Significant information

During the reporting period, the Group proceed to the following:

4th January 2022 — Street lighting in the Municipality of Volos is entering a new and modern era through the energy upgrade project completed and delivered by MYTILINEOS, a pioneer in integrated sustainable development projects, through environmental and energy solutions. This initiative comes in a time when the issue of energy saving in Municipalities across Greece is becoming an urgent need not only in the contect of resource saving but also for the promotion of energy efficiency. It should be noted that today, 50% of a city’s total electricity consumption comes from the street lighting network. MYTILINEOS, undertook the street lighting project in Volos aiming to contribute to the energy upgrade of municipal public spaces and following an international digital competition, announced by the Municipality in Volos. For this project, the most modern solutions and lighting technologies were applied, offering more controlled and high quality lighting, improved visual performance and better atmosphere. In addition the overall energy footprint of the Municipality of Volos will be significantly reduced, as 8.845,81 tons less CO2 emissions will be produced per year and the electric lighting will ensure 55% energy saving. A positive impact is also expected to the overall financial performance of the municipality due to the lower energy costs. The project includes the supply, installation and maintenance for 12 years of the relevant equipment. More specifically the:

i. Installation of 18.000 new technology LED lighting systems for the improvement and upgrade of the Municipality and specific the Municipal Sections of Volos and Nea Ionia.

ii. Improvement of maintenance planning through a «Telecontrol-Telemanagement and Energy control System» (SLMS), in the System of Electric Lighting of Public Spaces (Street Lighting).

iii. Use of preventive maintenance systems via pc (damage recording methodology, prioritization, restoration control, reporting and statistical monitoring).

Moreover, the «Telecontrol-Telemanagement and Energy control System» enables the adjustment of the lighting levels according to the time, traffic conditions, etc of any outdoor area (urban streets, pedestrian streets, squares, etc.). Through the adaptive lighting, further saving and protection of the nighttime sky (limitation of light pollution). Large-scale urban interventions, such as the specific project, amplifies all innovative and environmentally friendly technologies, improving the everyday life of the citizens, setting the ground for future smart cities, with MYTILINEOS paving the way.

On 20 January 2022, MYTILINEOS is included in the list of Ιndustry Top Rated Companies by the international ESG rating agency Sustainalytics, as a result of its very good performance in the ESG and Sustainable Development criteria for 2021. According to Sustainalytics, which is one of the world’s leading ESG rating agencies, the Industry Top Rated Companies badge is awarded to «Strong outperformers in their respective industries out of the Sustainalytics comprehensive coverage universe». MYTILINEOS ranks 2nd in a total of 114 Companies in the «Industrial Conglomerates» category; this performance displays the Company’s commitment to integrating and developing the ESG culture across all its activities. Sustainalytics assesses companies based on their ability to manage ESG risks. Depending on the field of activity, each organization is exposed to ESG risks of different types and intensity. MYTILINEOS is assessed at the highest and most demanding level (Comprehensive) in 11 different ESG thematic areas, including: Corporate Governance, Climate Change & Environmental Management, Health & Safety, Human Rights, Business Ethics, which also constitute the maximum number of ESG thematic areas for which a Company can be rated. According to Sustainalytics, MYTILINEOS effectively manages 70% of the ESG risks faced; such a performance is above the average of the companies within the Industrial Conglomates category.

On 2 February 2022, MYTILINEOS through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit undertakes the construction of the largest data center in Greece. Athens-3 (ATH3), as it will be called, will be the new, state-of-the-art data center of Lamda Hellix, A Digital Realty Company, at the company’s premises in Koropi. This project is to be added to the already existing Athens-1 & Athens-2 (ATH1 & ATH2) and will be the largest data center in Greece, covering an area of 8,600 sq.m building facilities. ATH3 will be constructed according to Tier III standards and will be LEED certified. ATH3 would be supplied 100% with green energy, minimizing the environmental footprint of this investment. Its capacity will reach 6.8MW, while the first phase of the project is expected to be completed in December 2022. The Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit of MYTILINEOS continues to grow dynamically in markets with high demand for execution of complex technical projects, capitalizing on 20 years of experience in similar projects. The collaboration with Digital Realty, one of the largest companies in the data center market with over 290 facilities in 26 countries, highlights a new dynamic whileadding to a continously growing portfolio of high value-added projects.

On 7 February 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Renewables and Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit and Aquila Capital, a sustainable investment and asset development company, have signed an agreement for the sale of a 100MW solar portfolio in the South of Spain. As part of this, Aquila Capital acquires two solar plants, planned to enter in operations by the end of Q3 2022. The solar plants, Jaen and Guillena, each with 50 MW capacity are both located in Andalucia and are currently under construction by the RSD Business Unit. Once in operation, these plants will produce approximately 200 GWh of 100% clean energy per year. In addition to this operation, MYTILINEOS, through its RSD Business Unit, is implementing a project development and investment platform for solar PV and storage projects and has in operation approximately 118 MW of solar PVs in Australia and 3.5 MW in Cyprus, which have commenced contributing to the Company’s financial results from H2 2021. These projects are part of a total pipeline of solar PV and energy storage projects under various stages of development that exceed 4GW and are located in Iberia, Italy, UK, Cyprus, Romania, Chile, Australia and South Korea for which it will assess options to monetize or integrate in its operations. Aquila Capital currently manages wind energy, solar PV and hydropower assets of more than 13 GW capacity, from which more than 8 GW are in Southern Europe. Spain is a key market for Aquila Capital, where the company has a pipeline of more than 60 projects under development, construction or in operation.

On 10 February 2022, MYTILINEOS is proceeding with the construction of the 740 MW diesel power plant in Tobruk, Libya, according to the initial timeline. The first of the four units is planned to be put into operation in the first half of 2022, when the Libyan energy system will be strengthened with 185MW, covering in time and effectively the particularly increased needs of the country during the summer period. The timely deployment of the first unit in pandemic conditions is the strongest confirmation of MYTILINEOS ’commitment to support Libya as well as the local community. It is noted that the country is facing daily power outages and the project assigned to MYTILINEOS by the Libyan Electricity Company is crucial for the smooth operation of thousands of households and businesses in the country. The progress of works was inspected by the Greek chargé d’affaires to the country, Mr. Ioannis Stamatekos, during his official visit to the city, reaffirming the Greek commitment for immediate support in the effort to rebuild Libya, with the assistance of healthy Greek entrepreneurship. Mr. Stamatekos further praised MYTILINEOS ’goal of reviving the Libyan economy with breath-taking projects that will drastically change the daily lives of its citizens. Mr. Stamatekos discussed with local authorities the opportunities for new infrastructure projects in the country, while then the Greek diplomatic mission met with the Speaker of the Libyan Parliament Agilah Salah, highlighting issues related to the foreign policy of our country and the European Union.

On 28 February 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. reaffirming its strategy in expanding its solar activity in markets around the world, is announcing the completion of the construction of a 1.55MW Solar PV project in Yangpyung-gun in South Korea, by its Renewables and Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit. This is the first MYTILINEOS’ project in South Korea and in the broad East Asia Region, signaling a new era for the RSD Business Unit, being one of a few European companies to succesfully enter the Asian market. The Yangpyung-gun project has secured a tariff of KRW119000/MWh (~US$ 100/MWh) through the competitive bidding that took place in February 2021. Once completed, it is expected to generate about 2000 units of renewable energy certificates (RECs) each year. The RECs generated shall be sold to Korea District Heating Corporation under a 20-year offtake agreement (PPA). The RSD Business Unit of MYTILINEOS is further establishing its position in the country by also developing a 36MW PV project in Gonam-Myeon, Taean County. The project has already received a Power generation license and has applied for a development permit. In the next 2 years, the RSD Business Unit aims to undertake greenfield development of large-scale solar PV projects sizing up to 300MW by acquiring small-scale solar PV projects with a maximum capacity of 50MW.

On 8 March 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Renewables and Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit, is expanding its pioneer position in the development, engineering, and construction of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and has been awarded with a new storage system capacity contract in the 2024 Italian Capacity Market Auction[1]. Specifically, the Company was awarded a 15-year duration capacity market contract with a price of €70,000/MW/Year for a project located in Brindisi, South of Italy. The Brindisi project is a 25MW battery energy storage system (BESS) utilizing Lithium-Ion batteries while providing approximately 50MWh to the grid. The project was fully engineered and developed by MYTILINEOS’ RSD Business Unit and is planned to start construction in 2023. These results strongly confirm the strategical positioning of MYTILINEOS in the Italian energy market, where in 2021 the RSD Business Unit has already been awarded in the Terna Fast reserve Auction 2021 with 2 Projects (25MW and 6 MW). Construction will start in Q2 2022, and commissioning is expected to take place at Q4 of 2022, when they will start providing Fast Reserve services to the Italian grid from 2023 until 2027. Regarding the EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) where MYTILINEOS is considered one of the top contactors worldwide, the RSD Business Unit has signed 2 new BESS turn-key contracts with long time partner Gresham House in the UK. The Projects — Abroath and Coupar located in Scotland — have a combined power output of 75 MW with energy storage of 75 MWh, utilizing Lithium-Ion batteries. Execution of the projects is already advanced, and the commissioning is expected in the next weeks. The BESS systems are supporting increased penetration of intermittent renewables into the United Kingdom’s energy mix providing ancillary services necessary to ensure the reliability and stability of the grid, and to also generate revenues by storing energy at times of low demand and releasing it back to the grid when the demand increase. The RSD Business Unit has successfully constructed and commissioned 383MW (420MWh) in the United Kingdom, positioning itself as one of the market leading solution providers for utility scale battery energy storage systems in Europe. MYTILINEOS’ RSD Business has currently in development 380 MW of BESS across Italy, Spain and Australia and the target is to further expand by reaching 600 MW within Q3 2022. Additionally, in Greece, MYTILINEOS has agreed to the acquisition of a pipeline of 25 energy storage projects.

[1] The capacity market is a mechanism by which Terna (the national TSO) obtains electricity capacity through a long-term supply contracts years awarded through a competitive bidding procedure. Through these contracts electricity producers undertake to produce energy when dispatched in exchange for a fixed annual remuneration.

