2007-2022
105 MYTILINEOS FINANCIAL PARTNERS S.A., Luxembourg Luxembourg 2011-2022
106 METKA POWER WEST AFRICA LIMITED, Nigeria Nigeria 2017-2022
107 MYVEKT INTERNATIONAL SKOPJE North Macedonia 1999-2022
109 PROTERGIA ENERGY DOOEL Skopje North Macedonia 2022
110 RIVERA DEL RIO Panama 2015-2022
111 MYT STRUGA SP. ZOO Poland 2022
112 MYT WITKOW SP. ZOO Poland 2022
113 METKA CYPRUS PORTUGAL HOLDINGS, Portugal Portugal 2021-2022
114 METKA CYPRUS PORTUGAL 2, Portugal Portugal 2019-2022
115 METKA CYPRUS PORTUGAL 3, Portugal Portugal 2019-2022
116 CENTRAL SOLAR DE DIVOR LDA Portugal 2020-2022
118 METKA-EGN USA LLC, Puerto Rico Puerto Rico 2015-2022
119 ΜΕΤΚΑ BRAZI SRL, Bucharest, Romania Romania 2008-2022
120 SOMETRA S.A., Sibiu Romania Romania 2019-2022
121 DELTA PROJECT CONSTRUCT SRL, Bucharest, Romania Romania 2005-2022
122 SOLAR RENEWABLE S.R.L. Romania 2020-2022
123 SUN CHALLENGE S.R.L., Romania Romania 2020-2022
124 METKA EGN ROM S.R.L., Romania Romania 2021-2022
125 SOLAR REVOLUTION S.R.L. (Kinisi) Romania 2021-2022
128 ELEMKA SAUDI Saudi Arabia 2018-2022
129 MYTILINEOS BELGRADE D.O.O., Serbia Serbia 1999-2022
130 METKA EGN SINGAPORE PTE LTD, Singapore Singapore 2018-2022
135 MOURA SOLAR FARM PTE. LTD. Singapore 2020-2022
136 WYALONG SOLAR FARM PTE. LTD. Singapore 2020-2022
137 PENRITH BESS HOLDING PTE LTD Singapore 2020-2022
138 METKA EGN SINGAPORE HOLDING 4 PTE Singapore 2021-2022
141 METKA EGN SPAIN SLU, Spain Spain 2018-2022
142 METKA EGN SOLAR 1, Spain Spain 2019-2022
143 METKA EGN SOLAR 2, Spain Spain 2019-2022
144 METKA EGN SOLAR 3, Spain Spain 2019-2022
145 METKA EGN SOLAR 4, Spain Spain 2019-2022
146 METKA EGN SOLAR 5, Spain Spain 2019-2022
147 METKA EGN SOLAR 6, Spain Spain 2019-2022
148 METKA EGN SOLAR 7, Spain Spain 2019-2022
149 METKA EGN SOLAR 8, Spain Spain 2019-2022
150 METKA EGN SOLAR 9, Spain Spain 2019-2022
151 METKA EGN SOLAR 10, Spain Spain 2019-2022
152 METKA EGN SOLAR 11, Spain Spain 2019-2022
153 METKA EGN SOLAR 12, Spain Spain 2019-2022
154 METKA EGN SOLAR 13, Spain Spain 2019-2022
155 METKA EGN SOLAR 14, Spain Spain 2019-2022
156 METKA EGN SOLAR 15, Spain Spain 2019-2022
157 METKA EGN SOLAR 16, Spain Spain 2020-2022
158 METKA EGN SOLAR 17, Spain Spain 2020-2022
159 METKA EGN SOLAR 18, Spain Spain 2020-2022
160 METKA EGN SOLAR 19, Spain Spain 2020-2022
161 METKA EGN SOLAR 20, Spain Spain 2020-2022
162 METKA EGN SOLAR 21, Spain Spain 2020-2022
163 METKA EGN SOLAR 22, Spain Spain 2020-2022
164 METKA EGN SOLAR 23, Spain Spain 2020-2022
165 METKA EGN SOLAR 24, Spain Spain 2020-2022
166 METKA EGN SOLAR 25, Spain Spain 2020-2022
167 METKA EGN SOLAR 26, Spain Spain 2020-2022
168 METKA EGN SOLAR 27, Spain Spain 2020-2022
169 METKA EGN SOLAR 28, Spain Spain 2020-2022
170 METKA EGN SOLAR 29, Spain Spain 2020-2022
171 METKA EGN SOLAR 30, Spain Spain 2020-2022
172 METKA EGN SOLAR 31, Spain Spain 2020-2022
173 METKA EGN SOLAR 32, Spain Spain 2020-2022
174 METKA EGN SOLAR 33, Spain Spain 2020-2022
175 METKA EGN SOLAR 34, Spain Spain 2020-2022
176 METKA EGN SOLAR 35, Spain Spain 2020-2022
177 METKA EGN SOLAR 36, Spain Spain 2020-2022
178 METKA EGN SOLAR 37, Spain Spain 2020-2022
179 METKA EGN SOLAR 38, Spain Spain 2020-2022
180 METKA EGN SOLAR 39, Spain Spain 2020-2022
181 METKA EGN SOLAR 40, Spain Spain 2020-2022
182 METKA EGN SPAIN HOLDING 2 SL Spain 2020-2022
185 METKA EGN Green Power Holdings Co.Ltd. Taiwan 2021-2022
186 POWER PROJECTS, Τurkey Turkey 2021-2022In 2022, the Ghana Revenue Authority concluded the tax audit of the Ghanaian Branch of Power Projects, Turkey for the fiscal years 2016-2021, resulting in the imposition of taxes and penalties in the amount of € 5,9 m.
187 METKA IPS LTD, Cyprus UAE 2018-2022
190 METKA-EGN UGANDA SMC LTD, Uganda Uganda 2018-2022
191 METKA-EGN LTD , United Kindom United Kingdom 2015-2022
192 FALAG Holdings Limited, England United Kingdom 2019-2022
193 Croome Airfield Solar Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
194 EEB 23 Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
195 EEB13 Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
196 Metka EGN Renewco Holding Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
197 Metka EGN TW Holdings Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
198 Sirius SPV Ltd (Watnall) United Kingdom 2020-2022
199 SSPV1 Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
200 WATNALL ENERGY LIMITED United Kingdom 2020-2022
201 METKA EGN REGENER8 HOLDING LIMITED United Kingdom 2021-2022
202 REGENER8 SPV 1 LIMITED United Kingdom 2021-2022
203 REGENER8 SPV 2 LIMITED United Kingdom 2021-2022
204 REGENER8 SPV 3 LIMITED United Kingdom 2021-2022
205 REGENER8 SPV 4 LIMITED United Kingdom 2021-2022
206 MYT UK HOLDING 1 LIMITED United Kingdom 2022
207 SELSSE Solar Holdings I Limited United Kingdom 2022
208 MYT UK Holding 4 Limited United Kingdom 2022
209 MYT UK Holding 5 Limited United Kingdom 2022
210 Docking Farm Solar Limited United Kingdom 2022
211 North Farm Solar Extension Limited United Kingdom 2022
212 SELSSE Solar Holdings IV Limited United Kingdom 2021-2022
213 MYT UK Holding 2 Limited United Kingdom 2022
214 MYT UK Holding 3 Limited United Kingdom 2022
215 Haunton Farmers’ Solar Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
216 Whirlbush Solar Limited United Kingdom 2021-2022
217 Green Farm Solar Limited United Kingdom 2020-2022
218 METKA EGN CENTRAL ASIA Uzbekistan 2020-2022
219 MYTILINEOS WIND ENERGY ALBANIA, Αlbania Αlbania 2019-2022
221 METKA-EGN MEXICO, Μexico Μexico 2017-2022
222 METKA EGN Mexico Holding, Mexico Μexico 2020-2022