On 16 March 2022, The works in the Protos Energy Recovery Facility, an energy from waste project, the construction of which has been undertaken by MYTILINEOS in a joint venture with Standardkessel Baumgarte GmbH are proceeding normally and on schedule. In particular, MYTILINEOS’ Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit leads the work, confirming its ability to undertake complex EPC (Engineering — Procurement — Construction) projects of high technical requirements internationally. Protos is a model project in Cheshire, England that aspires to be a modern hub for energy and resource technologies. It is owned by Covanta, the Green Investment Group and Biffa, and aims to set an example for the United Kingdom in achieving its net-zero carbon target. With its gaze to the conclusions of the UN Conference on Climate Change, MYTILINEOS is proudly involved in the development of this important project. With a capacity of 400,000 tons of non-recyclable waste per year, it will be able to accelerate the transition from coal to clean energy and zero-emission vehicles, to protect and restore the natural environment. Benefiting both the people and the climate, the Protos project makes a significant contribution to the enhancement of climate prospects through science and innovation.

On 30 March 2022, Athens, Greece — 30 March 2022 — MYTILINEOS through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) Business Unit undertakes the development of three (3) open-cycle gas turbine (OCGTs) power plant projects in the United Kingdom. Specifically, MYTILINEOS has signed engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) contracts with three subsidiaries of Drax Group plc, UK’s largest source of renewable electricity, namely Hirwaun Power Limited, Progress Power Limited and Millbrook Power Limited, to construct 3 OCGTs with a gross output of 299MW each. The contracts involve the EPC of all 3 plants, which will be identical having one Siemens Energy SGT5-4000F gas turbine each. Each power plant is intended to be operated locally (with a facility for remote operation) as a peaking plant operating up to 1,500 hours per year to support the grid at times of peak electricity demand and during any stress events. All 3 OCGTs are expected to enter commercial operation during 2024 and it is clarified that the total value of these contracts amounts to c. €330 million. Drax Group is a renewable energy company engaged in renewable power generation, the production of sustainable biomass and the sale of renewable electricity to businesses. Drax operates a generation portfolio of sustainable biomass, hydro-electric and pumped hydro storage assets across various sites in England and Scotland. The company also operates a global bioenergy supply business with manufacturing facilities at 17 plants and developments sites in the United States and Canada, producing compressed wood pellets for its own use and for customers in Europe and Asia. This is the second energy project for MYTILINEOS’ Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit in the United Kingdom, as the Company undertook EPC of the Protos Energy Recovery Facility project in Cheshire, which will treat 400,000 tonnes of non-recyclable waste per year and will generate app. 45 MW to the grid. These projects will strengthen MYTILINEOS’ position not only in the UK, but also in the European energy market.

On 8 April 2022, There are moments when brave steps need to be taken towards a single goal of creating a more sustainable future for our planet and humankind. This is why MYTILINEOS does not simply envisage but materializes energy transition to a friendlier and «greener» reality focusing on the modern day citizen and the society of the future. MYTILINEOS Smart Cities will be a living organism in continuous evolution. It will be providing innovative services, applications, groundbreaking tools and products addressing cities, communities, settlements as well as big corporations seeking to create «smart» cities, aiming to make the citizens’ and inhabitants’ everyday life easier and sustainable.

Using artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technologies, sustainable, «smart» societies with infinite possibilities to the benefit of citizens are created. Citizen-friendly cities will be offering solutions, interacting at all levels, offering opportunities, reducing costs, respecting the environment, but above all, remaining human and sustainable. A particularly ambitious and innovative project materialized under the highest quality standards of MYTILINEOS, encompassing, for the first time, the collaborative efforts of its Business Units: Metallurgy, Power & Gas, and Sustainable Engineering Solutions. A «smart» city is a city living and breathing through its people, with its technological upgrading being at the same time a priority. An energy community with additional digital innovations aiming at improving quality of life, enhancing performance at all levels, optimizing resources exploitation and promoting citizens’ active and productive involvement. The «smart» city responds with a smart approach to the terms citizenship, governance and mobility. Through this city, the value of the community and its people comes to surface whereby the consumer is now a producer controlling its own consumption. The so-called «prosumers» will play a pivotal role being interconnected with the new energy market as important partners and associates through blockchain, coming naturally in contact with all «smart» city stakeholders. Services and applications for the cities include:

i. Flexible energy management services

ii. Smart water management

iii. Smart waste management

iv. High operability in public areas (appliances charging spots, Internet access through 4G / Wi-Fi, sound systems for citizens’ direct communication with public services, weather forecast information, access to lighting options)

v. Traffic management through smart applications

vi. Exploitation of 5G and IoT potential

vii. Central control systems providing direct information with a view to promptly resolving issues even through remote management.

viii. Home services and applications will include:

ix. «Smart» appliances such as batteries, inverters, photovoltaic panels

x. Electric vehicles charging stations

xi. Ability for the inhabitants («prosumers») to monitor and control both produced and consumed energy

Therefore, using digital technologies, already existing structures and facilities will be constantly upgraded substantially interacting with citizens, with safety and credibility. At the same time the use of resources will be optimized while direct and indirect emissions will be reduced to the minimum. MYTILINEOS Smart Cities will employ additional concepts and services such as: Smart Energy Contracts, Smart Lighting, Connected public transport, Smart Parking, Public safety, Smart roads / Connected streetlights / Smart Traffic monitoring and management, Citizen/Tourist services entering the life of the citizens and rendering it easier. Furthermore, sustainability principles will play a major role in this net zero city. «Green» energy will be corresponding to total energy consumption, while citizens awareness of environmental and energy issues will be raised through continuous education and dissemination of information on issues of energy, water and the importance of technology. The first project of MYTILINEOS Smart Cities services will take place in Aspra Spitia. Therefore, this model community being the «home» of Aluminium of Greece employees, will turn into the first «pilot» city aiming at a real and substantial improvement of the settlements inhabitants’ standards of living through a variety of cutting-edge technological solutions. The overall transformation of the company and the importance of the Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit. MYTILINEOS is once more leading the way. It doesn’t just follow developments but it is at the very forefront. It intensifies its efforts and creates constants as a point of reference towards a sustainable future for all, since the company recent holistic transformation has been focusing on sustainable development principles. In this context, MYTILINEOS undertakes to bring the future to the cities making use of its unquestionable comparative advantage. Through its vast experience in infrastructure, projects and energy management, MYTILINEOS aims to materialize what once used to seem impossible. A new world with immense possibilities opens up through artificial intelligence flexible applications and technologies.

On 14 April 2022, MYTILINEOS won the gold award for its business practices, based on its business model and its overall strategy, by the leading European agency for the performance evaluation of companies in sustainable development, EcoVadis. Specifically, EcoVadis evaluates the quality of the Corporate Responsibility management system and the ESG of the companies through the policies they have, the practices they apply and their results. The evaluation methodology is using 21 criteria, grouped into four thematic units: Environment, Labor Practices & Human Rights, Business Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. The criteria are based on international standards, such as the UN Global Compact principles, the International Labor Organization (ILO) conditions, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, and the ISO 26000 principles. Since its establishment in 2007, EcoVadis has grown into one of the largest and most trusted providers of business viability ratings in the world, creating a global network of more than 90,000 rated companies. According to the results of the evaluation of its overall performance, MYTILINEOS is in the top 10% of all companies evaluated by EcoVadis. The Company’s performance is even better per unit, as MYTILINEOS managed to be included in the 4% of the top suppliers in its sector in the section «Labor Practices — Human Rights» and in the respective 6% of the top suppliers in the section «Environment». Participating in the EcoVadis rating platform, MYTILINEOS responds promptly and responsibly to its customers’ sustainable development requirements, enabling them to access relevant information and performance, which is a prerequisite for maintaining existing and concluding new business partnerships. MYTILINEOS’ long standing commitment to Sustainable Development is reflected in the already significant ESG performance achieved, and makes the most of the improvement proposals it receives from the international independent ESG criteria rating agencies in which it participates. In this context, the Company carried out important strategic actions in 2021, including the following:

i. It developed and started the implementation of specific action plans for each key initiative that contributes to the ambitious objectives of reducing the carbon footprint.

ii. It joined the international Sustainable Development CDP Climate Change initiative.

iii. It joined the official supporters of the International Task force on Climate — Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

iv. It completed the 2nd cycle of corporate responsibility training for key suppliers.

v. It carried out the formal Consultation process with its Social Partners for the 12th year in a row.

vi. It implemented 16 social initiatives and programs at central level.

vii. It ensured the improvement or maintenance of its performance in almost all the ESG evaluations in which it participated.

On 20 April 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. announces that due to strong demand from foreign institutional investors to participate in the Company’s share capital, given MYTILINEOS’ strong growth prospects as a result of significant investments in full deployment, has proceeded with the sale of 4.5 million own shares which correspond to 3.1493% of its paid-up share capital, at a price of €17.00 per share for a total value of €76,500,000. The above-mentioned shares have been acquired at an average price of €11.00 per share. Following this transaction, MYTILINEOS holds in aggregate 4,193,231 own shares, accounting for 2.9346% of its total share capital. Regarding the acquisition of own shares, the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meetings dated 27.03.2020 and 23.03.2022 remain as they stand providing for the acquisition of shares up to 10% of the Company’s paid-up share capital, thus up to a total of 14,289,116 shares, with a maximum price of €25.00 per share.

On 11 May 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Renewables & Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit and Centrica have signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Vodafone UK relating to the energy generated from three solar farms in the United Kingdom. Specifically, the solar farms located in Lincolnshire, Worcestershire and Nottinghamshire have an overtall capacity of 110 MW. All projects were developed and are currently under construction by the MYTILINEOS RSD Business Unit and Commercial Operation Date (COD) is expected in stages across 2022 and Q1 2023. These solar assets will supply more than 109 gigawatt hours of renewable electricity, displacing more than 25,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year — the equivalent of taking approximately 14,800 cars off the road. Once the solar plants are energised, 50% of the total electricity output -equal to 54 gigawatt hours of renewable electricity- will be delivered through a sleeving agreement arranged by Centrica to Vodafone.

On 19 May 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) Business Unit, in Consortium with Siemens Energy Global GmbH & Co. KG and Siemens Energy sp. z o.o., undertakes the construction of a combined-cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant project in Grudziadz, Poland. Specifically, the Consortium has signed an Engineering, Procurement and construction (EPC) contract with SPV CCGT Grudziadz Sp z o.o. (owned entirely by Energa S A, part of Orlen Group) to construct an efficient power plant in combined cycle technology (CCGT) of net electric power in the range of 560 MW, consisting of one gas turbine and one condensing steam turbine, using a closed, wet mechanical draft cooling tower arrangement and construction of a gas installation in the Power Plant area with accompanying infrastructure. The CCGT is expected to enter commercial operation in 38 months after the signing of the contract. Energa Group is one of Poland’s largest energy companies and one of the largest electricity suppliers in the country. Its core activities include the generation and distribution of and trading in electricity and heat, as well as gas trading.

On 3 June 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. (the «Company») announces that on Thursday, June 2nd, 2022 at 13.00, the 32nd Annual General Meeting of shareholders of the Company was held at the registered offices of the Company. Shareholders representing 81,170,103 common registered shares and voting rights, i.e. 58.64% of the total 138,414,002 total common registered shares participated (physically or remotely through teleconference or by way of exercising their voting right before the meeting)[1]. The General Meeting discussed and took the following decisions by majority on the items of the agenda:

i. On the 1st item of the agenda, the shareholders approved the annual and consolidated financial statements for the financial year 01.01.2021 — 31.12.2021, the relevant Board of Directors’ and Statutory Auditor’s reports, and the Statement of Corporate Governance, as presented for approval.

ii. On the 2nd item of the agenda, the shareholders approved the appropriation of the results for the financial year 01.01.2021-31.12.2021 and the distribution of dividend to the shareholders of the Company in the amount of forty-two eurocents (€0.42) per share. The ex-date and beneficiary determination date (based on the record date rule) of June 24th, 2022 and June 27th, 2022 respectively were approved, and the corresponding amount will be paid to shareholders starting on July 1st, 2022. The Company will publish a separate announcement concerning the dividend payment procedure in accordance with article of the Athens Exchange Regulation. In addition, the shareholders approved the establishment of special reserve accounts and payment to members of the board of directors of remuneration from the profits of the Company for the fiscal year 01.2021 until 31.12.2021, as presented for approval.

iii. On the 3rd item of the agenda, the shareholders approved in accordance with the provisions of article 112 par.3 of law 4548/2018 the remuneration report for

iv. On the 6th item of the agenda, the shareholders approved the overall management of the board of directors for the fiscal year 01.01.2021-31.12.2021 in accordance with article 108 of law 4548/2018 and discharged the statutory auditors of the Company from any liability for damages for the audit of the financial statements for the same fiscal

v. On the 7th item of the agenda, the shareholders elected the Auditing Firm GRANT THORNTON S.A., having its registered office in Athens (58 Katehaki Av.) and registered with the Special Register of article 13 par. 5 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) 226/1992 under SOEL Reg. No. 127 to carry out the regular audit of the Company’s individual and consolidated financial statements for the current fiscal year 01.2022-31.12.2022, the review of the of the interim financial statements for the period 01.01.2022-30.06.2022 as well as to issue the annual tax certificate and set their remuneration at €318,250.00 (plus VAT) and €229,500.00 (plus VAT) respectively.

vi. On the 8th item of the agenda, the shareholders re-elected each of the eleven (11) current members of the board of directors for a four-year term and appointed the independent members of the board pursuant to law 4706/2020.

vii. In addition, the Annual Report of the Audit Committee on its activities for the year 2020 was submitted to the meeting according to the provisions of article 44 par. 1(i) of law 4449/2017 as well as the Report on the activities of the Independent Non- Executive Directors of the Board for the year 2021 according to the provisions of article 9 par. 5 of law 4706/2020. The Company will announce and publish on its website separate announcement with the detailed results of the voting per decision in accordance with article 133 par. 2 of the law 4548/2018.

The board of directors that was elected per above decisions, was constituted as a body the same day and designated its executive and non-executive members, as follows: 1. Evangelos Mytilineos, father’s name: Georgios, Chairman and Managing Director, executive member; 2. Spyridon Kasdas, father’s name: Dimitrios, Vice-Chairman A, non-executive member; 3. Evangelos Chrysafis, father’s name: Georgios, Vice-Chairman B, executive member; 4. Dimitrios Papadopoulos, father’s name: Sotirios, executive member; 5. Ioannis Petrides, father’s name: Georgios, Lead Independent Director, independent non-executive member; 6. Panagiota Antonakou, father’s name: Leonidas, independent non-executive member; 7. Emmanouil Kakaras, father’s name: Konstantinos, independent non-executive member; 8. Konstantina Mavraki, father’s name: Nikolaos, independent non-executive member; 9. Anthony Bartzokas, father’s name: Melas, independent non-executive member; 10. Natalia Nikolaidis, father’s name: Emmanouil, independent non-executive member; and 11. Alexios Pilavios, father’s name: Andreas, independent non-executive. The term of office of the aforementioned members of the board of directors is four years and is extended until the first general meeting of the shareholders following the expiration of their term.

In addition, the board of directors appointed its following members as members of the Audit Committee, which is a board of directors’ committee and which was formed into a corporate body on the same day as follows: 1. Alexios Pilavios, Chair — independent non — executive member of the board of directors; 2. Konstantina Mavraki, Member— independent non — executive member of the board of directors; and 3. Anthony Bartzokas, Member, — independent non — executive member of the board of directors.

The board of directors also appointed the members of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee, which was formed into a corporate body on the same day as follows: 1. Ioannis Petrides, Chair — independent non — executive member of the board of directors; 2. Emmanouil Kakaras, Member — independent non — executive member of the board of directors; and 3. Konstantina Mavraki, Member— independent non — executive member of the board of directors.

The board of directors also appointed the members of the Sustainability Committee, which was formed into a corporate body on the same day as follows: 1. Sophie Daskalaki-Mytilineou, Chair; 2. Panagiota Antonakou, Member — independent non — executive member of the board of directors 3. Emmanouil Kakaras, Member — independent non — executive member of the board of directors; 4. Spyridon Kasdas, Member — Vice-Chairman A, non-executive member of the board of directors; 5. Natalia Nikolaidis, Member — independent non — executive member of the board of directors; and 6. Dimitrios Papadopoulos, Member — executive member of the board of directors

[1] It shall be noted that, pursuant to paragraph 1 of article 50 of Law 4548/2018, 4,477,159 own shares of the Company out of total 142,891,161 shares are not calculated both for the purposes of quorum and the voting process

On 7 June 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Renewables & Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit has signed a solar power purchase agreement (PPA) with Enel Generaciόn Chile S.A. This PPA will supply the Chilean utility with up to 1.1 TWh per year for the next 10 years. With this agreement, MYTILINEOS will deliver green energy generated, from a portfolio of four solar projects totaling 588 MWp. The portfolio’s contracted energy of 1.1 TWh per year is equivalent to the electricity necessary to provide power to 532,000 homes in Chile, eliminating 123,000 cars from the road, and avoiding the emission of 570,000 tons of carbon pollution to the atmosphere. The portfolio of four projects was acquired in «brownfield» stage by MYTILINEOS during 2020-21 and marked the Company’s first incursion in Chile as an investor. Prior to that, the Company had been involved in the country as a top-tier EPC contractor. Since acquiring full control of these assets, MYTILINEOS has been focused on completing their development, contracting them through a PPA, and at the same time enhancing its local development team. To enhance its positioning in the Chilean energy market, the Company is adding geographic and technological diversification through greenfield development and acquisitions of new solar and wind projects in the central and central-south regions of Chile. Out of the four projects in the portfolio, one is already under construction and the other three are in their final stages of development and are expected to start construction during 2022. The projects are located in the Arica-Parinacota (109 MWp), Antofagasta (228 MWp), Atacama (165 MWp), and Coquimbo (86 MWp) regions of Chile. Once the portfolio is built, MYTILINEOS’ RSD Business Unit will also oversee its operation and maintenance. The signing of this 588 MWp portfolio PPA with Enel Generaciόn Chile further establishes MYTILINEOS as one of Chile’s leading renewable power producers and provides a solid launching base for the Company’s ambitious growth strategy in Chile and other key markets in Latin America. In addition to this first portfolio, the Company is already developing an additional 1 GWp of capacity in Chile, Mexico, and Colombia. The total capacity of the MYTILINEOS’ RSD Business Unit’s international portfolio currently stands at c. 2.326 MW out of which:

i.  123 MW in operation

ii.  665 MW are under construction

iii.  1.538 MW are Ready To Build (RTB) or expected RTB within the next 6 months

On top of the above, the portfolio also includes a pipeline of projects in various stages of development, with a capacity of c. 3.7 GW. Larraίn y Asociados and Tarelec acted as legal and commercial advisors to MYTILINEOS in this transaction.

On 23 June 2022, MYTILINEOS S.A. (the «Company»), following relevant announcement of June 3rd, 2022, announces that the Annual Regular General Meeting of the Shareholders of the Company, held on June 2nd, 2022, resolved, among others, to distribute a dividend in the sum of 0.42 euros per share. The final dividend amount that will be paid out stands at 0.4340925612 euros per share, increased by the dividend corresponding to 4,638,878 own shares that will be held by the Company on June 24th, 2022 (ex-dividend date). The dividend is subject to a 5% withholding tax, in accordance with the applicable tax provisions (with the exception or differentiation of such withholding for shareholders falling under special provisions). Therefore, the net amount of dividend which will be paid to shareholders will be 0.4123879331 euros per share. On June 24th, 2022 the Company’s shares will trade ex-dividend. The beneficiaries of the dividend are the shareholders registered in the records of the Dematerialised Securities System (DSS) on June 27th, 2022 (record date). Payment of the dividend will commence on July 1st, 2022. Payment of the dividend shall be effected in accordance with the procedure stipulated in the Company’s relevant announcement of June 3rd, 2022.