37.2 Other Contingent Assets & Liabilities

Extraordinary contribution of 6% for High Efficiency Cogeneration of Heat and Power plant

According to the informatory notes sent by the societe anonyme named Renewable Energy Sources Operator and Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP SA) on 01.02.2019 to the Company, an extraordinary contribution was imposed upon the total income of electricity quantities injected to the transmission system from the High-Efficiency Cogeneration of Heat and Power (CHP) plant of the of Metallurgy Business Unit.

From the interpretation of the relevant law provision (article 157 of law 4579/2020), taking also into consideration the parliament’s explanatory memorandum, results, that legally, regulatory and economically- technically, it is correct and reasonable to calculate this extraordinary contribution exclusively on the part of the income (turnover) of the dispatched electricity quantities from the CHP plant which is paid by DAPEEP and concerns the special account for renewable energy sources (ELAPE), and not for the part of the generated electricity, which relates to the wholesale electricity market and is invoiced to the societe anonyme Hellenic Energy Exchange SA (HEnEx). The amount disputed by the Company amounts to €2,3 million.

The Company filed an appeal before the administrative courts against the Greek State and DAPEEP for the annulment of the informatory note for the extraordinary contribution of article 157 of law 4759/2020. In addition, the Company intends refer also to Greek civil courts in order to obtain a judiciary acknowledgement that DAPEEP, contrary to contract and the law, charged the Company with the said contribution on the total income from the production of the CHP plant. The positive outcome of the above cases is contemplated by the Company.

Dispute with the company IMERIS Bauxites (former ELMIN Bauxites)

Since 2017, the Company has been in dispute with IMERIS Bauxites (hereinafter IB) before the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), following a Company’s complaint for abuse of a dominant position. The procedure before the Commission was completed in June 2021, the final memoranda were submitted on 11.08.2021 and the decision is expected to be issued within 2023. At the same time, a new complaint was filed by the Company in April 2021, the examination of which is pending.

The commercial relationship between the two companies had been regulated since 2017 until the end of 2019, by temporary agreements dictated by interventions and a decision on precautionary measures of the HCC. For the years 2020 and 2021 IB had been invoicing the Company without an agreement with the latter, and the Company disputed the above invoicing, as it considered that it did not correspond to a reasonable and worthy price for the supply of such metallurgical bauxite. Consequently, the Company registered in its books and paid for the delivered quantities at the price agreed under the latest contract, which coincided with that of a decision of precautionary measures issued in the past by the HCC.

In May 2021, the Company filed a claim and application for interim measures before the civil courts, accompanied by a request for an interim injunction ordering IB to monthly supply of the Company as a priority with a monthly quantity and at a reasonable and fair price in the opinion of the Company. IB filed an application for revocation of the interim injunction issued in favor of the Company, which was rejected. IB also filed a counterclaim in which it requested to be awarded the amount of €5.1 million, which corresponds to the difference in the final prices for the supply of bauxite during the period from 1.1.2020 to 28.2.2021, compared to the price paid by the Company to IB. A ruling on the application for injunctive measures was never issued, as the Court of First Instance issued a ruling on the above claim and counterclaim, which partially accepted the Company's claim and obliged IB to supply the Company, from the time of filing the claim and for a period of one (1) year, with bauxite of specific quantity and at specific price. Accordingly, it accepted IB's claim and obliged the Company to pay to IB the amount of €5,1 million, as per above. The Company paid the aforementioned amount with reservation and, same as IB, filed an appeal against the ruling. The hearing of the appeals is set for 22/02/2024.

Following, and after the expiry of the one-year term stipulated in the aforementioned decision of the Court of First Instance, IB once again interrupted the supply and the Company filed on 30/01/2023 application for injunctive measures, accompanied with a request for a temporary injunction. The latter was heard and on 02/02/2023 the Court of First Instance of Athens ordered IB temporarily to supply Mytilineos SA with bauxite. The hearing on the application for injunctive relief was set for 09/05/2023.

Petitions for annulment of Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) decisions — CHP plant

The Company filed before the Council of State: (a) petition for annulment of RAE’s decision no. 80/2016 entitled "Management of condensate heat during the calculation of cogeneration efficiency for the Approval of Special Operating Conditions of CHP plant" and (b) petition for annulment of RAE’s decision no 410/2016 entitled "Amendment of RAE’s decision no. 1599/201, with which it was approved the Issue "Cash Specifications and Size Measurements at the request of the ministerial decision no Δ6 / Φ1 / οικ.8786 / 06.05.2010 for the implementation of the System of Guarantees of Origin of the Electricity from RES and High Efficiency CHP and its Ensuring Mechanism".

The Company also filed before the Athens Administrative Court of Appeal a petition for annulment of RAE’s decision no. 334/2017 entitled "On the application of the societe anonyme ALUMINUM OF GREECE BEAE and the distinctive title "ATE" for the revision of RAE’s decision no. 569/2016" (b) of RAE’s decision no. 569/2016 entitled "Efficiency Control and Determination of Special Operating Conditions of the Distributed HE-CHP unit of the societe anonyme ALUMINUM OF GREECE BEAE (SA)".