On 7 July 2022 — MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) Business Unit, signed a contract with the Independent Power Transmission Operator (IPTO SA) for the complete construction of the new interconnecting overhead Transmission Line ‘T.L. 400kV High Voltage Center Ν. SANTAS — MARITSA (BULGARIA)’, of a single heavy-duty circuit (three-way conductor per phase), and the supply of all the materials required (steel, conductors, insulators, fittings) for the technical construction of said overhead transmission line.

This segment is part of the new Greece-Bulgaria electrical interconnection, constituting an important project of pan-European interest and is expected to join the European System in the beginning of 2023.

MYTILINEOS will undertake the construction of a segment of the new interconnecting line (N. Santa — Maritsa) located on Greek territory with a total length of 30 km. The Project involves the construction of eighty-five (85) new towers of series ’7′ (seven). In particular, the construction of access routes for the project’s needs, the complete construction of eighty-five (85) new towers, the complete installation of ACSR Cardinal conductor, steelShield Wire conductor(SW) and OPGW conductor will be carried out, along the entire length of the line with all the relevant fittings. The dielectric cable will also be installed within the High Voltage Center NEA SANTA, terminating to the existing ODF and measurements of optic fibers and tower foundation ground resistance will be performed.

This Project will strengthen the European transmission system in the region and, for our country, it will have a positive impact on cross-border trade in electricity, while allowing safe penetration of new RES projects in Thrace and Eastern Macedonia.

MYTILINEOS, keeping abreast with international trends for efficient energy distribution and transmission, is demonstrating a successful portfolio of similar projects. Its expertise in the design and construction of high-voltage lines and in particular of equivalent 400kV single-heavy-duty circuit transmission lines such as the transmission line 400kV High Voltage Center DISTOMO-High Voltage Center AGIOS NIKOLAOS I & II constitutes the main success factor for the implementation of interconnection projects of safe distribution for increased power flows. This contributes to a rapid growth of electricity markets in Europe and Turkey.

The contract is scheduled to be completed within 9 months, in addition to the 18 months of the warranty period, and the contract value for MYTILINEOS stands at 9.974.796,04 €.

Athens, Greece — 8 July 2022 — With a groundbreaking ceremony, in the presence of Australia’s Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland, MYTILINEOS S.A. through its Renewables and Storage Development (RSD) Business Unit announced the beginning of construction of the Wyalong Solar Farm in New South Wales.

The project once completed will have an overall green capacity of 75 MW and it will provide sustainable, clean energy by converting energy from the sun to electricity. Specifically, the Wyalong Solar Farm will generate enough electricity to power approximately 27,000 Australian homes.

The Wyalong Solar Farm has already secured a high quality long-term PPA with the established partner NBN Co, an Australian Government Business Enterprise, tasked to design, build, and operate Australia’s National Broadband Network. With this PPA, NBN Co. will further support its sustainability goals.

The PPA is the first for NBN Co as part of its commitment to purchase 100% renewable electricity by December 2025.

As MYTILINEOS always seeks to return value to the local communities in which it operates, 150 local qualified workers will be hired on site. Construction will be conducted for approximately 6 months, prior to commencement of commissioning activities.

MYTILINEOS is well-positioned in Australia and worldwide, to grow its renewable energy platform, prioritizing responsible development and safety.

More specifically MYTILINEOS’ Australian portfolio in various stages exceeds the capacity of c. 750 MW as analyzed below:

i. 118 MW in operation

ii. 262 MW are under construction

iii. 113 MW are RTB or expected RTB within the next 6 months

iv. 260 MW in various stages of development

19 July 2022 — Sustainable Development is an integral part of the MYTILINEOS long-term business strategy. As stated by the Company’s Chairman and CEO, Ev. Mytilineos in the introductory note of the Sustainable Development Report 2021 «it is the driving force behind the company’s aspiration to remain competitive in the long term, to meet contemporary challenges and, by developing appropriate partnerships, to contribute to a new and efficient model of socially inclusive growth, as this is reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals. In this respect, we aim at creating long-term sustainable value for our shareholders as well as for our other Stakeholder groups, by adopting a holistic approach in pursuing our activities, combining the safeguarding of jobs, and growing our business, our profitability, always in terms of social and environmental sustainability».

The 2021 Sustainable Development Report focuses on:

1) analyzing the way MYTILINEOS manages every material Sustainable Development topic in its activity,

2) the significant progress in its wider performance, as assessed by international organizations according to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) criteria. This progress is confirmed by relevant distinctions, such as the recognition of MYTILINEOS by Sustainalytics — one of the most important and notable ESG Raters worldwide — as one of the «Leading industrial companies» for its ESG performance,

3) the progress in relation to the climate targets that are supported by 10 key initiatives and 50 specific actions in all Business Units,

4) the approach and the Company’s significant contribution to Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030),

5) integrating the international standards by the Task Force of Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB),

6) the new Sustainable Development governance system of the Company, with the establishment of the Sustainable Development Committee of the Board of Directors as well as the Corporate Governance & Sustainable Development Division,

7) analyzing important elements of the Company’s activities according to the eligibility criteria of the European Taxonomy for sustainable investments (EU Taxonomy),

8) the generation and distribution of a social product worth €2.3 billion and its overall company’s contribution to the national economy and employment.

At the same time, through the microsites Sustainability Actions Map & Integrated Value Creation Scorecard the achievement of value creation for each MYTILINEOS activity is presented, through the initiatives and programs it has implemented and continues to implement in its responsible operation and the company’s main financial and non-financial results.

The Sustainable Development Report[1] 2021 was published during the Company’s Annual General Shareholders Meeting. This is the 14th consecutive Report disclosing Non-Financial Data.

[1] The Report was developed in line with the standards of the Global Reporting initiative (GRI STANDARDS), key indicators of the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the 10 Principles of the UN Global Compact, the AA1000AP 2018 Accountability Principles Standard and taking into account the international Corporate Social Responsibility Standard ISO 26000. In addition, the Report is in line with the relevant obligations deriving from the Greek legislation and the European Directives. Moreover, it has been audited and certified by an independent auditor, Ernst & Young (EY) in accordance with the Standard ISAE 3000 and the specifications of Type 2 assurance project, as such are defined by the Assurance Standard AA1000AS.

On 22 August 2022 MYTILINEOS is hereby announcing the acquisition of all outstanding shares of WATT+VOLT — «Watt and Volt Exploitation Of Alternative Forms Of Energy Societe Anonyme » (hereinafter " Transaction«). The acquisition is in the context of the company’s overall strategic planning aiming at further developing its activity in the retail supply of power and gas in Greece and in the wider region.

With the addition of WATT+VOLT’s portfolio of 200,000 customers, MYTILINEOS’ activity in the retail electricity and natural gas supply market (where, through Protergia — Power & Gas Business Unit, already ranks 1st among private providers) will be further enhanced. The joint market share stands at 10%, having 550,000 customers and almost 100 stores, while with 516 charging points throughout Greece, the presence in electric mobility is being significantly strengthened.

The integration of WATT+VOLT and the expansion of the customer base further strengthens the verticalization of the Power & Gas Business Unit of MYTILINEOS marking an important step towards creating the energy provider of the new era («Utility of the Future»).

MYTILINEOS Top Management’ perception on the quality and unique skills of WATT+VOLT’s executives, who through innovative ideas and practices positioned the WATT & VOLT as a leading market participant against private energy suppliers with substantial generation capacity, weighted significantly in closing the Transaction. This team of executives under the CEO of WATT+VOLT, Tassos Papanagiotou, will join the team of the Retail segment of the Power & Gas Business Unit of MYTILINEOS.

The total consideration for the Transaction amounts to €36 million, of which €20 million will be paid in cash and €16 million in MYTILINEOS’ shares. These shares will be provided from MYTILINEOS’ treasury stock at a price of €17 per share.

24 August 2022 MYTILINEOS manages to stand out steadily every year for its Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development Initiatives, proving the high level of its actions and the immediate impact thereof on local communities in practice.

For one more year, the Company stood out in two prestigious institutions, continuing the successful series of awards at the highest level.

In particular, on 22 and 23 June , MYTILINEOS received a double awarded in Bravo Sustainability Awards 2022 for the following actions, through the evaluation process by the Committees and the public voting by the general public:

Distinction regarding the initiative entitled ’’Climate Change & Energy Transition’’ in the thematic unit ‘Coping with Climate Change — Emissions of Gaseous Pollutants’ in the ENVIRONMENT pillar.

A distinction regarding the initiative entitled ’’#mellonabilities Program’’ in the thematic unit ‘Education — Young Generation — Lifelong Learning’ in the pillar SOCIETY.

On 13 July, MYTILINEOS received the following three awards in the context of the institution Hellenic Responsible Business Awards 2022:

GOLD Award: #Mellonabilities Program, in the category ‘Fewer Inequalities’.

SILVER Award: New gas-fired, electric power generation plant of combined cycle (CCGT) in the Long-term Investment Category (local/regional or national).

BRONZE Award: Sustainable Development Report 2020 in the category Corporate Sustainability Report.

The recognition of MYTILINEOS Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development initiatives is a confirmation of the Company’s long-term value-creation strategy for all Social Partners, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals and their respective national priorities.

On 29 August 2022 MYTILINEOS through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit (SES BU) signed the first 3 contract agreements (out of a total of 4) for the construction and maintenance of the same number of distribution network projects for the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A. (HEDNO).

The said 3 contracts of HEDNO concern the following areas:

Agrinio & Arta

Patras & Aegio and

Chalkida & Aliveri

Apart from electrification projects, and the maintenance, modifications, and enhancements of the network the Company will, also, undertake all construction works to connect renewable energy projects with the distribution network, change overhead to underground networks within the urban and suburban network and reconstruct existing networks in order to ensure the stable operation of the existing network.

Alongside these, as foreseen through the contracts in the purpose of digital modernization and care for the environment projects included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Greece 2.0 will also be carried, such as the replacement of HT electricity meters with smart meters, the upgrade of the HEDNO aerial network in forested areas and the upgrades of the HEDNO network with the aim of enhancing resilience and protecting the environment.

In the last decade, MYTILINEOS has consistently participated in the upgrade and optimal operation of HEDNO’s distribution network by executing projects of similar contracts.

The contract price for MYTILINEOS for these 3 contracts amounts to €97,690.000 plus VAT, while with the signing of the 4th contract which will concern the contract for the region of Volos, the total value will reach €114,700.000 plus VAT.

All works are expected to last 48 months from the signing of the contracts.

On 14 September 2022 MYTILINEOS through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions Business Unit (SES BU) signed a contract with the Monastic Community of Mount Athos to effectively contribute to the energy saving of the Holy Monasteries.

The project’s main objective is to develop the Renewable Energy Sources to cover a significant part of the annual electricity consumption of the Monastic Community. Holy Monasteries are upgraded to «hybrid» as new technologies for high-efficiency solar parks and storage systems ensure both energy efficiency and thus cost reduction and environmental protection.

The project concerns the supply, installation, and operation of 21 autonomous PV stations with a total capacity of 2,64MW and energy storage systems (Li-on BESS) with a total capacity of approximately 5 MWh to be placed close to the building premises of 17 Holy Monasteries and to 4 accessories of 3 thereof.

The integrated intervention to the existing energy systems of Mount Athos aims to:

safeguarding the natural environment by reducing CO2 emissions from fuel oil combustion and mitigating noise pollution from the operation of power generators

reducing electricity costs by using solar energy and by shifting away from the use of liquid fuels

modernizing the functions of the Holy Monastery using new technologies and

Saving energy by applying the Energy Management System (EMS) and using high-efficiency equipment landscape.

It is underlined that this is one of the largest hybridization projects in Greece (use of renewable energy sources and energy storage) to reduce diesel consumption, given that Mount Athos is not connected to the continental distribution network.

The total consideration of the contract stands at EUR 12,844,955.40 for MYTILINEOS excluding VAT and the total duration of the project is eighteen (18) months.

16 September 2022 — MYTILINEOS and the organization «The Tipping Point» have been working together for 3 years in the context of the implementation of the experiential educational program «The Tipping Point», giving the opportunity to students from public schools in Greece and abroad to learn more about their studies or the profession they want to pursue, so that they are properly prepared for the important academic and professional decisions they will be called upon to make.

From 2019 to today — since MYTILINEOS has consistently supported the Organization — a total of 85 schools with 8,380 high school and high school students and 173 teachers, from 63 regions in Greece and abroad, have actively participated in the Program. With the active participation of 350 mentors from different disciplines and specialties, 731 online live sessions were implemented, covering topics chosen by the students, such as: digital & horizontal skills, innovation, research, psychology, modern labor market, entrepreneurship and many others.

In the context of these sessions, almost 3,000 student questions emerged and were answered through more than 450 hours of discussions with mentors. Thus, the students came into contact with the goals, needs, concerns, motivations and knowledge that will serve as important resources for their future.

The experiential change of a student, a class, a school and a society goes through actions and programs like those of «The Tipping Point» Organization, which MYTILINEOS has been proudly supporting for 3 years.

19 September 2022 — MYTILINEOS, always standing by the local community of Viotia Prefecture and in cooperation with SKEP — Association of Social Responsibility for Children and Youth, implemented the innovative educational program " Focus on the Person " in 10 schools in the region.

In particular, 11 educational programs were carried out in 10 primary and secondary education schools of the Prefecture, namely in the Municipality of Distomo, Arachova & Antikyra, informing and familiarizing 524 students with the concepts of disability and diversity.

Speakers of SKEP, executives and associates with disability, through an open informative dialogue promoting awareness with students and teachers. The dialogue promotes the notions of coexistence, empathy, solidarity, acceptance and fosters personality development, as well as, the respect for each individual’s uniqueness. The program focused on the following thematic units:

i. Understanding & acceptance of diversity.

ii. Understanding and familiarization with concepts such as: Disability, Impairments, Accessibility, Access, Inclusive Communication, Concept of the importance of inclusive attitude & culture and practical guidelines for the daily contact with people with disabilities.

Following a survey carried out by means of a specific questionnaire handed out to teachers and students in participating schools, teachers stated that students destigmatized the word disability and realized that a disabled person can be fully functional with the appropriate accessible environment. Furthermore, students stressed that they better perceive concepts such as equality and diversity, through the values of empathy.

This initiative becomes particularly important for MYTILINEOS and is implemented in the framework of strategic partnerships developed with key social actors to achieve the Global Sustainable Development Goals (Goals 10 and 17).

On 22 September 2022 MYTILINEOS through its Sustainable Engineering Solutions (SES) Business, announces that the first stage of construction for the power plant in Tobruk, Libya has been completed and already 185MW is distributed to the country’s electricity system.

The immediate solution coming with the commissioning of the facility built by MYTILINEOS is a major relief on the wider region of Tobruk, which has been going through a tough period over the recent years due to energy instability and many hours of power cuts. In fact, the Company managed to carry out the project, based on the initial timetable set, under the difficult conditions imposed internationally by the Covid-19 pandemic, without compromising employees’ health and safety.

In cooperation with the General Electricity Company of Libya (GECOL), the Company is also undertaking the implementation of the remaining construction stages, so that overall the plant has a capacity exceeding 650 MW with dual-fuel capability (gas or liquid fuel). On completion of the project, Libya will have a modern and efficient unit capable of meeting the energy needs of households and businesses.

Greece, as a Member of the European Union, has been actively involved in the reconstruction of Libya, and MYTILINEOS has been offering, right from the outset, valuable know-how in the field of energy infrastructure.

MYTILINEOS is now recognized internationally as a company that responds to demanding international markets, with significant energy needs, consistently delivering high-quality projects.

As it has already been announced, the contract value for MYTILINEOS stands at $400million.

On 27 September 2022 MYTILINEOS through its Renewables & Storage Development Business Unit (RSD) announces that the 131.35 MWp solar project «Tutly» in Uzbekistan has been successfully commissioned.

Specifically, the RSD Business Unit undertook in June of 2021 and completed, according to schedule, a turn — key contract which included the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) of the PV plant and the High Voltage Substation, for Total Eren, a leading France-based renewable Independent Power Producer (IPP). The solar farm is expected to produce 270 GWh per year, enough to supply the needs of about 140,000 people in Uzbekistan, while reducing CO2 emissions by about 160,000 tons per year.

Furthermore, the RSD Business Unit announces that the energization of the «Pampa Tigre» Project in the Antofagasta region of Chile was successfully completed. «Pampa Tigre» is a 118.4MWp solar project for Mainstream Renewable Power, one of the most successful non-conventional renewable energy companies (NCRE) in Latin America.

The project will eventually produce more than 300GWhs to the grid. This is equivalent to the electricity necessary to provide power to approximately 125.000 homes in Chile, avoiding the emission of 122,000 tons of carbon pollution to the atmosphere.

Additionally, the RSD Business Unit is strengthening its market position in Spain, by executing EPC contracts for two solar parks; Manzanares 90MW for the investment group Nexwell and Badajoz 50MW for global solar Independent Power Producer Sonnedix, respectively. The total contract amount for MYTILINEOS is app. 79 million euros. Manzanares project is already energized, whilst Badajoz has reached mechanical completion.

MYTILINEOS has a long-time presence in the Iberian country, having recently completed a 28MW solar project, which is now connected to the grid and received a Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) with the capacity to produce some 53,000 MWh of electricity per year. The project was since 2021 under an agreement with Ellomay Capital Ltd.’s subsidiary, Ellomay Solar S.L.U. («Ellomay Solar») and it included engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC). This is the second contract of MYTILINEOS with Ellomay Solar, as the Company has successfully delivered the EPC of the 300 MWp solar plant «Talasol», one of the largest mega-projects built in Europe.

MYTILINEOS takes on complex and demanding projects across the whole spectrum of solar energy in Greece and abroad. It already ranks amongst the top 10 EPC Contractors globally and passes on this unique know-how to Greece, making a substantial contribution to the national decarbonization targets.

It is reminded that the RSD Business Unit has already begun the construction of the 200 MW solar project of PPC Renewables SA in Kozani. The contract was signed in May 2021. The project includes the design, engineering works, procurement, transport, installation, and commissioning at the Western Macedonia Lignite Center, as well as the connection of the plant with two 150 kV substations. The construction duration is 18 months. On completion, this project will produce annually 352 GWh of green energy, while avoiding 178 million tons of CO2.

MYTILINEOS continues to dynamically expand in the field of solar energy projects and enrich its portfolio on all 5 continents. The total capacity of the MYTILINEOS’ RSD Business Unit’s international mature portfolio currently stands at c. 2.396 MW out of which:

i. 123 MW in operation

ii. 829 MW are under construction

iii. 444 MW are Ready To Build (RTB) or expected RTB within the next 6 months

On top of the above, the portfolio also includes a pipeline of projects in various stages of development, with a capacity of c. 3.7 GW.

Brussels, 13 October 2022:- Evangelos Mytilineos, CEO of Greek aluminium and energy company MYTILINEOS, was elected President of Eurometaux (Europe’s metals association) at the association’s General Assembly. He succeeds Mikael Staffas, CEO of Boliden, who has held this post since October 2018.

Guy Thiran, Eurometaux’s Director General, commented: «I am thrilled to welcome Evangelos Mytilineos as our new President. His rich experience in the aluminium and energy sectors makes him exceptionally well placed to lead our industry through today’s unprecedented energy crisis. At a time when Europe commits to improving its strategic autonomy for the metals and minerals required in the energy transition, it’s fitting that we will be headed by a real industrial leader with full supply chain operations from the mine to product.

Over the next two years, the association has prioritized work with European and national governments to mitigate the immense problems faced by metals producers during today’s energy crisis — which has already taken 50% of the EU’s aluminium and zinc capacity offline, and 30% for silicon. Eurometaux will also lead industry work on the EU’s upcoming Critical Raw Materials Act and its actions to mobilise investments into strategic European mining, refining, and recycling operations with high sustainability performance.