From the combination of the above decisions, the cogeneration efficiency of the CHP plant of the Metallurgy Business Unit is negatively affected, as they change the calculation method for the amount of high efficiency electricity, including by subtracting the thermal energy contained in returnable concentrate, when calculating the total efficiency of the unit, resulting in a reduction in unit revenue.

The decisions of the Council of State were issued, according to which the Company’s petitions for annulment have been rejected. On the contrary to the decision no. 1652/2022 of the Supreme Court of Justice, the Company’s application before the Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens for the annulment of no. 334/2017 of the RAE decision was accepted and the above decisions were deemed illegal and annulled. It is also noted that, on the one hand, the annulment decision has retroactive effect, resulting in the administrative act being annulled to be considered as if it never existed, while on the other hand, even an appeal against the decision has no effect of suspension.

In view of the above, the decision RAE 569/2016 is considered as if it never existed and the duty to comply with the decision No. 1652/2022 of the Administrative Court of Appeal of Athens mandates that the pricing of electricity for the period from 12.1.2017 onwards be corrected immediately, based on the decisions RAE 700/2012 and 341/2013 and according to the specific provisions in the Appendix attached thereto. RAE filed an appeal against the above decision, the discussion of which has not yet been set.

Arbitration regarding the HASSI R-MEL I project

In May 2020 the Consortium consisting of the companies "General Electric International Inc." and "Mytilineos S.A." (formerly METKA SA), in its capacity as EPC Contractor of the project "HASSI R'MEL I — Construction and commissioning of a power plant with a total capacity of 368.152 MW in Algeria", (hereinafter "the Project") referred to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) against the company and the owner of the project under the name "Société Algérienne de Production de l'Electricité" (SAPE), for claims due to delays of the Project, which fall within the sphere of responsibility of the project owner. Respectively, the project owner raised, in the context of proceedings, counterclaims. Following a settlement between the consortium-contractor and the client, the client agreed to the release of the Company from any liability, the exit of Mytilineos SA from the consortium and to continue the contract with General Electric International Inc. as exclusive contractor, while the latter company undertook to pay the Company €45,1 million in total.

Litigation between METKA-EGN LIMITED and Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH

As of November 2021, the 100% subsidiary of the Company, named METKA-EGN LIMITED, based in Cyprus, has been in dispute with the company named Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH. Specifically, in December 2020, METKA-EGN LIMITED and Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH entered into a framework agreement for the supply of equipment for photovoltaic plants, in which METKA-EGN LIMITED has interests in. The contracting parties disagree as to the interpretation of some contractual terms and the fulfilment of specific contractual obligations on both sides. METKA-EGN LIMITED has resorted to arbitration before the London Court of International Arbitration raising claims in the region of 76,5 million USA dollars. In connection with these claims, METKA-EGN LIMITED requested the forfeiture of the letter of guarantee that the counterparty had delivered to it for the amount of 11,8 million USA dollars and the issuance of ruling on this request is pending before the Chinese courts. Accordingly, Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH requested forfeiture of the balance under letter of guarantee that METKA-EGN LIMITED had delivered and the issuance of ruling on this request is pending before the Greek courts. The hearing of the first phase of the arbitration proceedings regarding allocation of liability to Canadian Solar EMEA GmbH has been set for June 2023.

Company’s other Contingent Assets & Liabilities

There are other potential third party claims of € 2,49 Mio against the Company for which no provision has been made. According to IAS 37.14: A provision shall be recognised when: (a) an entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event; (b) it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and (c) a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. If these conditions are not met, no provision shall be recognised. No provision has been made for this matter, since according to the relevant opinions of the Company's legal advisers and the management of the Company: (a) the existence of a commitment has not yet been finalized; and (b) there is no probability that there will be an outflow of financial resources. Moreover, there are claims of the Company against third parties, which totally amount to €0,31 mio.

37.3 Guarantees

Out of the above mentioned parent company guarantees in note 3.30 and 3.36, there are guarantees amount of 301,1 mio Group guarantees and 268,6 mio parent company guarantees on behalf of customers and suppliers.

38 Post Balance sheet events

On 10 January 2023 MYTILINEOS S.A. and Statkraft have signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) relating to the energy generated from four solar farms in Italy. Specifically, the solar farms located in Emilia Romagna, Lazio and Campania, have an overall capacity of 63 MW. All projects were developed and are currently under construction by MYTILINEOS and Commercial Operation Date (COD) is expected in stages across 2023 and Q1 2024. MYTILINEOS is already established in Italy as it is considered of strategic importance for the Company in both solar and storage business. Specifically, the Company is currently building 156 MW in Italy, of which 127 MW are solar pojects and 31 MW are storage projects under the Fast Reserve Auction. 62 MW of the solar projects have secured a 20-year Contract for Difference (CFD) with the Italian State-Owned Agency — GSE, for a price of 65.17€/MWh, while the remaining solar assets will have a PPA with Statkraft. The Company currently has in the country a portfolio of 2 GW in development and is planning to add additionally 1 GW during 2023.

On 16 January 2023 MYTILINEOS has been awarded a Contract for the "Supply and installation of a Synchronous Condenser", by RWE Generation UK PLC, one of the UK’s leading electricity generators. Synchronous Condensers are widely considered as essential for the growth of renewable projects (RES). MYTILINEOS M Power Projects, with its high levels of expertise, will undertake the execution of this turnkey project, which will comprise the Design, Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a Synchronous Condenser facility, with its associated auxiliary systems, as well as a high voltage (HV) banking compound for connection of the Synchronous Condenser to the National Grid’s HV Grid. This is the first contract for a Synchronous Condenser for MYTILINEOS and also a first for RWE in the UK. The asset is part of RWE’s decarbonisation plan within the Pembroke Net Zero Centre (PNZC). The Facility will be located at RWE’s existing Pembroke Power Station site in Southwest Wales. Construction is expected to start in 2023, and completion is scheduled for the second half of 2025. The contract value for MYTILINEOS amounts to €62m.

On 2 February 2023 — MYTILINEOS — Energy & Metals and Compagnie de Saint-Gobain (EPA: SGO), worldwide leader in light and sustainable construction, have signed a private wire Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) relating to the energy generated from a 4.9 MW solar farm in Italy.

The solar power plant will reach commercial operation in mid-2023 and it will be built on the premises of Saint-Gobain’s historical factory in Vidalengo, near Bergamo. With this solar asset, more than 7.5 GWh of renewable electricity per year will be produced, displacing more than 3,900 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year — the equivalent of the yearly carbon footprint of ca. 700 people living in Italy.

This 10-year PPA secures a significant portion of Saint-Gobain’s electricity consumption in Vidalengo factory. In addition, locking into a favorable electricity price ensure business competitiveness, as it reduces operational costs in part due to significant savings on grid fees. The project falls under the Italian regulation for self-consumption, known as SEU.

At the same time, MYTILINEOS RES portfolio, which consists of projects in several countries and various stages of development with a total capacity of 9.1 GW, is accelerating. More specifically:

i. 539 MW in operation

ii. 1.0 GW under construction

iii. 2.2 GW in mature stage of development, i.e. projects either on a RTB or soon RTB stage

iv. >5 GW in less mature stage of development

On 9 February 2023 — MYTILINEOS Energy & Metals is hereby announcing the completion of the acquisition of all outstanding shares of WATT+VOLT — "Watt and Volt Exploitation Of Alternative Forms Of Energy Societe Anonyme" in 06.02.2023. The total consideration for the Transaction amounts to €36 million, of which €20 million will be paid in cash and €16 million in MYTILINEOS’ shares. These shares will be provided from MYTILINEOS' treasury stock at a price of €17 per share.

On 13 February 2023 "MYTILINEOS S.A.", pursuant to the provisions of articles 9, 10, 11, 14 and 21 of Law 3556/2007, as currently in force, and based on the relevant information received on 13.02.2023 by Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited ("FFH"), announces that on 10.02.2023, the companies NORTHBRIDGE GENERAL INSURANCE CORPORATION, ODYSSEY REINSURANCE COMPANY and ZENITH INSURANCE COMPANY (CANADA) (hereinafter jointly referred to as the "Bondholders"), subscribed for the total bonds issued by MYTILINEOS under an exchangeable bond loan dated 07.02.2023, bonds which incorporate the right of the Bondholders to acquire, at any time up to the maturity of the bond loan (i.e. until 10.02.2025), at their discretion, a total of 2,500,000 common registered voting shares of MYTILINEOS, therefore they made an indirect, in the sense of article 11 par. 1 of Law 3556/2007, acquisition of the aforementioned shares of MYTILINEOS, which represent 1.75% of its total voting rights. These shares, added to MYTILINEOS shares already held on the above date by other legal entities belonging to the FFH group (hereinafter referred to as the "Other Shareholders"), i.e. 6,688,047 common registered voting shares of MYTILINEOS, which represent 4.68% of its total voting rights, lead to a cumulative participation percentage of 6.43% (i.e. 9,188,047 shares) which results in FFH at parent level exceeding on 10.02.2023 the 5% limit, pursuant to article 9 par. 1 of Law 3556/2007.