Other top priorities include the reform of Europe’s chemicals legislation (REACH), new EU due-diligence policies, Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, and the sustainable products framework.

About Eurometaux: Eurometaux is a trade association representing the collective European non-ferrous metals industry, including miners, smelters, refiners, fabricators and recyclers of the base metals, precious metals, and minor metals needed for the twin transition. In total the industry employs 500,000 people across over 900 facilities, with an annual turnover of €120bn.

Over the next two years, Eurometaux, chaired by Ev. Mytilineos, will emphasize cooperation with both the European authorities and the governments of EU Member States in order to alleviate the problems facing the metals industry, amid this unprecedented energy crisis.

Beyond the energy crisis, another important objective will be to complete the forthcoming Critical Raw Materials Act in order to encourage investment in European mining, refining, smelting, processing and recycling activities. Other top priorities will include the reform of Europe’s chemicals legislation (REACH), the new EU due diligence policies, the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) and the framework for sustainable products.

October 14, 2022 — Mytilineos Financial Partners S.A., Luxembourg subsidiary of Mytilineos S.A. (MYTILINEOS), has in issue EUR 500,000,000 2.50% senior notes due 2024 that are guaranteed by MYTILINEOS (the «Notes»). The Notes are listed and admitted to trading on the Euro MFT Market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange with ISIN XS2010038144. MYTILINEOS announces that on 11.10.2022 it has purchased Notes of nominal value of EUR2,000,000.00. The acquisition has been effected at 94.65% of the nominal value.

October 17, 2022 -The energy transition and direct electricity supply contracts from RES in connection with Europe’s energy competitiveness, security and climate targets were the main object in Re-Source 2022, held in Amsterdam. MYTILINEOS, being, as of this year, one of the ten strategic partners of the RE-Source Platform, attended the largest meeting of producers, RES-fired electricity suppliers and consumers amid a critical conjuncture in the global and European energy market. The Re-Source platform hosts the largest companies operating in the RES sector across Europe, as well as representatives of institutions at European and national level.

The focus was on the green PPAs (Power Purchase Agreements), i.e. the bilateral electricity supply agreements between RES producers and final consumers. It is a promising tool, both for achieving the targets against climate change and for developing business competitiveness in Europe, with multiple benefits: maintaining and creating jobs and affordable energy for all.

The unprecedented crisis in the energy market over the last year is forcing institutions and businesses to quickly shift to a new reality that does not deviate from the European Green Deal goals; at the same time, however, it will be possible to make a positive contribution to the European industry competitiveness at a global level.

This critical situation calls for decisive measures to tackle the problem at its root and to grant real incentives to companies to invest in RES projects in the long term — effectively making the energy transition a reality. Once adopted at European level, proposals such as the Green Pool can unlock a huge potential in the market, combining the rapid penetration of significant new RES power with the greening of energy-intensive industry.

The innovative scheme communicated by the Greek government to the Commission will help the entire energy-intensive industry take a significant risk by directly financing new RES plants, while-through an open tendering process- optimizing and partially compensating for the costs arising from the need to adapt the stochastic nature of RES to the industry’s consumption profile.

The investment attractiveness of PPAs depends on many complex factors. Direct sales contracts for RES portfolio production are, by definition, long-term, and therefore require: 1) a stable regulatory framework aimed at creating confidence among investors and buyers, and 2) an aligned European architecture ensuring access to competitive power. The importance of cross-border PPAs was mentioned in the panel discussion with the participation of the European Commission, Nikos Bitsios, head of MYTILINEOS office in Brussels.

At the same time, the imposition of a cap on RES-derived electricity prices and the unregulated landscape of interventions in the national markets that currently prevails in Member States effectively «freezes» any thinking of long-term PPAs, constituting a key instrument for financing new RES.

A strong presence against the backdrop of the following day

The conference was attended by over a thousand participants from companies representing the largest electricity consumers, producers, investment funds and the entire supply chain — see DRAX, DLA Piper, AXPO, ECOHZ, ENEL, ENGIE, AMAZON, IBERDOLA, PEXAPARK AG, SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC, SHELL ENERGY, TOTAL ENERGY, UMICORE, STATKRAFT, SOLARCLOFT, RESOLV Energy, s.r.o., ATLAS COPCO and many others. The presence of institutional and financial players from the European Commission, the European Investment Bank and many European industry and consumer organizations was impressive.

The Re-Source conference took place in Amsterdam on 6-7 October 2022. You can find further information about the conference, activities, and speakers here.

20 October 2022 — In the midst of a difficult time for Europe and the whole world, reducing energy costs is now becoming a necessity. Especially old buildings and unsustainable building installations often significantly increase electricity bills. However, energy upgrading is an important factor in reducing the energy consumption of buildings, reducing emissions and bills. For this reason, it is becoming necessary to renovate and shied European Union buildings, while strengthening Europe’s resilience.

Protergia, MYTILINEOS Electricity and Natural gas provider, the largest private energy supplier, continues to play a leading role in this sector, as it is constantly working on new services to reduce energy costs.

Through the European Union’s core funding framework for Research and Innovation «HORIZON ΕUROPE», Protergia participates in two projects that will enable its customers to try new digital energy upgrade services:

CΗRONICLE: It concerns the digitization of the energy performance of buildings through the creation of a dynamic building data platform in order to provide value-added services in the future. Specifically, the project aims to create a comprehensive framework for the assessment of the life cycle of buildings from an energy perspective and the creation of a «digital toolkit» that will contribute to the design of innovative energy upgrade solutions of the building sector with a view to sustainable development and the reduction of the carbon footprint.

EBENTO: It concerns the optimization of the energy upgrade of buildings through the creation of digital technological tools that will allow easy, fast and effective implementation of energy upgrades of buildings. Through these tools, public and private institutions, as well as citizens, will be able to identify appropriate improvements for the energy performance of their buildings, distribute more effectively their investment funds and reduce their overall consumption with the support of energy service companies.

These projects are added to the existing 5 research and innovation projects that are running and are developing smart energy solutions for Protergia, which is evolving into an integrated energy provider — Energy Utility of The Future — that provides modern and reliable services and competitive products to its customers.

Protergia is already offering the Sun Save service, with the aim of utilizing the energy of the sun for economy and greater energy autonomy. With this innovative service based on self-consumption — with the installation of a PV and battery — significant savings in electricity costs are achieved, due to the flexibility provided by energy production and storage systems.

On 31 October 2022 MYTILINEOS SA (hereinafter the «Company») announces that the merger by absorption of the Company’s wholly-owned subsidiary under the business names «ELECTRICITY TRANSMISSION PROJECTS LIMITED» from the Company, in accordance with the provisions of Codified Law 4601/2019 and Codified Law 4172/2013, with transformation balance sheet as of 31.12.2021, was approved by decision no. 27044ΑΠ/26.10.2022 of the Division for Corporations Head, General Division for the Market, General Secretariat of Trade & Consumer Protection of the Ministry for Development and Investments, which was registered with the General Commercial Register under Entry ID Number 3150529 on 26.10.2022.

On 2 November 2022 MYTILINEOS‘ Metallurgy Business Unit (Aluminium of Greece and Delfi Distomon) has been certified by the Aluminium Stewardship Initiative (ASI) for the Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard. This is the second ASI Certification for MYTILINEOS, as the Company achieved Performance Standard Certification in October 2021.

MYTILINEOS has been established as one of the strongest international players in the Metallurgy sector. The Company owns the largest vertically integrated bauxite, alumina and aluminium production and trading unit in the European Union and combined with highly competitive production costs worldwide, it maintains its comparative advantage over global competition. Currently, the Metallurgy Business Unit employs directly nearly 1.200 people and has a consolidated turnover of app. €700 m. which represents 14.8% of the Company’s total turnover (Q3 2022).

The sustainable and yet dynamic growth of the Metallurgy Business Unit was recently acknowledged by Eurometaux (Europe’s metals association), as its members elected Chairman & CEO Evangelos Mytilineos, President of the union. This was the first time that a Greek company, takes on the Presidency of this critical European industry.

ASI is a global, multi-stakeholder, non-profit standards setting and certification organization, that has developed an independent certification program to ensure that the principles of Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Governance and Human Rights are increasingly integrated into the production, use and recycling of aluminium. Major global aluminium / alumina producers, such as Rio Tinto, Alcoa Hydrο and Rusal, have joined this initiative and have been certified with a commitment to maximize the contribution of aluminium to a sustainable society.

On 8 November 2022 MYTILINEOS through its Renewables & Storage Development Business Unit (RSD) announces a new storage portfolio of 367.5MW for long time business partner Gresham House in the United Kingdom.

Specifically, the portfolio involves the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS), and it is consisted of 7 new projects:

Project Name MW
Stairfoot 40
York 50
Elland 50
Elland 2 100
Wilsden 87
Cleatow 11,2
Glassenbury 29,3
Total: 367,5

The projects are in different stages of implementation, while they are expected to reach Commercial Operation Date (COD) gradually by the end of 2023.

BESS systems support increased penetration and optimization of the operation of renewables into the energy mix, providing ancillary services necessary to ensure the reliability and stability of the grid. They are widely considered as an integral part towards a successful energy transition.

The total contract price for MYTILINEOS will reach the amount of € 250.000.000.

With the completion of those projects, MYTILINEOS’ RSD Business Unit will have successfully constructed and commissioned in United Kingdom over 710 MW of BESS projects with more than 1.15 GWh of lithium batteries, Furthermore, the Company has in development 707 MW of BESS across Italy, Spain and Australia and the target is to further expand by reaching 1.7 GW, positioning itself as one of the leading providers for utility scale battery energy storage systems in Europe.

Alongside these storage projects, the RSD Business Unit has signed engineering, procurement, and construction (EPC) contracts for leading global solar developer Lightsource BP for two UK solar parks whose contract price is over € 35,000,000 in total.; Northfield and Street Field 50MW that has already reached commercial operation and Tiln 61.5MW -Lightsource BP’s largest solar farm in the country — that is expected to be energized by the second half of 2023.