The Other Shareholders are: (a) Northbridge General Insurance Corporation, (b) Zenith Insurance Company (Canada), (c) Allied World Specialty Insurance Company, (d) Allied World Insurance Company, (e) Allied World Assurance Company (Europe) dac, (f) HWIC Value Opportunities Fund, (g) Eurolife FFH General Insurance Single Member SA and (h) Eurolife FFH Life Insurance Single Member SA.

The ultimate parent company of the Bondholders and of the Other Shareholders, i.e. FFH, controls through a chain of controlled entities, the Bondholders and the Other Shareholders, and therefore, according to article 10 (e) of Law 3556/2007, indirectly owns the said shares. None of the FFH controlled entities owns independently more than 5% of MYTILINEOS’ voting rights.

Finally, according to the aforementioned notification, FFH is not a controlled entity, within the meaning of article 3 par. 1 (c) of Law 3556/2007, by any natural person or legal entity.

On 14 February 2023 — MYTILINEOS — Energy & Metals and EDP Renewables ("EDPR") signed a long-term Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for the green energy produced from a 78 MW wind portfolio.

This is EDPR’s first PPA in Greece and a first for MYTILINEOS, concerning energy generated from a wind portfolio. The deal allows EDP Renewables to fasten the development of this 78 MW portfolio which consists of 3 wind projects developed by EDPR:

23 MW located in Voiotia, Greece

21 MW located in Achaia, Greece

35 MW located in Voiotia, Greece

All wind farms are expected to enter operation between the end of 2024 and 2025 and under this PPA they are expected to produce annually more than 232 GWh, the equivalent of the consumption of 60 thousand households in Greece by displacing around 100 thousand tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.

MYTILINEOS fully supports Greece’s strategic plan for decarbonization and seeks opportunities to secure green PPAs, for its own portfolio aiming to reduce energy costs both for its own assets and those of its business partners.

MYTILINEOS with this transaction makes its first step towards the development of its green supply basket, aiming to unfold a wider strategy targeting more than 2GW, coming from 3rd party PPAs and own assets across the region.

On 21 February 2023 — MYTILINEOS — Energy & Metals and Centrica have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Vodafone UK relating to the energy generated from 5 solar farms in the United Kingdom.

This is the second major solar PPA for MYTILINEOS, Vodafone and Centrica, following the announcement last year for the supply of 109 GWh of renewable electricity, and is one of the largest deals to date in Europe. The solar farms located in Norfolk, Nottinghamshire, Staffordshire, Buckinghamshire and Dorset, have an overall capacity of 232 MW. All projects were developed and are currently under construction by MYTILINEOS and Commercial Operation Date (COD) is expected in stages across 2023 and Q1 2024.

These solar assets will generate 216 gigawatt hours of electricity, and displace more than 53,000 tonnes of CO2e emissions, every year, the equivalent of taking c.31,400 cars off the road, supporting U.K.’s commitments on clean energy, aiding also the country’s energy independence and security.

The deal, between Vodafone, Centrica as the power supplier and MYTILINEOS as the generator, supports the UK government’s ambition to focus on home-grown, clean and more affordable energy and so boost long-term energy independence and security.

Once the solar plants are energised, 50% of the total electricity output -equal to 108 gigawatt hours of renewable electricity- will be delivered through a sleeving agreement arranged by Centrica to Vodafone.

MYTILINEOS is already established in the U.K. as it is considered a strategic domain for the Company in both solar and storage business. The Company currently has in the country a portfolio of 268 MW in development and is planning to add additionaly 400 MW during 2023.

The total capacity of MYTILINEOS’ international RES portfolio, which consists of projects in several countries and various stages of development of 9.1 GW, is accelerating. More specifically:

i. 539 MW in operation

ii. 1.0 GW under construction

iii. 2.2 GW in mature stage of development, i.e. projects either on a RTB or soon RTB stage

iv. >5 GW in less mature stage of development