MYTILINEOS has a long-term relationship with Lightsource BP in United Kingdom, having provided EPC services in 22 different projects with overall capacity of more than 310 MW.

On 10 November 2022 MYTILINEOS consistently stands out every year for its Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development initiatives, proving in practice the high level of its actions and their impact on the societies in which it operates.

For the first time, the Company participated in the Manufacturing Excellence Awards 2022, receiving two high distinctions. Specifically, MYTILINEOS received:

GOLD Award: MYTILINEOS ESG Performance [Section: Investments and Strategy, CATEGORY: ESG Strategy (Environment, Society, Governance)]

GOLD Award: Preventive maintenance solution for manufacturing industry (Section: Innovation and new technologies, Category: Smart Factory)

The Manufacturing Excellence Awards highlight and reward business actions and projects for strong resilience and timely adaptability to new conditions of production, distribution and communication, digital and green transformation, human resource development and their contribution to the development of the national economy. In addition, they reward the excellence of companies in the country’s wider industrial sector as well as companies that offer solutions for industry.

The recognition of MYTILINEOS’ Corporate Responsibility and Sustainable Development initiatives is a confirmation of the Company’s long-term strategy to create value for all its Social Partners, contributing to the Global Sustainable Development Goals and the corresponding national priorities. These distinctions demonstrate the consistency and high level of expertise of MYTILINEOS, as well as the pioneering initiatives it undertakes in line with Sustainable Development.

The awards were presented at a special ceremony on Tuesday, November 1, 2022, in the presence of institutional representatives and company executives.

On 14 November 2022 MYTILINEOS received international recognition for the quality of operation of the Internal Audit — the third pillar of corporate governance — from the IFACI certification body, which certified the level of proficiency of the Internal Audit Division, according to IFACI /ISO-17065.

MYTILINEOS is the first company in Greece to obtain this international certification for the compliance of Internal Audit function with the requirements of the International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) of the Global Institute of Internal Auditors.

The Internal Audit Division of MYTILINEOS is an independent, objective, assurance, and advisory activity, designed to add value, improve the Company’s operations, and support the achievement of its strategic objectives. Its experienced team follow a systematic and professional approach to assessing and improving the effectiveness of risk management processes, internal control systems and corporate governance.

This recognition confirms that MYTILINEOS follows the best international practices in this field, addressing the respective requirements of the supervisory authorities. It is noted, that the same certification has been awarded to major international companies such as EDF, TOTAL, CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission).

The IFACI certification body has been officially recognized by the International Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and the European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditors (ECIIA), while the IFACI certification provides a seal of approval, which is widely accepted for the assurance it provides to the internal control processes of large companies.

24 November 2022 — Aspra Spitia Paralias Distomou were officially celebrated as Greece’s first «Smart City», during a large event with guests and stakeholders, political representatives, local government officials and residents. This pilot community, inhabited for more than 50 years by the employees of the historic plant «Aluminium of Greece», of the Company’s Metallurgy Business Unit, is now an energy-self-sufficient, affordable and why not... ‘smart’ city, powered by MYTILINEOS!

But what defines a «smart» city? It is a city that lives and breathes through its people, while giving priority to technological upgrading. The new MYTILINEOS Smart Cities platform envisages an energetic community with additional digital innovations aimed at improving living standards, enhancing performance, optimizing the use of resources and actively engaging citizens.

MYTILINEOS Smart Cities platform was presented on Wednesday 23 November at the new upgraded Aspra Spitia by the Company’s Chairman & CEO, Evangelos Mytilineos: «Our vision is not simply to make our cities smarter but also to render them friendlier, ‘greener’ and sustainable. At the same time, we hope to improve the daily lives of citizens and residents easier, at a crucial time for our societies,» he said.

The Smart Cities platform will include — inter alia — the following services and applications:

i. Flexible services for energy management

ii. Smart water management

iii. Smart water management

iv. High functionality in public spaces (devices charging sites, 5G/Wi-Fi Internet access, audio systems for citizens direct communication with public services, weather information, access to lighting possibilities)

v. Traffic management through smart traffic applications

vi. Leveraging of 5G capabilities

vii. Central control systems immediately providing information to resolve any issues within a short period of time even by remote management

viii. The services and applications for households will include:

ix. ‘Smart’ and ‘green’ devices such as digital energy and water meters, inverter, photovoltaic panels, batteries

x. Electric vehicle (EV) fast charging stations

xi.Possibility for residents to produce and control consumption (prosumers)

MYTILINEOS’ Smart Cities platform is being developed as part of the Company’s transformation into an energy utility,provider that offers not only one-dimensional services, but a range of applications and services which will define the energy services of the future. Closing the event, Vivian Bouzali, General Manager of Communications & Strategic Marketing described the platform as a «new world with endless possibilities, from digitization to artificial intelligence, always respecting individuality and the rights of each citizen, with innovative new tools and services’’. MYTILINEOS, with its distinctive hallmark of quality, leads the way of the energy transition towards a friendlier and ‘greener’ reality, creating the society of the future, in the service of the modern-day citizen.

1st December 2022 — The two-year cycle of the social program, «#HoMellon» by MYTILINEOS, was completed in cooperation with the Social Enterprise knowl. The program’s main purpose was to help reintegrate into the labor market, citizens who were housed in long/short-term homelessness structures or were living in precarious conditions.

A total of 50 individuals participated during the implementation of the two-cycle program. The challenge of it was the combination of: (a) customized education and the development of professional and other skills, (b) improvement of their self-confidence and optimism, and © linking to the labor market, in order to assert and maintain a place in the labor market.

The results justify MYTILINEOS’ initiative, since 29 of the 50 participants in the program have already found a job, and 7 of them are now living in their own homes.

Upon completion of the program, MYTILINEOS identified and analyzed its social value through the methodology Social Return On Investment (SROI)[1]. The Company applies this methodology in the significant social programs it implements, constituting an innovation and a pioneering method in the field of industry.

According to this analysis, the total investment for the #HoMellon program generated a social value of € 222,224, with SROI index equal to 3.32:1.

Specifically, for every € 1 invested in this program, €3.32 of social value were retributed, highlighting the program’s social and economic value for both the beneficiaries and the community.

According to the analysis, the significant positive social impact and main changes experienced by the direct beneficiaries were the following: finding a job, which led to an increase in personal income, a strengthening of their skills in dealing with difficult situations, an increase in their resilience and, overall, a better psychological state. In addition, the program has generated multiple benefits not only for the main beneficiaries, but also for each party involved in its implementation. Research shows that continued training, education, and empowerment is an effective solution to support homelessness.

The «HoMellon» program is a part of the Responsible Entrepreneurship actions by MYTILINEOS implemented to «Reduce Inequalities», one of the six main directions it has endorsed in the context of contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.

[1] SROI: It calculates the social-economic value produced by a program or action. It tells the story of the «Theory of change» brought about by the activity to every stakeholder involved, by way of measuring social, environmental and economic results, and using monetary values to assess them.

On 9 December 2022 MYTILINEOS participated for another year as an Exhibitor and Sponsor at ENLIT EUROPE 2022, which took place 29/11 — 01/12 at the MESSE FRANKFURT Exhibition Center.

Enlit Europe, formerly known as the European Week of Utility & Power-Gen, has established itself as the most important event in the European energy sector. The exhibition presents the latest technological developments in terms of equipment and services. The event is a pole of attraction for the most important manufacturers as well as a meeting point for senior executives active in the field. In addition, Enlit Europe attracts the interest of internationally renowned experts and scientists, with a research focus on energy-related topics.

MYTILINEOS was present with executives from the Sustainable Engineering Solutions department, the Business Innovation & Digital Transformation & IT CoE (Central Function) department as well as the Business Development department (Power & Gas BU — Retail).

During the three days of the exhibition, the latest developments in the energy sector were at full display. The team of MYTILINEOS had the opportunity to showcase the company’s wide range of activities and projects while attracting and informing potential customers / partners about new activities (i.e., Smart Cities, e-mobility, new technologies). They also liaised with providers of technological solutions within the sector of smart energy services and operating systems to explore potential areas of cooperation.

On December 12, 2022 MYTILINEOS joins the top global industry leaders in sustainability and environmental performance. For the first time, MYTILINEOS will be included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices, an international benchmark index for the performance of companies in sustainability matters, as a member of the DJSI Emerging Markets index (effective as of 19 December 2022). The participation of MYTILINEOS in the index, following its inclusion in MSCI GREECE earlier this year, is expected to significantly increase the Company’s awareness amongst ESG — focused investment funds.

The Company’s significant improvement in sustainability performance this year resulted in the fulfillment of the strict conditions set by the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices. MYTILINEOS received the maximum score (100/100) in almost 1/3 of the evaluated indicators and, thus, succeeded to be ranked in the top 10% of its sector peers; a distinction shared with global giants such as Enel and Hindalco operating in emerging markets. Thus, MYTILINEOS is the only Greek company, joining a limited group of just 111 companies from all over the world, in this year’s DJSI Emerging Markets index.

The implementation of MYTILINEOS Sustainable Development strategy, focuses on meeting the Global Sustainable Development Goals through the following strategic priorities:

1) Addressing climate change (MYTILINEOS became the first industry in Greece which committed to the significant reduction of carbon emissions by 2030 and decarbonisation by 2050)

2) Ensuring safe & productive employment

3) Minimizing the Environmental Footprint

4) Increasing Social Impact

5) Supporting innovation and sustainable industrialization and

6) Championing prevention and precaution across its operations

On December 13, 2022 MYTILINEOS SA («MYTILINEOS») and Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited through its subsidiaries (collectively, «Fairfax») are stepping up their relationship through the increase of the stake that Fairfax holds in the share capital of MYTILINEOS, with Fairfax agreeing to increase its investment in MYTILINEOS by an additional amount of €50M, plus a potential for a further €50M, in light of MYTILINEOS strong performance and outstanding growth prospects.

The parties have entered into an agreement for the sale and purchase of 2,702,703 of MYTILINEOS’ treasury shares, at a price of €18.5 per share for a total value of €50M. As a result of this first phase of the agreement, the 2,702,703 shares are expected to be transferred to Fairfax on or before January 9, 2023. Upon completion of this share purchase, Fairfax will become the second largest shareholder in MYTILINEOS and will hold 6,688,047 shares of MYTILINEOS, representing approximately 4.68% of the outstanding shares of MYTILINEOS.

Together with the transfer of the shares, the parties will also enter into an €50M exchangeable bond whereby Fairfax will have a two (2) year option to acquire a further 2.5M of MYTILINEOS’ treasury shares at a price of €20 per share.

Fairfax’s Chairman and CEO, Mr. Prem Watsa made the following statement: «We are thrilled to increase Fairfax’s investment in MYTILINEOS. The company has an excellent track record, and we look forward to working with Evangelos Mytilineos and his team in growing their business over the long-term.»

14 December 2022 — Another historic milestone for MYTILINEOS is set today with the announcement of the new transformation of the Company.

MYTILINEOS presented its new strategy for value creation and continuous growth. Chairman & CEO Ev. Mytilineos, welcomed all to a new era for MYTILINEOS, based on the global trends of energy transition and digital transformation and focused on sustainable development and circular economy.

With this new transformation «MYTILINEOS —Energy & Metals» is being created. An even more dynamic and flexible company, ready to face current and future challenges. Moreover, today’s announcement follows the successful transformation made by the Company in 2017, managing to create a large Greek industrial and energy multinational company, which more than doubled its size, expanded its activities in all five continents and improved its credit rating.

Through this new transformation, the Company seeks to create:

A new organizational structure adapted to this current environment and the new scale of the Company, supporting in that way its further development while providing the investment community with a direct understanding of MYTILINEOS’ activities.

A functional model that further favors i) internal synergies, ii) effective decisionmaking and iii) effective internal communication, for a progressive decentralization of management decisions.

Acknowledgement and further increase of its actual market capitalization, while targeting investment grade rating for its lending.

Focus on the development of Human Resources, for meritocratic advancement, with a clear value proposition.

Further development in activities where opportunities arise (e.g., Infrastructure & Concessions in Greece, new technologies, new international markets).

The new corporate transformation upgrades MYTILINEOS’ position in the field of infrastructure with the creation of two new subsidiaries that will be strategically positioned to properly exploit opportunities both in Greece and internationally. Specifically, the following companies are created:

ΜΕΤΚΑ ΑΤΕ specializing in the field of construction (general contracting) led by: President — Ev. Chrysafis and CEO — D. Benroubi

Μ Concessions which will be the investment arm in concessions and PPPs projects in Greece and abroad., led by: President — El. Karaindros and CEΟ — P. Gardelinos

MYTILINEOS’ new corporate structure covers two business Sectors

Energy Sector, led by: I. Kalafatas — Chief Executive Director, Energy.

Metallurgy Sector, led by: D. Stefanidis — Chief Executive Director, Metallurgy.

With these changes, MYTILINEOS is strategically placed at the forefront of the energy transition as a leading and integrated green utility, with an international presence, while establishing itself as a reference point of «green» metallurgy in the European landscape.

MYTILINEOS’ structural transformation aims at the Company’s growth and the improvement of the competitiveness of all its activities at an international level. At the same time, it facilitates the achievement of the targets set regarding Net Zero, for 2030 and 2050, through actions to reduce energy consumption, increase the supply of energy from RES, as well as increase recycling and utilization of residues of the production process, in the context of the circular economy.

Alongside the changes in the organizational structure, this transformation also modernizes the Corporate Governance at executive level, so as the Company’s objectives are achieved more effectively.

Today’s Executive Committee is being replaced with the Cabinet of the CEO. This body aims at the Company’s optimal management and governance at the highest level of leadership with the aim of rapid and effective decision-making.

Under the chairmanship of the CEO, the following will systematically participate in the Cabinet of the CEO:

Chrysafis as Vice Chairman of the BoD and Executive Director for Regulatory and Corporate Strategic Issues related to Energy and Infrastructure activities

Ι. Kalafatas as Chief Executive Director, Energy​

Stefanidis as Chief Executive Director, Metallurgy

Gavalas as Chief Treasury & IR Officer and soon to be an Executive Member of the Board of Directors

Karaindros as Chief Strategy and M&A Officer

Kontogianni as Chief Financial Officer

Bouzali as Chief Corporate Affairs & Communication Officer

Fideli as Chief People Officer

Benroubi as CEO of METKA ΑΤΕ

Cabinet of the CEO will be complemented by the systematic participation of the Chief of Staff with main mission, the operation of the organization for a smooth and progressive decentralization of decision-making.

At the same time, the new Chief of Staff will supervise selected central functions, such as: ​

Legal, Contracts & Compliance led by P. Selekos — Executive Director, Legal, Contracts & Compliance

Corporate Governance & Sustainable Development led by D. Papadopoulos — Executive Director, Corporate Governance & Sustainable Development

European Affairs & Regulatory Advocacy led by N. Keramidas — Director, European Affairs & Regulatory Advocacy

ΙT & Digital led by K. Fatolas — Director, IT & Digital

Environment & Permitting led by Ev. Baltas — Director

Finally, the Administration & CEO’s Office position is being created, undertaken by F. Spyrakos — Chief Administration Officer, CEO’s Office, referring to the CEO.

IR, led by D. Katralis — Head of IR, will now be subordinate to the Treasury & IR directorate.

In addition to the Cabinet of the CEO, a new management innovation is introduced; the Leadership Council of 35 senior executives, whose goal is to disseminate information, knowledge, and experience at all levels of the hierarchy, hoping to be an incubator of executives from which the future leadership team of the Company will emerge.

The new organization will start to be implemented at the beginning of the new year and its implementation will be completed, after the new companies will be fully and legally licensed.

On 19 December 2022 — GE Gas Power and MYTILINEOS, today announced they have secured an order from the Electricity Supply Board of Ireland (ESB) for the construction of a new natural gas-fired power plant in Dublin, within ESB’s existing North Wall Power Plant.

The new temporary reserve power plant will be powered by 6 GE LM2500XPRESS gas turbines delivering a combined capacity of up to approximately 200 megawatts (MW) to help meet the electricity demand and help ensure stability of electricity supply in Ireland. Under the terms of the agreement, GE and MYTILINEOS will work together for the construction, and Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the plant.

The temporary reserve power plant installed in Dublin will have natural gas fuel capability and can operate on blends of hydrogen fuel in the future with relatively small modifications to further reduce carbon emissions and lead to lower-emitting footprint for the plant. The Dry Low Emissions (DLE) combustor configuration allows up to 35-50% by volume of hydrogen when blended with natural gas.

The additional temporary emergency generation will not be available to the open electricity marketplace; instead, it will only be operated in in the case of shortage of capacity, reaching power plant full production capacity in just minutes.

MYTILINEOS is internationally recognized as a leading constructor of large-scale energy projects, with long experience in demanding markets, with significant energy needs. Recently it completed the construction of MYTILINEOS’ own new natural gas-fired combined cycle power plant (CCGT), again utilizing the most modern H-Class GE technology. The new plant, when it completes its trial operation period, is expected to contribute decisively to the country’s energy shielding.

On 22 December 2022 MYTILINEOS S.A. has reached financial close with lenders ANZ and Westpac on the non-recourse portfolio financing of the Moura, Wyalong and Kingaroy Solar Farms located in Australia.

This 237 MWp portfolio was progressively acquired over 2019 and 2020 as part of MYTILINEOS’ strategic investment into the Australian market, one of the most demanding and competitive markets in the world, where access to clean energy is still in demand for many large companies. Specifically, it is comprised of the 110MWp Moura Solar Farm in Banana Shire, Queensland, the 75 MWp Wyalong Solar Farm in Bland Shire, New South Wales, and the 53MWp Kingaroy Solar Farm. Once constructed, these solar parks will produce green energy of almost 500 GWh annually, to power Australia’s electricity system, reducing approximately 400,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year.

The majority of the power and Large-Scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) produced by the three projects are sold under respective 7- to 10-year «Green» Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) with several offtakers: Moura has a PPA with CS Energy, the Queensland government-owned utility; Wyalong has a PPA with NBN Co, the Australian Government owned national broadband wholesaler, and Kingaroy has a PPA with Smartest Energy, the Marubeni-owned electricity retailer.

The projects are at different stages of construction:

Moura is fully constructed and undergoing holdpoint testing;

Wyalong is substantially progressed through construction and expected to complete in H1 2023; and

Kingaroy has begun construction with main works expected to be carried out over 2023.

A subsidiary of MYTILINEOS is acting as EPC contractor and will be the O&M contractor for all the projects.

The financing is structured as a combination of term facility, construction facility and ancillary facilities totaling AUD234m.

Linklaters Allens acted as borrower counsel, White & Case as lender counsel, Vector Renewables as technical advisor, Baringa as market advisor, Aurora Energy Research as MLF/curtailment advisor, Willis Towers Watson as insurance advisor and Ernst & Young as tax advisor and model auditor.

This is MYTILINEOS’ second project financing in Australia, and its second project financing of solar PV projects internationally.

MYTILINEOS continues to develop its solar pipeline in the country that will enable additional projects to be financed and constructed in 2023 and beyond, further consolidating its position in the wider Australian and Pacific market.

On 23 December 2022 PPC S.A. announces that its subsidiary PPC Renewables S.A. (PPCR) has signed an in principle agreement with MYTILINEOS for the development, construction and sale of a solar power portfolio of about 210 MW in Romania.

The agreement is subject to further reviews and approvals according to the two companies’ Articles of Incorporation.

The portfolio consists of two PV parks, which are expected to be in commercial operation during 2024. Both projects have been developed by MYTILINEOS, who will also undertake the construction.

The portfolio consists of two PV parks, which are expected to be in commercial operation during 2024. Both projects have been developed by MYTILINEOS, who will also undertake the construction.

Said projects are located in the South Region of Romania, close to Bucharest. Specifically, the largest one called Kinisis, is a 130 MW Ready to Build PV park with the construction scheduled to start at the beginning of 2023. The remaining 80MW will be Ready to build by Q1 2023.